Into The Portal: Monster Invasion

Chapter 150: The Power of Cross Family

Chapter 150: The Power of Cross Family

Miles looked at the speaker and heaved a sigh of relief. Merlin arrived, and with the military too!

The lead police officer turned to look at newcomers with doubts in his eyes. He was having second thoughts, but he kept his posture and face indifferent and said with as much courage as he could muster, The Army has no power here. If you are not here to help, fuck off.

You are right, the army has no power, but I do, Merlin said with a smile and approached the guy. Soldiers behind him tried to stop him, Sir, this place is out of our jurisdiction. It will cause trouble if we act here.

No problem, you dont have to take any action at all. I will explain to the General later. Merlin said coolly and looked at two police officers with a smirk.

When police officers heard the word General, they were struck by lightning. Both of them scared out their wits and took a closer look at Merlin. Cross! A word came to their mind immediately upon gazing dark blue eyes and smuggish smirk on the eldest son of Major Generals face.

Shit! The lead officer uttered and attacked without any delay. The fireball appeared in his palm and he sent it to Merlin. He drew out an orb and it melted into a fan. There were blue flames around the fan blasting the air itself. Lead officer attacked Merlin with the fan and blue flames formed a bigger conjectural fan as big as the man himself.

When it was about to hit Merlin, an orb appeared in his hand too. It was rainbow in color and melted into a chakram. Merlin rotated it in his hand. When it rotated one full tour, a curtain of water formed in front of him, and the flame fan blasted onto it.

Protect the civilians! Merlin shouted. Strange power came out of his body and formed an invisible curtain, melted the ethereal fire fan and smoke started to fill the floor. Even the vapor was scorching. Miles also took the brunt of the smoke, but his body was stronger than regular peoples, so he didnt burn badly.

The other police officer came to help his friend when he saw how Merlin overpowered the lead officer. Lightning crackled in his hand as he swung it like a whip. Since you are good at Water, then let me see you get electrocuted! He shouted. He assumed that what canceled the fire was water elemental attack, but what happened next stupefied him. His attacks vanished as soon as they were close to Merlin as well.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Cross! Two officers looked at Merlin with trepidation and fear as soon as they realized who they were dealing with. This infamous name was like a nightmare. The stars of the army. How could they fight against them?

But at this time Miles was as stupefied as they were. He knew Merlins superpower. He could only have one elemental power. The power he copied last and as soon as he copied the next one, the previous one would get canceled. He also had to keep in contact for five minutes with the person to copy their elements. Then how could he use two elements? Or was it something else? Is he canceling the attacks just like Father? No, it doesnt seem like it.

Is this how he utilizes his energy? Miles thought in his heart. From the information his mother had given to him and things his father taught him, he knew a few things about energy. There were several ways of making use of energy but elemental energy had restricted usage. A fire superpower holder could only make use of Fire Energy, and the same for other elements. Then what element Merlin could use?

Of course, the obvious answer would be the element he copied last, but what if he could make use of any type of energy? Or maybe the types of energy he copied before? That would make him stronger than others. He would be too overpowered! That cant be it. It must be a null element if it is a thing.

Must be the Orb. Coin commented. The water formed from the orb only, although it is much stronger than any orb I have ever seen before. But how he canceled other attacks, I am as oblivious as you are.

Miles looked at the fight with his mouth agape. He never knew Merlin was this strong.

At this time, two police officers were in sorry states. Merlin canceled all elements and attacked them to injure them, and they couldnt win.

We have no way out, do it! The lead officer said and pulled out a weird pill from his pocket.

Oh no, you dont! Merlin shouted and raised his hand. Another orb appeared in his palm and with electricity coming out of his wristwatch, the ground started to shake and windows quavered. metal beams rose from the ground and coiled around three officers, even the one Miles was holding. The metal snakes wrapped up three officers and they couldnt even move doesnt matter how hard they tried.

You arrived just in time. Miles smiled and walked to Merlin. Since his brother was here and took things under his control, he could relax now. He was still bewildered about the orb, but he thought it to be something special that could only be found in F-Circle and beyond, so he ignored it for the time being.

Hmm. I was on my way here anyway. Merlin nodded and looked at three people. They looked like they were trying something but nothing happened around them. Now all we have to do is take them to grandfather, then their powers will be taken from them. Merlin snickered.

How come they dont do anything and wait silently? Miles asked. They do look like they were striving, but since nothing happened, Miles thought they were doing nothing.

Do you know what elements father and grandfather have? Merlin asked with a knowing smile.

Hmm, It should be the nothingness or null element, I guess, Miles answered, then light bulbs lit on his head.

You mean when they use the energy that can null the other types of energies around others? And since you last copied father's power, you can make use of the same type of energy and keep them powerless until Grandpa arrives. Miles didnt know if his conjunction was true or not.

Wow, I didnt know you were this keen, little brother. This is exactly what is happening. Father and Grandfather have the null element, and by using it, they can cancel every other elemental power. You can say that when they descend, everyone becomes helpless sheep. I am not as strong as them, so I can barely stop them from destroying themselves and the hospital. Merlin explained. But he was surprised to see Miles guess how he had done it. After all, Miles was still Grace-Rank, and shouldnt be able to use the energy.

Miles looked at Merlin with newfound respect. And his father and grandfather too. They were too strong. He was like a helpless child when compared to them. But it was to be expected. He had entered Portal World a little more than a year ago. He didnt have any superpower nor could use energy. It was acceptable for him to be weaker.

So what you mastered is making use of elemental energy, right? Miles asked. He spoke with his father before, but now he found another person he could talk to. He wanted to learn about the mysterious energy.

Yeah. When you enter the F-Circle, you also will learn how to use energy. There are a few branches you can master, but it is better to choose one and devote yourself to get better at it. After all, time is limited, and you cannot learn everything. Because of my powers, making use of elemental energies is more suitable for me. When the time comes, you can choose one that suits you most. But it seems like choosing strengthening effects of energy would suit you better.

Body Branch, was it? Miles looked at Merlin.

Merlin walked to a plant nearby and plucked a leaf from a branch. He gave it to Miles. Miles looked at the seemingly normal leaf and touched it all over. It was just a regular leaf.

What of it? Miles handed the leaf at Merlin once again. Merlin kept the leaf on his palm, and the still leaf got sharper all of a sudden. Merlin brought the leaf to the steel holding one of the officers. With a slash of Merlins hand, the leaf cut through the steel like a hot knife through butter.

This is the effect of the Body Branch. I am not very good at it, so I couldnt perform well, but if a person mastered at this branch did the same, they could cut through steel bars and the person inside with a single slash.


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