Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 177 - 22

Sea Serpent King is different from an ordinary sea serpent. The Sea Serpent King has the size and scales of a dragon. The monster had sharp fins as hard as mithril extending from its neck to its tail. On top of the monster's head was a large, shiny blue horn. Its sharp fangs had almost the strength of a dragon's and could tear apart anything. The scariest thing about the monster was that the Sea Serpent King had the power of a saint and a sage.

After the Sea Serpent King emerged from the mist, the other monsters came out one after another. Magical beasts with various forms began to reveal themselves. The monsters are sea serpent, Iron-toothed shark, blood scaly alligator, and many other monsters. The number of monsters was even more than the soldiers reported to Princess Cordelia.

Princess Cordelia and the soldiers were stunned to see the horde of magical beasts in front of them. But Princess Cordelia quickly returned to her senses.

"Shoot magic cannons at the mob! For the mages! Fire your strongest ranged magic attack! Start attacks simultaneously on my command! Shoot!" Princess Cordelia gave her orders. The soldiers and mages quickly did as she had ordered. The soldiers fired magic cannons, and the mages cast their best-ranged spells.


[Lightning Spear]

[Wind Blade]


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Because the magical beasts came swarming, they became easy targets for the soldiers and mages of the Cirlus Kingdom.


Several magical beasts died instantly from the attack, and some only received minor injuries. The monsters that were killed in that attack were just low-level magical beasts. Meanwhile, the mid-level monsters and above kept moving as if they didn't care about the attacks from the Cirlus Kingdom soldiers.

"Keep shooting at those hordes of monsters! Don't mind the monsters that managed to survive! Don't let them come near the shore! We must reduce the number of enemies as much as possible!" Princess Cordelia shouted to wake up the soldiers, who were surprised to see their attacks had little effect on the horde of magical beasts.

"We understand, general!" The soldiers and mages answered in unison. Their spirits rose again after hearing Princess Cordelia's voice.

Princess Cordelia narrowed her eyes when she saw the many magical beasts starting to approach the shore. She drew the sword at her waist and charged forward to attack the monsters. Princess Cordelia compressed the mana in her sword and swung it towards the oncoming magical beast horde.

[Water Slash]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The compressed water blade cut off the monster's head in an instant. Some of the weaker monsters in front of the horde also died. The other monsters started launching their attacks as they sensed the threat from Princess Cordelia.

The magical beasts shot fire, poison, and lightning at Princess Cordelia simultaneously. The other monsters began to turn their attention to Princess Cordelia and attacked her.

"Be careful, General!" The soldiers warned Princess Cordelia.

Princess Cordelia's face became gloomy after seeing a shower of fireballs and lightning coming towards her. She couldn't dodge it because the soldiers of the Cirlus Kingdom were behind her. The attack would hit them if she dodged. So, she decided to withstand the onslaught.

[Giant Ice Wall]

Princess Cordelia uses seawater and freezes it to create a giant ice wall to block the monster's attacks.

Boom! Boom!

Crack after crack formed in the ice wall. Penghalang itu tidak akan bertahan lama menerima serangan itu. But Princess Cordelia had expected it.

[Sea Curtains]

Princess Cordelia covered the back and front of the ice wall with a wall of water. She made the seawater flow upwards like an overturned waterfall. The cracks in the ice wall disappeared, and the magical beasts' attacks were blocked by her alone.


"As expected of the Sea Princess!"

"Our general is great!"

"We can't lose to those monsters!"

The soldiers and mages cheered for Princess Cordelia. They were touched that Princess Cordelia had blocked the attack for them. Their war spirit is burning.

Princess Cordelia did not lower her guard despite stopping the attack. She can only calm down if she has destroyed all the magical beasts in front of her. Then she cast one of his best spells against the hordes of monsters.

[Water Golem]

[Ice Golem]

Princess Cordelia made two humanoid giants dozens of meters high formed from the compression of seawater. At first, the two giants were only formed from seawater. However, Princess Cordelia froze one of the giants and shaped it into an ice golem. Each of the giant golems was armed with a large sword. The two of them charged forward and rampaged amid the horde of magical beasts.

Princess Cordelia didn't just stand by and watch. She attacked another monster that the two golems couldn't handle. While fighting, Princess Cordelia kept her eyes on the Sea Serpent King behind the horde of monsters. The monster had not shown any movement since its appearance. She knew that if the monster moved, the flow of the battle would change.

"Keep shooting hordes of magical beasts! Keep reducing the number of those monsters! For mages, use potions without hesitation when your mana runs dry!" Princess Cordelia gave her orders while fighting one of the magical beasts.

"Understand, General!" The soldiers and mages answered in unison.

Princess Cordelia unhesitatingly broke through the magical beast horde along with her two golems. The soldiers were excited and amazed to see her. Princess Cordelia ran above the surface of the sea and swung her sword like she was dancing. She quickly killed low-level magical beasts and seriously injured mid-level magical beasts. Her swordsmanship looks like a master even though her main job is as a mage.

Dozens of monsters that began to approach the shore died at the hands of Princess Cordelia and her two golems. Her actions angered the Sea Serpent King behind the monster horde.


The sea serpent king roared and charged towards Princess Cordelia. The monster realized that Princess Cordelia was the only threat in the place. However, a water laser beam aimed at the Sea Serpent King before the monster could approach Princess Cordelia.

"Do you think we didn't prepare a plan to deal with you?" Princess Cordelia looked at the Sea Serpent King and smiled sweetly.

The attack on the Sea Serpent King earlier came from the Cirlus Kingdom's King Rank artifact, the Five-Element Magic Cannon. The artifact was a cannon with a blue crystal-coated surface that could fire five elemental attacks. The operator can fire only one element or combine all five elements simultaneously. Its attack power was almost equal to the attack power of a Sage. The consumption of mana required for one shot is enormous. The artifact uses the full power of 9 Magic Grandmasters for one attack, or it can also use a very large number of magic stones.

One attack of the Five-Element Magic Cannon was enough to injure a Sea Serpent King as long as it could hit the monster directly. King Raghnall used the Cirlus royal treasure because he was worried about Princess Cordelia's condition on the battlefield.


The Sea Serpent King felt threatened by the attack that had almost hit him earlier. The monster shifted its focus from Princess Cordelia to the nine mages, the artifact operators. The Sea Serpent King shot the same water laser beam from its mouth at them. The nine mages didn't just watch the attack either, and they fired another attack using the Five-Element Magic Cannon.

[Fire Beams]

The water laser beam from the Sea Serpent King clashed with the fire laser beam from the magic cannon.


The clash of the two attacks created a tremendous shockwave on the battlefield. The low-level magical beasts near the area died instantly from the attack's impact.


The Sea Serpent King was furious that his attack didn't work. The monster opened its mouth and sprayed ice mist all over the battlefield. The surrounding sea surface became ice. The soldiers and mages instantly froze when the icy mist hit them.

"What!?" Princess Cordelia was surprised because many of her soldiers were frozen because of the attack.

"Five-element magic cannon fire again! Don't give it a chance to attack!" Princess Cordelia gave her orders. She gritted his teeth because she knew that the Five-Element Magic Cannon couldn't be used continuously. The mages who operate it will run out of mana, and the Cirlus Kingdom also doesn't have enough magic stones that can be used to fire five-element magic cannons.

The nine mages fired another Magic Canon. This time the operators fired three elements at once.

[Water Beam]

[Fire Beam]

[Lightning Beam]


The Sea Serpent King roared as several parts of its body were injured from getting hit by one of those attacks.

The Sea Serpent King's roar signalled the other magical beasts to attack more aggressively. The monsters followed the Sea Serpent King's orders and began to rampage. The beasts fired long-range attacks at the group of soldiers. Meanwhile, the Sea Serpent King keep attacking the magic cannon operator. Sea Serpent King intends to destroy the artifact no matter what. Because the monster felt the magic cannon was a more dangerous threat than Princess Cordelia.

"Damn!" Princess Cordelia gritted her teeth. She intended to block the Sea Serpent King's attack on the artifact and its operator. But mid-level and high-level magical beasts kept getting in the way. At the same time, the other two golems were also busy dealing with other monsters.

The nine mages who operated the magic canon finally ran out of mana. They also ran out of potions and magic stones. They could no longer carry out attacks using the Five-Element Magic Cannon.

The Sea Serpent King realized that the magic canon could no longer shoot and used the opportunity to destroy it. The monster shot a water laser beam at the nine mages and magic cannons.

"No! Resist the attack as best you can! Otherwise, we will lose our chance to win!" Princess Cordelia screamed in panic. They wouldn't win that battle without the Five-Element Magic Cannon. Currently, the strongest person on the battlefield was Princess Cordelia. But she couldn't beat the Sea Serpent King alone.

The mages quickly set up various kinds of barriers to withstand the attack. But sadly, all the barriers shattered without withstanding the attack for even ten seconds.

Princess Cordelia slashed at the surrounding monsters in a hurry. She wanted to quickly get out of the horde of monsters and block the water laser beam from the Sea Serpent King. She was afraid that the monster attack would cause many casualties on her part. But Princess Cordelia felt she would never have time to stop the attack.

"No...! Get out of there quickly!" Princess Cordelia screamed at the top of her lungs.

The soldiers heard her order and intended to dodge, but they didn't have time. The soldiers just resigned themselves to their fate. Princess Cordelia wanted to scream at them again, but someone's voice interrupted her.

[Thunderstorm Dragon]


Currently, Hikaru and Sintaro were both lying on the ground. They were overwhelmed and barely had the strength to stand. They have many wounds all over their bodies. It wasn't a wound from being hit by a monster attack but the result of their little fight.

"Looks like the outcome of our fight is a draw." Hikaru muttered while breathing heavily. Right now, he felt like he could lose consciousness at any moment. They hadn't had time to rest since waking up from their previous stupor. After that, hordes of sea serpents attack them. And finally, he has to fight with Sintaro after escaping.

"You're just lucky." Sintaro still doesn't accept it.

"Luck is also strength." Hikaru smiled a little.

Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching them. From the vibrations on the ground, they could tell it was a monster, and there were more than one.

"This is terrible! We have to get out of here immediately!" Hikaru desperately tried to stand up. Sintaro also tried the same thing. But before they could stand up, a green liquid shot towards Hikaru and Sintaro, and they couldn't dodge it.

"This is… poison?" Then Hikaru saw a monster coming to that place. He saw a dozen crabs with sharp claws. That monster is a Poison Crab.

Hikaru and Sintaro's vision started to blur, and they started to lose their consciousness due to the poison's effects and their state of exhaustion. The crabs finally arrived in front of them and opened their sharp claws. The monster intends to cut down Sintaro and Hikaru. They tried to move to dodge, but it only made their consciousness fade faster. Before they lost consciousness, they heard the voices of boys and the screams of the monsters around them.

"It's stupid to fight with each other and make your situation like that. It turns out that your friendship is only limited to that.." The indifferent voice of a boy rang in their ears and finally brought their consciousness sinking into darkness.

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