Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 142 - Clarity Part 2

* NEFFEX - Primal *

Just as the girl was about to release her massive aura abruptly with the intent of destroying everything around her, a voice called out in her head.

The voice was soft, affectionate, and tender, but most importantly, it was familiar: "Lizzy, please… don't lose control! Don't lose yourself once again."

"Who is this?!" The girl yelled, feeling her surroundings change into utter darkness. From within the blindness, a single figure shone brightly.

"Please, don't give up like I did before. You were given a chance… a chance to correct my mistakes," the figure said with a smile.

"Who are you? ANSWER ME!!" She yelled. At that, the figure started to get closer to her.

With every step, the figure's features started to get clearer. Eventually, the figure was close enough to touch her steel cold hands.

"I was hoping you'd recognise my voice… my name is Elizabeth. I've been called by other names too such as Lizzy or Liz by my brother, Sammy, and my lover, Liam.

"Do you not recognise these names? Do you not recognise me? Do you not recognise yourself?" Lizzy asked with a pitiful smile.

With every word she spoke, and with every question she asked, the dark dress covering the girl's body became brighter and brighter.

Eventually, it turned into sparkling particles of brilliant light and dissolved under Lizzy's sincere smile that was clearing out the darkness all around them.

Not giving a chance for the girl's body to be fully exposed, Lizzy wrapped her arms around her. "You're ok now, you're alright… everything will be alright…" Lizzy tried to reassure her other self while patting her head. 

Her body was extremely cold that she could observe her breath with every word she spoke.

"Is that how you felt? When Sammy died?" The naked girl asked as the darkness surrounding her tried to wrap around her body again.

"Is that what you said to yourself when Liam was killed in front of you? Did you say that everything was going to be alright?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hearing that, Lizzy shook her head as warm tears leaked out. "No… I was stupid enough to despair… I gave up to the cruelty of this world-"

"Exactly," the girl said, the darkness was slowly covering her again. "And look how that ended up for you, for me… you have created a monster." A predatory smile appeared on the girl's face as the blindingly dark dress was fully restored.

Unable to withstand the corruption eruption from her, Lizzy backed away.

"You created me, you brought me to life in order to kill myself over and over again, but to no avail. You've created a monster that can't die. Is that what you wished for when you killed yourself?" The girl yelled.

"No! Listen, don't do that! I know what you're feeling right now, trust me, I've been there… we've been there… we're the same person, after all. Please don't do that to us!" Lizzy yelled. "Don't make the same mistake twice!"

"Don't do that to us????" The girl yelled, outraged. "And who the f*CK are you to tell me what to do? It was by your actions that we got to this point, that I was created to suffer in your stead!" Hatred and disgust clouded her eyes.

Suddenly, whatever was left of the light emitted by Lizzy was extinguished, as darkness took its place.

"However, I am thankful to you for reminding me of your stupidity." The girl in the dress chuckled coldly. "Now, I have an objective in mind. 

"Now, I can take revenge on those who have destroyed your life, and forced you to create me.

"Those who caused the death of your loved ones, and thus the death of you… they shall suffer!

"If I am the reincarnation of your mistakes, caused by their actions, then I must become the judge for these actions!" She said with a chilly smile, her eyes seemingly shining with a darkened light.

"And I've already decided their sentence!" She chuckled as her surroundings dissolved into darkness.

Everything had become clear in her mind as nothing was hidden anymore.

Opening her eyes, she realised that she was back near the port. The man in the white suit was crying in a kneeling position on the ground while the boy was just staring at her, looking almost bored.

"Tch, you both are extremely annoying. You're so disgusting to look at." She said with a snarl.

The boy kept his expressionless face while the man tried to hug her legs, only to be kicked hard enough for his skull to shatter into a thousand pieces.

Moments later, dark liquid assimilated the missing pieces, only to show the man's ecstatic expression.

"Don't you dare touch me again, am I making myself clear?" The girl in the dress said.

"Ah, yes, My Lady, Ruler of the Heavens, Destroyer of the-" before he could finish, a small sphere of darkness exploded in front of his face, scattering his pieces everywhere.

"Did you get an awakening?" The boy, Ian, ignored what was happening and asked calmly. 

"Is that what you call it? Sure." She answered passively while swirling around some dark energy in the air.

"So I'm assuming you have an objective now? One that isn't as mindless as killing yourself?"

The girl wasn't happy about the way the boy talked to her, but she knew she couldn't harm him so she let it slide for now. But nonetheless, she chose to ignore him.

Condensing the dark energy into a thick muddy liquid, she threw it on the ground and watched as it started to take form.

Moments after, a giant shadowy figure was kneeling in front of her. "My Lady…" the figure managed to say in a deep voice.

"My slave," she smiled. "Go to the city and wreak havoc! Find any beating heart, and make it stop!" She simply ordered. 

Without much of a word in return, the giant stood up and strolled into the city.

Seeing the dark aura swirl around it made the girl happy. 'But this isn't enough…'

Opening her palm and raising her hand up in the air, she gathered the surrounding dark energy and black liquid together.

The process took about a minute, but by the time she was done, a huge sphere of blackness was spinning in the air.

With a flex of her hand, the sphere hit the ground. Out of it, an army of dark giants was born. "Destroy the city! Kill all that lives, and destroy all that stands, my slaves!" She said with a cold expression.

"I thought you said you had a different objective…" the boy tilted his head. 

"Ah, I do. Ignorant kid." She muttered while closing her eyes.

Closing her eyes, she started releasing her aura. Manipulating the dark energy, she created a black mirror that started floating in the air, just in front of her.

"O' power of darkness, show me what my eyes had seen, make me feel what my heart had felt, and lead me to my adversary."

Suddenly, the dark energy started swirling inside the mirror. Almost as if it was alive, it shot outwards quickly and swallowed the girl's body.

Short moments passed before the energy was absorbed by the girl's dress. Although she was smiling coldly, tears of black ran down her eyes. Those too, however, didn't last for more than a few seconds before being absorbed.

Looking around her in the distance, she clicked her tongue. 'They're not close by, but they're still on this planet,' she muttered to herself.

Inside the mirror, while she was exposed to her previous memories, she saw two types of auras attacking Liam, killing him on the spot.

While she didn't feel anything towards the fact that he and Sammy were dead, she knew that she had to punish the people responsible. That was the goal she had set for herself, after all.

'I can feel the faint presence of someone that is connected to one of the auras…' her mouth curved into a predatory smile, seconds before she launched herself into the direction of the city.

A sonic explosion echoed in her wake. Buildings were shattered, grounds was cracked, and lives were stolen.


"Raven!" Aella yelled in the girl's ear while hugging her.

"I can hear you alright, no need for yelling, you know," Raven complained. 

"Is that so? Have you been ignoring me for the past five minutes?" Aella tilted her head. "I was calling for you, poking your cheeks, and even rubbing your hair, but you just seemed so out of it… Are you alright?

"Is it the food? Do you want more? I can manage that!" She said with a smile. "Or is it the brightness of the lanterns and the way the water reflects their light? I can dispose of them if they're bothering you."

"Haha, no it's alright," Raven forced a smile before adopting a serious expression while clutching Kayla's hand. "it's just that my heart is telling me that something isn't right…" She said with a heavy sigh.

"Uhm, I've noticed that you were staring at the distance for a while now, do you miss home?" Kayla asked softly.

"I guess so…" Raven smiled at Kayla. "Well, to be fair, I miss my mom and Maya… it feels as though I haven't seen them in a long while, even though I've only been here for what, two days now?" She sighed.

"Joey just told me that my mom had called in the morning, when I was asleep. When we tried to call her back now she didn't answer… I know it's wrong, but I can't help but worry…"

"Hm I see, we can go back home if you want," Kayla suggested. "There's no use for us sitting here if you're not enjoying yourself. 

"The whole trip would take about an hour going back and forth, considering you decided to fly at sonic speed both ways. You'd be here before-"

"It's alright," Raven interrupted her while patting her head. "This is your first time going out to a festival, or experiencing food like this, *sigh* I'll visit home first thing tomorrow morning, but for now, let's try to relax ok?"

"Weren't you the reason we're having this conversation to start with?" Kayla pouted and Raven chuckled. "How are you telling me to relax?"

"You guys are so cute, yet so hard to understand…" Aella sighed while going to grab another pack of ice-cream. "Do you want anything, food, drinks, or toys?" She asked.

"I'm good thank you," Raven smiled.

"Hehe, sure I'll take another ice-cream cone!" Kayla chuckled as she has recently become a fan of ice-cream.

"Ok, give me a second I'll be back!" Aella waved at them.

Looking into the distance again with eyes full of worry was Raven.

'Uhm, I'll visit tomorrow first thing in the morning,' she thought to herself while clenching her fists.. Something in her heart was burning hot in concern, and she didn't know what to do about it.

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