Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 127 - 29

In front of the Golem Manufacturing Facility area, Rosier summoned three blood-red giant golems. The humans looked like ants in front of the golem.

"What the hell is that!?" Sintaro shouted in shock. Right now he was in the crowd of students with the other heroes and the royal family.

"Not only is it huge, but the golem was also a god-rank artifact." Princess Rinne muttered in awe at the metal giant in front of her.

"You're right. How do we defeat such a big thing if magic is useless against it." Kyouka said glumly. No one around her could answer it.

Suddenly one of the golems moved and started trampling on the surrounding buildings. His eyes glowed and fired laser beams into the area around him.

"Get out of there!" Merlick shouted from his lungs out. He realized their current situation was really in danger.


The laser beam burns anything in its path. Houses, trees, ground were all scorched by the attack.

"Everyone calm down! All students gather! We'll be out of here soon!" Merlick shouted giving orders to the students who were currently looking panicked.

"Quickly follow me!" Flavio leads the students along with the other teachers.

"Where's Ken!? Why haven't I seen him!? I can't reach him either!" Clara looks for Ziel in the crowd of running students. 

"Clara, calm down. She's fine! Trust me!" Princess Iris tried to convince her. She grabbed Clara's hand who wanted to go back into the facility. Clara tried to free herself but Princess Iris's grip was very strong on her hand.

"You think I'm going to let you guys escape? Trample them all!" Rosier disappeared and appeared on the shoulders of the golems. She looked at the humans below her like she was looking at an insect.

The three golems began to spread out in three directions and began to destroy everything in their way. The citizens of the Dwarven Kingdom who didn't have time to evacuate were trampled to death.

"Asshole!" King Auva attacked one of the golems which killed many of its citizens. He swung his sword with all his might at one of the golem's legs.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Instead of making a scratch on the golem's body, King Auva's attack was reflected. He was blown away hundreds of meters and crashed into one of the residents' houses.


"What!?" King Gustave and Merlick who wanted to help suddenly stopped upon seeing the unknown ability the golem was using.

"Isn't this unreasonable? First, nullify magic. Now, reflects attacks?" King Gustave's face darkened.

"What should we do now? It seems she has no intention of letting us escape from here." Merlick smiled bitterly. He felt helpless looking at the three giant golems that were much bigger than the green dragons he had fought before.

"For now we have to gather all the students and teachers of the academy. After that, we will find a way to escape from here and head to where our magic train is parked. We must leave this kingdom immediately. Looks like the Dwarven Kingdom will completely disappear from the Clorius continent." King Gustave said grimly. He didn't expect their visit to the Dwarven Kingdom to end like this. The kingdom that was previously fine, was now on the verge of collapse. He looked at the three golems that were currently rampaging. He didn't know what to do against an enemy they couldn't even scratch. Even though King Gustave was a battle maniac, he knew the limits of his power.

"Alright! I'll gather them soon." Merlick disappeared from where he was standing after saying that.

"Hopefully we can escape from here safely." King Gustave muttered in a serious tone.

Meanwhile, the students were divided into groups due to the rampaging giant golem. They split up to dodge the laser beams that were aimed at them before.

Currently, Clara along with Lilith and the two Princesses are hiding in a place not far from the Golem Manufacturing Facility building. Apart from the four of them, Beatrix was also there to accompany them.

"Auntie, what are we going to do now? Ken's whereabouts are not even known!?" Clara is worried because she hasn't seen Ziel until now. She also couldn't reach him through the communication brooch. She asked Princess Iris and Lilith to try it but the result was the same.

"Haa...I don't know what to do either. He'll probably be fine. Right now we have to wait for the principal's instructions." Beatrix shook her head. She is also confused about where Ziel is now and where to look for him. But for now, her main priority was to save Clara and the students who were with her.

"But what if he's in danger!? Can't you see that giant golem can trample him to death!" Clara stubbornly wants to find ziel. After that, she intends to run away from there together.

(He's in danger? I don't know who would be in danger if he were here)

Lilith tried to imagine in her mind what might be the things that put Ziel in danger in this world. But after thinking about it over and over again, she felt that nothing in this world could threaten his existence. Even the current leader of the divine race might not be his opponent. Lilith could say that because she had experienced his power.

"Clara, you need to calm down. Trust me, he'll be fine. This isn't the first time he's been like this." Princess Iris tried to calm her down. She gripped her hands tightly and looked at her seriously.

"She's right. You have to trust him." Princess Freya nodded slightly and helped reassure her. Suddenly Clara's communication brooch is connected to Ziel.

"Ken...!" Clara shouted excitedly. She subconsciously caught the attention of those around her. When she realized what she had done, she quickly averted her eyes and did not dare to look at them directly. In her communication, Ziel explained the situation and asked Clara to go first with the others. After hearing his explanation, Clara finally calmed down. She explained what she talked about with Ziel to everyone there.

"Alright. We already know how things are going. Right now we have to go to the principal's place and ask for further instructions." Beatrix reminded them of her original plan. The four girls nodded curtly. But before they could move, a voice came to distract them.

"Miss Beatrix. Luckily you are all well. Now come with me to gather with the other students. After that, we will figure out how to get out of here." Merlick suddenly appeared and approached them. He had already gathered several other groups of students and teachers. The communication tools with the teachers were oddly unusable, so he had to find and gather them in person.

"Ah, I was just about to find you, Principal. Where are the other students and teachers?" Beatrix didn't think the principal would come personally to gather them. But then she remembered that the communication device seemed to be broken ever since the giant golem had appeared.

"We don't have much time. You guys quickly follow me to their place." Merlick quickly walked back towards the gate of the Golem Manufacturing Facility. Beatrix and the four girls followed behind him.

On the other hand, the academy's students and teachers gathered at a place some distance away from the Golem Manufacturing Facility. They were also quite far from the rampaging giant golems. But if they stayed there, sooner or later they would be caught and destroyed. The heroes and other people who fought with Brolia were already there except for Prince Torin.

"Where's Prince Torin?" Hikaru asked the people around him.

"He was taken away by King Auva and Princess Melkia." Princess Rinne answered Hikaru's question.

"Why didn't he tell us before he left?" Kyouka looked at Princess Rinne.

"In that case, I don't know. But they seem to be in a hurry." Princess Rinne smiled bitterly.

"I hope nothing worse happens." Megumi put her hand on her chest and prayed.

King Gustave was the one who accompanied the students while Merlick looked for the other students and teachers. He scanned the students and thought of something.

"Why hasn't Merlick arrived yet? Has the other group of students still not been found?" King Gustave muttered frantically. Now they are racing against time. If they didn't get out of there quickly, they probably wouldn't have another chance.

"You guys check the students and teachers who are still not present!" King Gustave wanted to know how many students and teachers were still out there.

"Class S is incomplete, four students have not returned."

"class A complete!"

"Class B complete!"

"Class C complete!"

"Class D is incomplete, one student has not returned."

"Class E complete!"

"Class F complete!"

Except for class B, the homerooms of each class reported to King Gustave. Only two classes have different attendance reports.

"What about class S and class D? Why are there only five homeroom teachers? Where are the other two?" King Gustave looked at the homeroom teachers. The people who weren't there were Kalya and Beatrix.

"We saw Miss Beatrix go off to dodge the giant golem's attack along with four students from Class S. So Class B and Class S should be complete. But Miss Kalya..." Flavio wasn't sure how to explain it to King Gustave.

"What do you mean that high elf girl? Where is she?" King Gustave suddenly remembered the beautiful emerald green haired elf. She is a Princess of the Elven Kingdom according to King Auva's words.

"Yeah right. I don't know where she is. Considering the task we shared, she should be where the students last visited. But the students said they saw it before they left the place." Flavio explained it to King Gustave. He was also confused by the current whereabouts of Kalya. By now she should have regrouped with the teachers.

"Hmm...Alright. For now, let's just focus on the students who are already here. Wait a minute, you're saying class D isn't complete? Beatrix is ​​only with four class S students? Then where is this class D student?" King Gustave suddenly remembered one class D student who had not returned. He looked at the students one by one but they all shook their heads. King Gustave's face darkened at the thought.

Rhea, Dalvin, and James are confused about where Ziel is now. They except Rhea are worried about his condition. Not long after, Merlick, Beatrix, and the other four girls come to their place.

"Gustave! This is all I could find. Uh, where's Kalya?" Merlick came to see the teachers who only numbered 7 people if added with regza and Beatrix. He didn't get any answer from them.

"This..." Merlick wanted to say something but stopped it and changed what he wanted to say.

"we'll wait for him where the magic carriage is parked. If within the appointed time she does not come, we can only leave her." Merlick gritted his teeth. Even though Kalya was an old acquaintance, but right now the students were his priority.

"Okay...let's get out of here." King Gustave nodded and signaled the teachers to take the students with them. But just as they were about to leave, a huge shock occurred in front of them.


A giant golem fell from the sky and landed right in front of them.

"You think I'll forget you? Just like this Dwarven kingdom, you must die." Rosier's voice echoed in the sky.

"Damn! We're late!" King Gustave clicked his tongue. They had gathered the students as fast as they could but it turned out that Rosier was watching their movements.

"Kill them all!" Rosier gave her orders to the golem.

The golem's eyes shone brightly. Energy gathered in its eyes and was ready to fire. This was the attack he shot before to burn the Dwarven royal capital. The attack had incredible speed and destructive power that made it difficult to dodge or block. Only a small number of students were able to avoid it.

"What should we do!?"

"Are we going to die here!?"

The students started screaming in panic. King Gustave, Merlick, and the other teachers stood in front of the students to protect them. Their expressions were gloomy and cold sweat dripped from their foreheads. The laser beam is ready to be shot.


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