Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 111: Definition of Humanity?

Chapter 111: Definition of Humanity?

I wouldn't even bother to save you, but I did it because of Zall and Xavic. Miles sighed and looked at his two gullible friends of his. You were insulting them and outcasting them a few days back. Still, they would almost dive into dozens of monsters just to save human scum like you.

Bro Miles! Zall looked at Miles with a mixture of embarrassment and resentment.

You are too good for your own sake, Zall! Miles spoke sternly this time. His brows have frowned, and there were flames in his eyes. Humans are beings of treachery rolled in hypocrisy with cruelty, greed, selfishness and seasoned with bastardness.

Humans are the lowliest creatures ever to exist. Even monsters are not as bad as humans!

You know what the first thing I was taught was? It was to always distrust humans. Monsters? Have only one motive kill and eat us. If they dont, good for us, we have encountered an unexpected wonder. A good one.

But humans, their motives, thoughts, and schemes are hidden under a mask of sincerity, goodness, and benevolence.

Miles! Xavic looked at Miles with surprise. Although it hadnt been that long, he knew Miles was a good person. But the words he said he could see Zall was getting more and more depressed.

Let me guess! Miles said with anger as he pointed to the trio sitting across. They wanted to form a team to help weak people in hunting. Maybe allowing them to find strong orbs, offering some money, or their service in exchange for some orbs?

The trio looked at Miles with their mouths agape.

"How did you know? Xavic asked.

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I have seen a lot of his kind. Miles snickered as he looked at Takeji. You said your words are worth more than mine right?

You better believe it! Takeji barked back with anger. Miles displayed their worst sides without any reservation.

Dead men tell no tales, am I right? Miles grinned evilly.

Miles, what do you want to do? Zall asked.

I will let you choose it this time. Miles turned to look at his two new friends. I assure you when they go back, they will spout all the lies they can muster to show three of us as the villains and themselves as heroes. Not only will they not be grateful because we saved them, but they will also do their best to kill us.

I know the two of you have soft spots, and you don't want to hurt them for no good reason, but I can swear on my own head that these three are unsavable. They let the two people they had promised to protect die so they could escape. They lied and forgot their existence just so no one would blame them. Not only did they not honor them for their sacrifices, but they chose to kill you so no one would associate their disappearance with the three of them.

Now! Tell me, are you gonna let them go, or shall I end them?

Miles sat on the ground unfettered. He really left the choice for Zall and Xavic because he wanted them to learn how to be cruel when needed. And in case they tarnish his name? He didnt care about that, he never did. In Portal World, rules were nonexistent. At best, no one would trust him anymore, and he had no need for fools who chose to believe those three.

Zall looked at the ground with his eyes toneless. He was lost in his thoughts. He didnt know what to choose. He knew what Miles said was true, but he couldnt bring himself to hurt them. He couldnt hurt them for his selfish reasons.

Xavic, on the other hand, was more worried about his friends. If it was he alone, he wouldnt give a fuck about the consequences, but his friends, couldnt be bad-mouthed. He couldnt let Miles and Zall be known as cold-blooded killers for his selfishness.

Lucky for them, the trio saved them from their inner struggle.

Why are you talking like you are in charge? Do you think you are hot shit, huh, punk? Takeji rose to his feet as he looked down at Miles.

I was hesitant because of your power, but I can see you used a lot of fuel when you tried to save us. And those two? Worse than thrash. One cannot hurt anyone, and the other can only heal the enemy. I admit that his stuns are dangerous, but as long as I am faster, he cant even touch the hem of my cape! Takeji grinned back.

Lets kill them. You two, stall those two idiots, I will kill that self-righteous bastard!

Hahaha! You are making this too easy. Miles smiled and got up on his feet slowly. His sword was still in his hand.

Do you know what my superpower is? Takeji asked as an orb appeared in his hand. It turned into a dagger. It was thinner than a leaf and shorter than a regular dagger. I am speed, baby!

As soon as Takejis words arrived at Miless ears, he felt the sharp tip of the dagger aiming at his left eye. Miles wasnt flustered at all, he only moved his head, and a dagger strike grazed him.

Since I am the fastest, why should I care about those slower than me? When a lion chases you, the goal is not to outrun the lion but the person before you. When the lion is too busy eating the person behind, you can run away!

Another swing brushed past Miles's neck. Takeji looked at the dagger with disbelief when Miles dodged it twice.

How can you dodge my attacks?! Takeji shouted in panic. Miles was feigning his tiredness from the beginning. He knew he couldnt trust others, so he just collapsed on the ground to test them. In truth, he barely used any power.

I am faster than you, so I should be allowed to kill you right? Miles said and raised his sword to block the dagger. As soon as the two weapons collided, Miles let the lightning swim through the dagger, and Takeji convulsed in pain.

Bastard! Bastard! Screamed the black-haired teen. His muscles were twitching, and his eyes were teary. How can you be faster than me?

Who knows? Miles ignored the fool and attacked again. Although Takeji was fast, his superpower was still mid-tier. It wasnt as fast as two serum enchanted Miles. When Miles attacked, Takeji couldnt even follow the trajectory of the sword. He instinctively knew it was coming for his shoulder, but his body wasnt fast enough to dodge it.


He cried and the dagger met with the sword, but another current of lightning washed over his body. Miles looked at the idiot with a snicker and teased, Didnt you say you were too fast for lightning?

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