Insanely-Talented Player

Chapter 119

Episode 119

The only thing humans can learn from history is that they cannot learn anything from history.

There were elves there who had once been persecuted by humans' madness of faith, hatred, and discrimination.

“Disgusting, smelly humans…!”

And in front of the annihilating blow struck by the saint, the elf soldiers of the United States of Ameria were embarrassed and cursed. The elf special forces accompanying the player's goddess' mercenaries would be no exception.

“Hmm, do you think you’ll come to your senses if you get beaten by those disgusting, smelly humans until they run away?”

That's why Yooseong muttered in bewilderment and that was right then.

A gunshot

rang out. Not towards this side, but towards the elves of the United States of Ameria.

“It’s the beans!”

“It’s an attack by the blood beans!”

In the jungle beyond, guns aimed beyond the bushes simultaneously set off fire. The elves, who were having a barbecue party with the stolen livestock, fell into a hive and belatedly began to fire in response.

Jump! Jump!

At the same time, a jet-black wall of ice rose along the area beneath the feet of the shooting star and the saint. The scattered bullets were fleeting, and in the meantime, a fierce battle was taking place between the Blood Beans and the United States Elves beyond the bushes.

Helicopter units rained gatling cannons into the jungle, and screams echoed across the jungle.

It was right then. Several mortars flew in from

the Kwaang

jungle and hit the helicopter directly. The helicopter was shot down and fell among the United States elf soldiers. The helicopter's propeller tore apart the soldiers' flesh and bones like a blender.

”Hmm, that doesn't make sense.”

Yooseong spoke calmly while looking at the scenery.


“What do you mean?”

“It’s none of our business, so let’s go back. “The mission was more important, so why didn’t you do something?”

The elf special forces were silent for a moment at Yooseong's words, but then nodded.

“All right.”

Calmly, without the slightest hesitation or hesitation. Leaving behind the battlefield that is still unfolding behind them.

Eventually, we left the village and headed towards the patrol boats on the river, which also turned out to be a war zone.


“Huh, well. As soon as he saw us, he asked us about our affiliation with Dajja Gojja;

Master Park answered calmly, twirling the memorization tool in his hand. The heart breaker's blade, stained with blood, scattered cold razor blades.

“South Vietnam’s pro-U.S. = How can a collaborator do anything by pointing a gun at everyone?”

Scattered around there were human guerrillas of the Blood Bean Human Liberation Front (HFL). They would have attempted to surround the village with the Helicopter unit and exterminate the elves of the United States through a diversionary operation in the jungle and river.

Yoosung and the saint boarded the patrol boat, and a special forces elf spat at the human corpses.

“Damn you damn beans.”

As we continued to move upstream on the river for several days, we soon came across a bridge connecting both sides of the river and the United States Chinese soldiers guarding it.

The darkness of night fell in the jungle.

“From here we have to get off the river and travel along the jungle milos.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The special forces elf spoke as the patrol boat landed, and twelve players got off the boat one by one.

“Ah, it’s not like I’m talking about Yeonggwanggulbi, but why do I have to take players around like this?”

Yoosung said while looking at them and Master Park shrugged his shoulders saying he agreed.

The two heroes, Saint Maiden and Shin Sayre. Players and Buldak chefs from the Order of Relief Knights under Master Park of the National Intelligence Service and Saint Isia.

It was right then.

“It’s an attack!”

A United States soldier guarding the area around the bridge shouted and bullets started raining down. Immediately after, the soldiers began to hit the M2 Browning on the stand, and the elf special forces spoke.

“This camp is a strategically valuable base, mercenaries of the goddess.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

As soon as he heard that, Yoosung spoke.

“Don’t mess around with the Buldak chefs over there and take care of your legs here.”

“Yes, yes?!!”

The circus guild players there asked in response to Yoosung’s words, and then nodded.

“How can you guys fight properly in Tier 11 Tips? “Please carefully consider the situation here and take care of your own life.”

“Oh, I understand!”

At the same time as those words were said, the circus players moved in unison according to the guild master's command. Even in the face of bullets raining down from beyond, he didn't care and pulled out a cold weapon such as a sword and kicked the ground.

Beings who hold a single sword hilt and use only one body to escape the barrage of bullets and fire from all kinds of weapons.

“They are the goddess’ mercenaries!”

“You damn communists are all gone now.”

“Let’s kill and kill and kill Kong!”

As soon as they joined, cheers poured out among the elf soldiers.

Blood Kong's guerrillas hastily took out all kinds of heavy weapons. However, the images of the players blinked quickly and soon appeared among them.


The blade swung. It was a sword dance that could not be understood by the common sense of this world.

“Hmm, it’s a bit better than grilling chicken.”

Looking at that scene, Yoosung muttered and Isia remained silent as she was dumbfounded.

It was right then.

[“Bless you with blood!”]

[The Lord of Blood exercises his influence.]


A message came to mind. However, that was not the message being sent to Yoosung.

A feeling of death ran down my spine and immediately something exploded.


The body of one of the elf soldiers wielding the M2 Browning exploded on the spot, and blood splattered everywhere.

As soon as they saw that, members of the United States Elf Special Forces SOG activated their optical camouflage uniforms and shouted.

“Blood elf guerrillas...

And just like that, silhouettes moving in the darkness of the jungle, hidden in optical camouflage uniforms.

The United States of America and the Soviet Union =) A proxy war of ideology between the two great powers of the elves over the country of humans. Therefore, just as the United China's most elite troops are on the move, their opponents will be no exception.

And the blood lord is blessing the blood elves.

“No, they are blood elves, not because of their blood, but because their thoughts are red...

Yooseong muttered in bewilderment, but the blood elves did not use weapons such as guns or knives.

It was blood magic.

The bodies of the soldiers exploded one after another, and each scattered drop of blood turned into a bullet.

“Defense formation!”

Therefore, the saint quickly raised the shield of light, and following her orders, the players of the Order of the Relief Knights formed a defensive formation.

“Sia, we need to pay for food soon...

Master Park asked while looking at that, but before we knew it, there was nothing there.

Before I knew it, Isiah kicked the ground and moved, and a faint glow began to shine in the area where the blood elves were moving.


As soon as you thought it was shining, the body of a blood elf whose identity was hidden in an optical camouflage suit was torn to pieces.

It wasn't Charlotte's Web, a rare assassination skill.

Hero-level assassination skill Cube Maker.

As the name suggests, the flesh and bones of the blood elves collapsed into hundreds of cube-shaped pieces, spreading a veil of darkness over the entire Isiaga area.

In the darkness of the tent, a memory dawned on me.

The Heart Breaker struck the heart of a blood elf. In


state, Master Park kicked the ground, and before he knew it, the heart breaker that was supposed to be stuck in the elf's heart was back in his hand.

It was right then.


Yooseong, who was silent and looking around, quickly kicked the ground.

Immediately after, a jet-black ice wall rose up around Isia, and something struck in a synchronized rhythm.


It was a jet-black tentacle.

“Ah, the nightmare of the jungle is calling us.”]

[The Lord of Nightmares coldly mocks and

exerts influence!]

Before we knew it, darkness was stirring in the area.

Beyond the nightmare, the horrors of the war taking place in the jungle were projected.

The soldiers suffered from neurosis because they didn't know where Kong's booby traps might be, and so did the jungle's wandering enemies.

The fear of bombings and air raids that you don't know where they will come from. The fear of death that dries your blood and devours your heart day by day. [

“Isn't the thing scarier than death the fear of death itself?”]

[The Power of the Tower: Dream Demon They are joining the war!]

The air was cold and frozen.

“Ah ah ahhh!”

And even the elf special forces of the United States of America, who were pointing their guns at each other right up to the moment, were no exception.

They writhed and screamed like crazy in fear and madness, and their bodies began to twist strangely.

Kwasik Kwasik!

“Ah, damn it…

Before I knew it, the elves that were there were not the elves that Yoosung had known until just now. Just as the seven-pointed coal tar multiplied, it engulfed the elf's body and was reborn as a new being within the slime of darkness.

It was a tower force loyal to the Lord of Nightmare, one of the seven great princes.

That's why Yooseong looked back.

“Elder Ibosho Shin Sayeo. “Isn’t that monarch the boss with whom you have a contract?”


The Italian hero Sinsayer, who had remained silent until now, nodded silently.

“Then your boss seems to be making fun of you and your co-workers right now. Do you have anything to say?”

“Unfortunately, my lord does not even care about my life for her nightmare.”

Shin Sayer answered calmly.

“Just as your monarch does not care in the face of your threats.”

At those words, Yooseong closed his mouth for a moment.

Then I raised my head and looked at the dream demons there.

If the Nightmare Lord and her forces, as the name suggests, become stronger in proportion to the size of the nightmare, this jungle will undoubtedly be the best stage.

[“My children, protect our people and the world.”]

[The Lord of the Desert exercises her influence.]

[The Tower's Forces: The Empress's Assassins join the fight


[“Oh, you young and immature child, indeed ! “It’s ridiculous.”]

[The Lord of Nightmares mocks coldly.]

And at that moment, a sandstorm blew up in the jungle where nightmares and darkness swirled.

Desert elves dressed in robes appeared in the sandstorm, and Yoosung muttered as if it were someone else's business.

“It’s just a mess, a mess.”

[Under the influence of nightmares, the power of the dream demons increases phenomenally!] The

elf goddess, the nightmare queen, the goddess' mercenaries, and the dream demons finally clashed.

No, I was going to clash.

But that was right then.

The desert lord was not the only one fighting for Yooseong, the king of heroes.

[The Witch Lord exercises her influence.]

[The Power of the Tower: The Witches' Coven (Sabbath) joins the fight!]

A message emerged and a being appeared. Yoosung also knew that witch.

An ash-covered girl who should have been devoured by the Nightmare Lord long ago.

But now the worst witch was there, wrapped in a white and jeweled dress like Cinderella.

“Hey, a magical girl has appeared.”

“Thank you, uncle.”

“Why am I the uncle?”

“Now it’s my turn to help you.”

When the beings of the tower threatened Yoosung, it was not Yoosung’s job to fight them.

Because there were monarchs and forces willing to fight for him and lend their strength.

Literally like a monarch above monarchs.

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