Interdimensional Farming in Another World

Chapter 24 Conflict

After resting for a couple of days, they continued their journey.

There were roads from the woodland tribe to Blue Gem city. So, Instead of using men to pull sleighs, they were using reindeers.

Don't worry. Alex made sure that the sleighs were not painted red and didn't have a fat guy carrying gifts in them.

Obviously, they were made by the woodland tribe for transportation, not for delivery service.

Considering that they were near the north pole, in extreme cold. It might not have been surprising to see a guy like that delivering gifts.

Nonetheless, after the woodland tribe joined, travel became much easier. The further they travelled, the closer they felt to civilization. They could occasionally see resting areas along the road, people transporting goods and even some travellers on foot.

Slowly as time went by, Alex realised that the stone head tribe was at the centre of the wilderness. And the world outside was completely different.

Near the village of the stone head tribe, everything was dangerous. And the probability of dying while taking a piss on any random day was close to fifty per cent. Death was looming over him everywhere.

You could die of hunger, cold or even get killed by wild animals.

What a nice way to live!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

And now, the change was warmly welcomed by Alex.

But everything was not going as well as he expected.

When they were taking a rest, Alex was relaxing on a sleigh.

A kid from the woodland tribe approached him. Even before reaching Alex, he was wearing a haughty expression. He was looking down on Alex. Behind him, he had some lackeys.

"Hey, the kid from the stone head tribe. We heard that you guys were attacked by wolves." Pointing with his index finger, he tried to talk to Alex. He expected a reply from Alex, but he was completely ignored.

"Hey! Can't you hear me? Are you dead? Just like your dead teammates. Who gets killed by wolves nowadays? Is the stone head tribe that weak?" He said with a joking tone.

At first, Alex wanted to completely ignore them. Although they were annoying like a swarm of flies. It was not enough to warrant him to act. But, once they dishonoured his dead tribesmen. He knew that it was time to swat some flies.

'They need to be taught to respect others. Especially the dead.' Alex decided.

Alex turned to the group that was mocking him and his tribe.

"Your welcomed to die by my hand." He said without mincing any words. Alex was a cautious guy who never takes initiative. But the circumstances were slowly changing him. He learned that the difference between reacting and acting first was the difference between life and death.

And giving these kids a beat down would be the best thing he had done from the moment he come to this world. He was sure that, he would be making the world a better place by fixing these crooked kids.

As expected, after hearing his cold words, they were incensed.

"Huh! An uncivilised barbarian like you does not know how the world really works. Do you really think that you can touch a hair in my body, much less kill me? What a loser." The leader spoke fluent dumbassery, and Alex completely ignored it.

"Chuckle…The same could be said about you. A bunch of noisy kids trying to act great."

"You dare humiliate me. I am the next-generation leader of our tribe. I will prevent the tribe from supporting your tribe in the future."

'What's wrong with these brats, should I sing a nursery rhyme and put these dumbasses to sleep.' Alex thought while having the most nonsense-filled conversation of the year.

He did nothing to anger them. He was just resting peacefully on a sleigh. Did they really have to come and ask for a beating?

"Huh! Are you afraid now?" Seeing that Alex was quiet, the leader kid taunted him again. He was trying to show that he is superior through his antics.

He was marking his territory and expanding his authority by confronting Alex. He wants Alex to treat him like others but from his action. It could be seen that he had no real experience in earning the respect of others.

"Were are one of the three allies of your tribe. And we are the strongest and richest among them. It's good that you realised your place. In the future, try not to anger me." The kid said pompously. He was having the time of his life, enjoying every moment he used to bully Alex. With a smirk, he looked back at his group. Receiving gazes of reverence from them, he became even more thrilled.

But the moment he turned towards Alex. A first suddenly enlarged in his vision. A blur came and smashed on his face, squarely on his chin.

"Thuck." The face of the leader kissed the beautiful snowy ground.

"One down, three to go."

Enhancing his foot muscles, like a tiger jumping into a herd of sheep. Alex began his teaching.

One, two, three.

Like chopping fish on a cutting board. He smacked their chin and knocked them out. They stood no chance against his quick and vicious punches. The kids who once claimed to be stronger were now neatly arranged in the ground like salted sardines.

It was the best way he could think of to handle the situation.

He didn't want to attack the kids either. But it was the only way to drill his authority into their mind. And without authority, whatever he said would quickly pass over their head and they will go back to their old pattern of behaviour.

He wanted to prevent that. If they are his future allies. He needs to teach them how to respect others.

Even after Alex did all that, no one came to interfere. From that, Alex knew that both tribes were keeping their hands off the matters of kids. They weren't ready to deteriorate their relationship due to the antics of some kids.

Alex quickly realised this.

From his general understanding. He knew that the woodland tribe was stronger than the stone head tribe and they are also wealthier. But it didn't mean that they are individually stronger fighters.

The woodland tribe had a population of about three to four thousand members. More than twice as much as the stone head tribe. This was the reason for their claimed superior strength.

And most of them were craftsmen. They work as carpenters all year round to accumulate wealth. They were not exactly warriors that could take down wild animals.

And about their special ability for plant growth. They could only use it for their carpentry. It was not an ability that can be used when fighting. The ability allowed them to modify the rate of growth of plants and to mould the shape and size according to their will. It would be perfect for an art and craft project. Like making a living wall of trees to surround their tribe. But it was weak in a one-on-one fight.

Anyway, you look at it. The stone head tribe was physically superior to them.

And Alex was ready to get this through the thick skulls of the kids.

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