Insanely-Talented Player

Chapter 129

Episode 129

“You say = How many Dhampirs have infiltrated this city?”

Yoosung asked, and the two white-haired siblings laughed coldly at those words. Just like the nursery rhyme they gave me right up until now was a lie from the beginning.

“The number of sins you monsters have piled up.”

“Why, there are people in the world who live in sin!”

Yooseong muttered calmly, but the white-haired brother and sister paid him no mind and mocked him.

“Hmph, do you think you monsters will forget the hurt you gave my mother?!”

“Oh, that’s none of my business?

“You monster...!”

Yoosung continued muttering as if it were someone else's business.

“Until then, I need your cooperation for a while.”


At those words, the white-haired brother burst out laughing.

“You are already late.”


“Our God whispered to us. “The Blood Apostles who fight for your empire use the ‘barrier’, so they won’t know what happens in the outside world.”

At those words, Watson looked puzzled for a moment, and Yoosung silently waved his hand.

The Baskervilles' mansion and the dance of death that wrapped around the area had come to an end, and the scenery beyond was unfolding.

Everywhere in the British Empire, a country where the sun never rises, was burning.

Screams echoed from all directions.

It was a simultaneous terrorist attack.

Jack the Slayer was not one, and they had a mission to fulfill as they were a mixture of human and monster blood.

Killing monsters.

“Aha terrorism.”

Yoosung turned his head, leaving that scenery behind.

“Hey Watson. “What do you think of this situation?”

“Take action immediately...!”

Watson was sweating profusely, not knowing what to do. Seeing that, the Dhampir siblings laughed coldly and Yoosung shrugged his shoulders.

“It’s just a countermeasure, but how can a country that is collapsing from this level of terrorism be able to function as a country?”


“Trust your country a little more. “How many people do you think your proud empire was built on?”

And that was right then.

As the gray smog covered the sky and the city, the ancient magic from the old war that protected vampires from sunlight disappeared all at once.

However, what was pouring through the smog was not sunlight, the natural enemy of vampires.

It was a blood moon.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And under the blood-red moon, there was a silhouette blocking the moonlight.

It was a girl with blood-red hair wearing a jet-black gothic dress with bat wings.

“Your Majesty the Scarlet Queen...!”

Seeing that scene, Watson raised his voice and the white-haired Nimmae's expression became astonished.

“What are you doing, compatriots of the empire where the sun never rises!”

And the queen's voice was echoing above the blood-red night sky.

“Monsters are destroying my empire, threatening me, and slaughtering my people! Clan of the night, the lives and homes of the people you must protect are being destroyed! So what are you hesitating about?”

To the vampires of this empire.

At the same time, to the humans of the empire.

“The time has come to fulfill your Noblesse Oblige! Risk your life to protect your people and defend your empire against monsters! Fulfill your responsibilities and obligations befitting the nobility of your bloodline!”

“Oh my, you don’t know who’s the queen, so your tongue is very clear.”

Hearing those words, Yoosung shrugged his shoulders calmly.

And under the blood-red moon, a flock of bats covered the blood-red sky. Before I knew it, the vampires were flying one by one, flapping their bat wings.

It was a unit of vampires wearing blood-red uniforms.

Unit name “Blood Coat”.

The soldiers of Ikkitousen, who had been reborn as the power and symbol of the empire where the sun never rises, began to move.

Each and every one of them was just a soldier, the real ruler of the empire, and the ‘real nobles' who maintained the British Empire.

It was at that moment that the vampires rushed towards the Dhampirs who were carrying out terrorism.


Seeing the scene unfolding there, the two white-haired siblings muttered as if they were astonished.

“Why aren’t you afraid of vampires...?”

Because it was a scene that was completely incomprehensible to their common sense.

“Your Majesty the Queen!”

“Her Majesty’s ‘Blood Court’ troops are fighting monsters!”

“You ugly monsters!”

Rather, the humans of the empire began to cry out for their performance.

They bowed their knees, praised the Empire and the Queen, and spread their arms in joy.

“Oh, great clan of the night! Please protect and take care of us!”

They long for obedience in front of rulers who do not see them as anything more than livestock or anything less than Ludu.


“Why aren’t you afraid of vampires?”

Yooseong asked back, feeling dumbfounded.

“Did you know that the people of this country would fear them and accept you with open arms?”

“Vampires are monsters! Just because we have the blood of that monster...!”

“I was persecuted by humans in the Americas and came to hate vampires.”

“okay! So this is our atonement!”

Atonement Claire said and raised her voice. As if they were saying it was their fault.

“Because you monsters violated my mother and made her give birth to a monster child...

But that was right then.

“...What do you mean?”

Watson asked back, dumbfounded. Laughing as if you had just heard a meaningless joke.

“A vampire trespassing on a human… There is no way that would be possible based on common sense.”

“what?! “How dare you say that nonsense…!”

“Do not try to measure us by human standards. Do you think we would commit such a shameful and disgusting act? Even if there are a very small number of ‘exceptions’, there is absolutely no way that dhampirs of this scale would be born.”

Watson's expression didn't even move. Just like saying 1+1 is 2.

“I would have stuck my fangs into his neck and sucked all the blood. ‘Crimes of that magnitude will occur frequently on the battlefield,'

Watson continued calmly.

“But vampires have no feelings of sexual desire. “Because I received His Majesty’s blessing and became a ‘compatriot,’ I can recall the emotions I felt when I was a human being.”

That's why Watson, a vampire from gentry, said.

“Once you become a vampire, most of the desires you had as a human lose their meaning. There is only bloodlust. “When we say we have violated a human being, we only mean ‘bloodsucking.’”

“Don’t be funny, monster...!”

“home. Hey Watson. “It seems like the puzzle of the mystery has been roughly put together.”

Yoosung stood up, leaving behind the Dhampir siblings who could not accept those words.

“When the humans in the Americas became independent, what happened to the vampires there?”

“Well, officially,

they were all killed by those guys...

After saying that, Watson took a deep breath.

“Then one more question, can a child be born between a vampire woman and a human man?”

“It’s impossible. “To become a dhampir, you only have to be a ‘human woman’ and a ‘vampire man.’”

It is the same as the legend of Dhampir that is passed down orally in Eastern Europe outside of the world.

“Well, then there is only one.”

That's why Yooseong frowned and turned his head. Looking at the white-haired Dhampi Le siblings there.

“Isn’t it said that, excluding the impossible, everything that remains is the truth, no matter how incredible it may be?”

Their father's sins conceived them, and because they had monster blood, they could not be loved by their mother. Therefore, children could do anything to regain their mother's love.

Without suspecting anything, he

said, “You guys are so pitiful and pitiful.”

Yooseong muttered bitterly, and that was at that moment.

Before we knew it, ‘Blood Coat' units with blood-red coats and bat wings appeared one by one in the area. The terrorism being carried out by dhampirs everywhere has also stopped.

Countless humans were raising their voices, crying out for Her Majesty and their rulers, and pouring curses on the enemies of the Empire.

“It’s the work of traitors from the damn American continent!”

“They must be monsters raised by them without even needing to look at it!”

Before we knew it, countless people were surrounding the white-haired dhampir brother and sister, who were bound by the dark frost chains of the meteor.

“Apostle of Blood, please carry out the execution.”

One of the Blood Court soldiers approached Yoosung and said. For a moment, murderous intent appeared on the faces of the Dhampir siblings, but they could do nothing.

Because immeasurable chains of darkness and cold were constricting them, like binding a ferocious beast.

Immediately after, several vampires approached menacingly. Without hiding the blood-red lines swirling from their fingernails.

“Execution? What execution?”

“What kind of execution is this? They deserve to be paid with blood commensurate with their crimes...!”

That's why Yooseong blocked their path and asked back.

It was really carefree, but at the same time, it was spreading pitch-black cold so threateningly that they couldn't get any closer.

“Kids can do that.”

A luxurious mansion prepared by the Empire for the ‘Apostle of Blood’ that night.

“What on earth are you planning…!”

The white-haired dhampir siblings raised their voices as they were inevitably bound to the restraints. That's why Yooseong asked back.

“Oh my gosh, did you at least boil the train firebox? Who said they would eat you guys?”

“Then take off these chains right away…!”

“No, I also want to let go. It’s like a chimney. “Anyway, when I released him earlier, someone tried to stab me in the back with a knife. Hmm.”

“What are you going to do with us!”

“Home, nothing in particular.”

Yooseong answered.

“I hate it when little kids die in front of me. “My bed became a mess.”

Saying that, Yoosung snapped his fingers, and the restraints that bound them were torn apart by the blade of dark frost.


As soon as the restraints were released, my younger sister openly showed hostility. It was that time.

“Stop, Claire.”

“Oppa Jack!”

“Wow, his real name was Jack.”

“If you attack that guy now, nothing will change.”

“Ah, but I guess I can communicate a bit with my brother.”

“.....They probably plan to win our hearts and use it as material for future negotiations.”

Jack exhaled coldly. Yoosung responded to those words by scratching his head in embarrassment.

“Hmm, I think I’m misunderstanding something.”

“Is it a mistake?”

“From the beginning, you were disposable items to be used and thrown away. It was like a message willingly sent to the British Empire by friends across the continent. And now that Her Majesty, the Queen of the Empire, has read the message, what happens to you, Nabal, and who cares?”

“It is a lie! “Mommy promised!” Claire shouted.

“Woo, when we came back after a hard fight...

like a child who couldn’t accept the situation and was acting unreasonable.

“Mom would welcome us with open arms... she said so...

but I couldn't sense even the slightest confidence in her voice as she continued.

“I miss my mom...

That’s why my older brother Jack bit his lip softly as he looked at his sister sobbing in silence. So strong that it bleeds, and with determination that makes it bleed.

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