Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 168 - Elite Instructors Part 2

"Hello class," Scott greeted everyone officially. "As most of you should know by now, my name is Scott Harris, and I am the Deputy General of the Canadian EDA Division.

"To my right, you have my assistant Mr. Adam Han, Flame Master Mage also called Mr. James Oliver, Battle Mage Ms. Camilla Rogers, and finally Mr. Axth from planet Malaian.

"To my left, you have Ms. Ramira Sato, who also happens to be the Deputy General of the Japanese EDA Division." At that, she waved innocently at the clueless kids in front of her. 

Adam felt a knot tightening around his stomach from her acting since he knew what real monster she was.

"Next to her, you have Ms. Hinata Amaka, also known as the Spirit Puppeteer, she's a Japanese ranker as well." Scotts said while pointing at the cute girl in the white nursing outfit who had a rather calming smile on her face. "It's important to note that not all of them will be your teachers.

"For now, they'll only be here to officially give you your first practical test. This may not seem fair to many as we're not all fighters here, but we have to have a way of giving each of you a role so that we can assign the leadership.

"You don't have to worry much about the test, just do your best. If it happens that you're not happy about the score you get, you'll get a chance at a redo.

"Starting tomorrow, Ms. Camilla will be responsible for teaching the magic classes, Ms. Ramira will be responsible for the weapon mastery classes, while Ms. Hinata will be responsible for the melee combat training.

"We'll start with the theory portion and the purpose of this class pretty soon. We're just waiting for-" just as he was about to say some more students, the door was flung open.

"We're here!" A dark haired boy shouted as soon as he set foot in the hall. Raven instantly recognised him to be the kid that was causing some trouble when she was about to take her Rank test.

Walking after him, came a red haired boy that seemed rather annoyed that he had to be here, if anything. Seeing that, Ramira frowned.

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"Mr. Hans, Mr. Major, please take your seats." Scott said. 

Giving a moment for the students to chat and take a breather, Scott directed his attention towards Ramira who was slowly releasing her suppressive aura. 

"Ramira, you'll get to have your share of fun, but remember that some are still young and our purpose is to educate them and pass on our experience above all, not to break them." He scolded the Japanese Deputy General as she scoffed and looked away, annoyed.

"Alright, as some of you already know, you are here because you were chosen by the EDA Divisions of your own respective countries. 

"This Elite Class is one out of three around the globe. Aside from this one for North America, we have two others, one for Europe and one for Asia.

"However, as you should already know, the classes have been mixed up so that we can incorporate the most amount of variations in style and skill. That's why some of your instructors are not from North America either.

"With that being said, all of the three classes will have similar training schedules, and all three will function as three collaborative units. We'll eventually have some exercises with the other two classes.

"Overall, the idea behind these Elite Classes is to be the next line of EDA leaders. 

"The reason will become clear as we go on but for now, just remember that you are the future of this planet, in the very sense of what that implies." Even though he had his eyes closed, Raven could feel him gazing at her. "Any questions?"

Seeing Raven raise her hand, Scott smiled and signalled a "no". "Ms. O'Bannon, we'll discuss that later," he said as if already knowing what she had wanted to ask. Shrugging, she lowered her hand.

"Alright, I'll give you a minute or two to familiarise yourself with your instructors before we start your first practical tests." Scott said to everyone. 

Most of the young rankers that were present flocked around Hinata in the nursing outfit as she looked the cutest. Some were interested in Ramira, but were quickly sent away by the wild aura flaring around her.

Raven however, wasn't interested in knowing her instructors since she was mostly going to leave this for her avatar which would almost always be controlled by Kayla.

Waking slowly towards Axth, the Malaian, he was rather surprised to see the girl interested in talking to him and not Camilla, who he knew was already her friend.

"You were called Axth, correct?" Raven asked planely.

"Yes, my name is Axth, from planter Malaian." He confirmed.

"A Malaian, then why are you not checking up on Axane?" She asked curiously. "I'm aware that you are busy and all, but don't you think that someone of your own race is worthy of keeping taps on?"

"Uhm, I've actually meant to visit her and check up on her the moment I recovered," Axth smiled. "But as you have already guessed, I've been really busy. With that being said however, I will visit her for sure once I get a chance to do so."

"Uhm, ok," she nodded. "She's quite sensitive though so be careful with her, ok? Don't mention her lost daughter casually or treat her like she's inferior to you in any aspect." Raven narrowed here yes as Axth only nodded with a smile.

He was happy to see someone who wasn't a Malaian taking care of one, and not because she needed something in return, but simply out of goodwill.

"Good," she said while catching Kuru who jumped towards her. Although she had wanted to keep him away from the EDA's sight, she learned that they already had aliens working with them, so Kuru was just another smart alien to them.

"Camilla and Kuru, you have to spend more time with Maria and the rest too," Raven said while looking down. She knew that she sounded more bossy than caring, but she just wanted someone to make her family feel better, especially Camilla who meant a lot to Maria.

Flicking her forehead, Camilla smiled. "I've spent so much time with Maria before you woke up, you know. But yes I know what you mean… I'll be teaching classes here during the week, but I'll still have some time to check up on her.

"Out of curiosity though, how come you're here?" She asked curiously. "I thought you'd want to stick with her and Axane."

"Well, you see-"

"This is just an avatar," Ramira spoke with a tone that showed how disgusted she was. 

Approaching Raven, she launched her fist towards her face. Before anyone could even say a thing, a hole was made in the avatar's face as cyber dust was sent flying across the hall.

"Tch, annoying," Raven's real body said as her aura flared slightly around her. 

"Raven, are you good?" Aella asked, concerned.

"Rave, Rave, what's wrong? Are we being too loud?" Liz asked, almost feeling guilty.

"No, no, it's just an annoying dream, I'm sorry," Raven said as she closed her eyes again and focused on the avatar that was now in good condition, and looked at Ramira with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you sending an avatar here? Do you not understand how important this is? Does having two Deputy Generals in the same room not tell you how serious this is?" Ramira's voice rose as did her anger.

"I couldn't care less," Raven said with a glare. "Ranks and positions are just as useless as those who follow them. People in higher positions treat those that are not as numbers.

"Where are you when the public needs you? Where are your powers when a disaster hits?

"Does a Deputy General like you even care about the public? I bet you're only doing this for fun and out of boredom." Raven gritted her teeth.

A fiendish smile surfaced across Ramira's face as she was about to punch Raven again, but this time, Raven wasn't going to give up her avatar easily.

Brilliant golden aura flared around her as her eyes shone with a similar radiance. Catching Ramira's punch as if she was but a mere kid in front of her, she looked at Scott. "You better talk to your pet before I break her," she said, getting her teeth.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Ramira started laughing like a maniac as she shook away Raven's grasp. "Magnificent, let's fight!" She said as she flared her aura, getting ready to attack.

However, before the duo could start a disaster, Scott stepped in between them. "Enough of this. Ms. Sato, you're a Deputy General, act like it. Ms. O'Bannon, try to save your energy for the production of the devices that can save many lives, not useless fights."

""Tch,"" both girls clicked their tongues in annoyance.

"Fine, but I want to be the one testing her." Ramira snarled. "Prepare the test room-"

"No," Scott shook his head. "Ms. O'Bannon will not be tested."

"What bullsh*t is this?" Ramira asked, feeling her temper rising. "What makes her a special case? Are the rumours about her beating your a*s true? Is that why you're trying to cover for her?"

Everyone found the argument rather interesting and couldn't resist but stop their chatter and listen carefully.

"Unlike anyone else here, she has gone through more dangerous tests that I'm confident enough in her skills." Scott said.

"Bullsh*t!" Ramira yelled again. "Just like anyone else here, she will have to go through the test, and I am demanding to be her tester since she seems to have connections to the Canadian EDA. If you don't like it, good luck with requesting an amendment!"

Feeling her rage rising, Raven frowned. "Tch, I'll fight you alright. But what do I get once I wipe the floor with your sorry a*s?" 

"Hoho~ now you're talking!" Ramira was extremely happy the girl had ignored Scott since if he had actually requested an amendment, she would have been most likely redeployed somewhere else. 

"And that's so bold of you to even think that you'll able to see me in a fight, let alone wipe the floor with my a*s. 

"But you know what? I'll accept that! You can ask for one thing you want the most from the Japanese EDA, and I shall provide it with no questions asked.. If you win, that is," her fiendish grin made its way back to her face.

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