Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 85 - Maya's Origins Part 1

* Aero Chord - Shadows (feat. Nevve) [Monstercat Release] *


- a couple of seconds before Raven's arrival, from her POV -

Dashing, or rather soaring, at top speed through the air, Raven could see Torinto city in the distance.

[Raven please slow down or take a quick break. If you keep going at this pace you'll faint from exhaustion before you're able to help anyone.]

'Kay, I appreciate your thoughts and I know you're right, but I can't stand the thought of something happening to Maya or the others.' Raven's expression was a mix of worry and rage.

The moment she reached Maria's mansion, she could see about thirty or so white winged aliens engaged in their unfair skirmish against her family and friends.

Maria had the Wingman heavygun the real Kayla had created in what seemed like a long time ago. In front of her, Raven could see about five aliens that were already dead on the ground with blue blood oozing from different holes in their chests or heads.

Joey had his light sword out hacking and slashing like he was preparing dinner while dancing. But he was heavily outnumbered so he wasn't in the best position.

Rain was performing long ranged healing at the party, which wasn't easy considering their movements and her trying to also avoid being cut in half by a stray claw.

But Axane was helping her. While she was hugging baby Rituxi, Raven noticed that her two black horns were now larger as her aura was more violent.

She was forming energy barriers that would stop one of the aliens' claw attacks from badly injuring the party members.

Camilla was the most unfortunate in this scenario as she never faired well in close quarters, because of the nature of her skills.

However, she had a couple of orbs surrounding the group and rotating in a way that would let her both attack the aliens and defend the others.

Raven was so proud of them but at the same time confused and angry. Her observation didn't last more than a second thanks to her Though Acceleration III system skill.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Taking a second glance, she could see Maya fighting off alone against another alien. Looking closer she could see Kuru in his sword form in her hands, which made her even more furious.

The aliens had not only attacked the people she cared about, but also forced some of them into potential traumas, such as Kuru.

Raven had tried so hard to make him forget about his past with the terrible S ranked monster that had used him as an item. But it all was wasted now.

Raven's first thought was to jump down and kill all of the aliens but then a white light flashed through her eyes as she saw the alien against Maya use a special skill of sorts.

While Maya was going for his head, he'd already had his glowing claws just a few centimetres from her throat.

At that, all of Raven's feelings disappeared and were replaced with scorching rage. If she doesn't move in this very second, Maya will surely die.

Raven's face turned ice cold and steel emotionless as her eyes turned radiant white. She raised her hands in front of her while looking down at the alien fighting Maya in particular.

Time seemed to have stopped for everyone else but herself. In front of her hands, a radiant white mana ball of sorts was formed.

Countless tiny beams were fired at once from the ball, each was the size of a laser beam, and with the same speed.

The beams passed through the aliens' heads and bodies selectively, evaporating them on the spot.

No one knew what had happened. Aliens died without even knowing why, and the group's had their enemies disappear which caused them anxiety and relief at the same time.

Having eliminated the threat, Raven's eyes turned back to their normal majestic gold as her body started to fall down, not having an ounce of energy to support her flight anymore.

- back to the group -

Looking up in the sky in search for the aliens that have seemingly disappeared, everyone saw something falling down, or rather someone.


Seeing Raven's lifeless body falling down almost gave them a heart attack, but they quickly recovered as Jamie swooped in with fire thruster jets from his feet and grabbed her.

"Ugh-" Raven hasn't lost consciousness yet which was quite surprising, but on the other hand she was dead tired.

"You gotta stop playing suicide squad, kid, you're strong and all, but use your head goddamn it!" Jaime scolded Raven as he laid her down on the ground.

Even though his words were logical and out of worry, he only got ignored by Raven and glared at by Camilla and Maya.

'How do I always end up at the losing side?' he thought to himself with a blank face.

Maya and Maria naturally ran towards Raven to make sure she was alright. Also Kuru and the rest of the group were worried about her so they followed.

"Maya are you alright? What happened?" Raven didn't wait for them to either start scolding or thanking her, she needed to understand what was happening.

"I am, thank you." Maya said as she slowly helped Raven sit down. "Those aliens swarmed us suddenly saying that I'm their queen or something, and they wanted to take me with them to their planet."

Raven was confused but she didn't let it prevent her from giving Maya a warm hug. "Don't worry about them, I'll destroy their planet and erase their entire race if I have to, no one's taking you away from us."

"Aw," Maya was rather touched at her words so she hugged her back tightly. "Thank you, Raven. I'm really the luckiest person alive to have met you." she said with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry lil Maya but I'll have to disagree," Maria got down to the ground and shared their hug, "I'm the luckiest to have met all of you."

""Hahaha!"" the group chuckled for a second before focusing on Jaime who was giving them a weird vibe.

"Yo Kid," Jaime said suddenly looking at Raven with a serious expression, "I'm assuming you're out of juice?"

"Eh? Yea, why do you ask?" Raven asked, confused.

"I think we still have company..." he said looking up at the sky.

Looking at the same direction, the group had to word hard to keep their breathing in a calm rhythm.

In the sky, they could see hundreds of winged aliens. Everyone could tell they were of the same species as the group Raven has just massacred.

However, there was something about them that was different. Unlike the previous group, they seemed more... majestic, and pure in a way.

"Camilla, I think I can take them on but some help would be appreciated since I've been fighting almost constantly for the past week," Jamie said with the same serious look. "Everyone, please go somewhere far, this is not going to-"

"No it's alright, they're not here to fight." Raven surprised everyone with her calm reply.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Err, just trust me with this one," Raven said. She can usually feel the slightest killing intent, and right now she felt no bad intent whatsoever.

"If anything, they're emitting a friendly aura." Raven continued, activating one of her Exhilaration charges while standing up slowly, supported by both Maya and Maria.

Stopping at about a hundred meters away from the group, midair, one angel in particular made eye contact with Maya.

Descending to the ground slowly, the angel had a calm and collected expression.

The moment he touched the ground, he kneeled down towards Maya's direction while looking down, as if requesting permission to speak to her.

Now that Raven had time to inspect the beautiful creatures, she could clearly see that they weren't actual angels.

'Kayla, what are they?'

[Akash, a species that specialises in technological innovations. They're mostly known across the galaxy for selling advanced tech and seeking knowledge]

'Akash, huh? seems like they've made technology part of themselves...'

Raven's thought came from inspecting their appearance. Even though the Akash had human-like faces, the white feathery skin and white wings across their backs made it clear that they're no humans.

On top of that, most of them were wearing some type of weird clothes and metal vessels.

Most of them covered the upper part of their head with a metal helmet that covered even their eyes.

Others had metal gloves that resembled a cyborg arm, or other limbs.

"Raven?" Maya inquired, looking at Raven.

"Well, I'll go see what they want, you stay here."

"But it's about me and it might be a trap, I can't let you do that!" Maya retorted. "Heck, they've just attacked us with intent to kill!"

"I agree, it's reckless to go on your own." Jaime said with a nod.

"Dude," Raven made a silly face, looking at Jaime, "they're literally a couple of meters away, jump and give me a hand if things go south."

Hearing that still didn't satisfy Maya. "Yo, speak up, what do you want?" she yelled at the kneeling alien. All in order to prevent Raven from approaching them on her own.

Hearing her words, the alien looked up and started to speak in fluent English. With their knowledge, it wasn't hard at all.

"Your highness, do you really not remember us, or your past?"

The alien could already tell that his queen wasn't the same one he's served a long time ago. But he needed to make sure.

The only options he could think of were that either she had lost her memories, or that the girl in front of him was the queen's daughter, which then proves that the queen had betrayed her people.

Both options weren't good yet they still needed to know the truth, as it could determine the fate of their entire race.

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