
Chapter 10: Heart Throb

Chapter 10: Heart Throb

The next day, Gu Tuantuan got up some time after nine. Under Mama Gus insistence, she had a light breakfast before heading straight to Jiang Yes school.

The day was still stifling with boundless blue skiesthere was not a single cloud in sight to dampen the blazing sun. Luckily, the bus was air-conditioned, so the journey was not too bad.

Gu Tuantuan watched the scenery blur past and tentatively smoothed her skirt over her thighs.

This morning, Mama Gu had made her put on a chiffon dress with a pair of white canvas shoes. In Mama Gus eyes, this was what a proper girl should look like.

When she arrived at her stop, Gu Tuantuan followed the crowd off of the bus.

She wasnt familiar with the layout of Jiang Yes school. All she knew was that it was an elite school,1 just like the one she attended.

The large school gate had the words Nancheng Eighth High embossed on the side. Gu Tuantuan double-checked Jiang Yes directions. She didnt enter through the main gate but continued walking along the outer campus wall.

There was a peaceful atmosphere on this road. A row of weeping willows lined the path. Once in a while, shed pass by two or three people walking under the shade of the willow trees.

Soon, she came upon an outdoor basketball court. The court was built right next to the school wall. Perhaps the school was afraid of a basketball flying out and injuring a passerby, so an extra-high fence secured the perimeter of the court. Several lanky guys played on the other side of the fence. They all wore the same jersey and were running around, passing the ball back and forth. On the sidelines, a row of boys, also wearing jerseys, clapped and cheered on the team.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Gu Tuantuan spotted Jiang Ye at a single glance. The basketball was currently in his possession. All of a sudden, he lowered his stance and broke through the opponent's line of defense. Leaping high into the air, he gently flicked the basketball with his wrist. The ball traversed in a beautiful arc and swished through the net.

Even someone like Gu Tuantuan, who knew nothing about basketball, could tell that it was a magnificent shot.

Jiang Ye made a celebratory hand gesture with a giant boyish grin on his face. He high-fived his teammate, and they exchanged a few words. Although she couldnt hear what was said, from their expression, she could tell it was some kind of compliment.

At this moment, the coach called for a timeout. Jiang Ye sauntered over to the sidelines. Grabbing a bottle of water from the bench, he raised it to his mouth and guzzled it down with gusto. A small rivulet of water leaked out from the corner of the boys lips, flowed down his jaw and neck, then disappeared beneath his jersey. Jiang Ye didnt care though. He lifted a corner of his uniform and casually swiped at it. The action revealed his lean, narrow waist.

This was a different Jiang Ye from the one who used to catch bugs in the shrubs and play video games with her all day.

Gu Tuantuan was dazed; she gaped at the unfamiliar young man in front of her. Her eyes drifted downward and paused inquisitively at his crotch. Although the shorts were loose, she could still see a slight bulgeshe couldnt help but compare it to the shape from last night.

Hi there, can I help you?

A male voice interrupted her thoughts. Gu Tuantuan jumpedshe felt guilty and ashamed as if her inner musings had somehow been exposed. Slowly, she turned her head to see a dark-skinned boy heading her way.

Seeing Gu Tuantuans face, the boy became a little shy. With a serious, businesslike tone, he asked, Excuse me, Miss, are you looking for someone?

She wasn't the only person watching their practice, but the ones who took this route to the basketball court were usually here to look for someone.

Im looking for Jiang Ye.

The boy turned his head and shouted towards the middle of the court, Brother Jiang! Theres someone here for you!

Jiang Ye put down his water bottle. His eyes snapped in the direction of the voice to see Gu Tuantuan standing on the other side of the fence. Her appearance was at odds with the girl he knewshe wore a white dress and stood there timidly. She looked nothing like her usual wild self.

Jiang Yes eyes lit up with a smile. Picking up a thin paper bag, he strode over to her.

The two were separated by the tall chain-link fence. Her eyes naturally drifted to the paper bag to check if her incomplete workbook was indeed inside. She was just about to ask how he was going to hand it to her, when he stepped back, took a running start, and leaped over the fence.

The metal links clanged loudly.

Jiang Ye gave her the paper bag, How did you get here?

I took the bus. Gu Tuantuan lowered her head and stared intently at Jiang Yes jersey. It may have been because of yesterdays events, but she couldnt look directly into his eyesshe didnt dare. Taking the paper bag, she muttered a quick thank you.

Jiang Ye was stunned. He almost had to do a double-take; she was like a completely different person. A smirk appeared on his face, and he leaned in close to the girls ear, If you want to thank me, video call me tonight.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the girls hair. Even though it was just a joke, he still hoped

1 or elite high schools are extremely hard to get into. Only 1,000 of the top students from around the country can enroll in one of these each year. The teachers at these elite schools are well-paid, the student-to-teacher ratio is low, and the resources available to students are much better. It provides a highly competitive environment that allows motivated students to thrive. These students will have a better chance at being admitted to a top-notch university. Sources: anecdotal evidence from friends/relatives, this op-ed article link, and this response.

Oooh! No smut today, but both of our main characters had a little enlightenment ?

Also huge update: Please give your warmest welcome to our new editor-san, Editordeee! ??? She's the reason I was able to post this chapter on time.

XX Umi Yuki

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