Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 288 24

Kalya, Princess Freya, and Princess Aishia looked in shock at the scene before their eyes. The three girls didn't expect that the fortress dragon would use its companions to evolve in such a desperate situation. Moreover, the brown light shrouding the dragons prevented them from getting close and also blocked any attacks they gave. So the three girls could only watch from afar while waiting for the cocoon of light to disappear.

"What is that!? Can dragons evolve!?" Princess Freya asked in disbelief.

"I also do not know. This is also my first time seeing it." Princess Aishia shook her head in confusion.

"I've heard from legends that dragons can evolve into other dragons under certain circumstances. But the chances of that happening were slim and even rare in the past, or so I heard from the story." Kalya said seriously. As a long-lived elf race, she had heard and read many legends on the Clorius continent, one of which was about dragons.

"Are you saying we have met the rare dragon you mentioned in that story? If that's true, I don't know whether to say this is our luck or misfortune." Princess Freya looked at Kalya and smiled bitterly.

"Whatever it is, one thing is sure. We are in a dangerous situation now. Are you scared?" Kalya looked back at Princess Freya and then at Princess Aishia. She wanted to see the expressions on their faces and confirm something.

Princess Freya and Princess Aishia looked at each other and then showed their brave and determined faces to Kalya.

"Of course, we are not afraid! We will fight against that dragon with you even if he becomes a god!" Princess Aishia answered firmly.

"Haven't we seen a more powerful and terrifying creature than that dragon? If we can't even defeat a monster like that, what will we prove to Ziel? We cannot continue to be a burden to him. I want to stand beside him proudly! Therefore, this dragon is a stepping stone for us to prove our existence to him!" Princess Freya said without the slightest hesitation.

Kalya smiled broadly after hearing the answers of the two girls. Then she looked at Princess Aishia and gently patted her on the shoulder.

"I know how you feel about Ziel. I don't want to be a selfish woman by making him only mine. You should already know the relationship between Freya, Ziel, and me. If you love him, I don't mind sharing him with you. Not just you, but the other girls too. I realized that Ziel was too extraordinary to be owned by one woman. Therefore, I need all of you. After this matter is over, let's talk about this again." Kalya smiled with satisfaction.

Kalya had already decided to allow Princess Aishia and the other girls to be with Ziel if they truly loved him. She no longer feared like before because she had already secured the most important position in his heart. No matter how many women Ziel will have in the future, Kalya won't mind. After the Five Kingdoms Conference ended, she intended to talk about it to Princess Aishia, Princess Iris, Clara, and the other girls. But Kalya did not expect such an incident to happen, which made her have to rearrange her plans.

Princess Aishia covered her mouth with her hands, and tears flowed from her eyes after hearing Kalya's statement. She felt so happy that she felt like screaming out loud but realized that she couldn't do that in the current situation. Then she wipes her tears and looks at Kalya seriously.

"I love him! I want to be by his side and fight alongside him! I don't care if I have to share him with you. After all, you all are like a sister to me. Thank you for accepting me!" Princess Aishia expressed her whole heart to Kalya. The giant stone stuck in her chest for fear that Kalya would not accept her finally lifted and made her sigh with relief.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Congratulations, Aishia. We will be a family in the future. Of course, I will be your older sister." Princess Freya smiled and was happy for her childhood friend. She holds her hand and grips it tightly.

"But before that, we have to defeat the dragon first. As you have said, If we can't defeat this dragon, then there's nothing we can prove to Ziel!" Kalya's face changed, and she narrowed her eyes towards the fortress dragon, perhaps now referred to as the metal dragon because its current color of scales was brown.

Princess Freya and Princess Aishia nodded and also turned their attention toward the dragon inside the cocoon.

The light that enveloped the monster finally disappeared and revealed a dragon of a larger size and different color. But they didn't see any other dragons, only a brown dragon with overflowing power.


"Attack!" Kalya quickly gave her order after seeing the light had disappeared. She didn't want to risk letting the metal dragon launch his first attack on them because she didn't know how much his power increased after evolving. If the attack were much stronger than Kalya expected, then it would be dangerous for them.

[Shining Javelin]

[Silver Storm]

[Tempest Arrows]

Princess Freya, Princess Aishia, and Kalya launched their attacks simultaneously, hoping to injure the monster. But the metal dragon didn't move from where it was and showed no sign of dodging their attacks.


"Did we manage to hurt the monster?" Princess Freya subconsciously muttered. They couldn't tell how the dragon was because their attack caused smoke to cover the surrounding area.

"Looks like our attacks have not affected the dragon." Kalya narrowed her eyes at the huge dragon figure that slowly appeared after the smoke cleared. The monster's body looked unharmed from their attacks. Kalya and the two girls felt that the dragon saw them and mocked them. But then the dragon suddenly disappeared from their sight.

"Watch out!" Kalya warns the two girls next to her. Then they quickly flew apart from that place. Right after they left, a metal dragon suddenly appeared with its jaws open and tried to bite the three girls. Luckily, they had already escaped from there. Otherwise, their bodies would have been torn apart by the dragon's fangs.


The dragon was angry after losing its prey. Then the monster looked at Kalya because he felt more threat by her than the other two girls. Kalya became more alert when she received that gaze. But she suddenly raised her eyebrows when she found something on the metal dragon's body.

"Be careful!" Princess Freya shouted, warning Kalya after feeling the intent of the dragon's gaze towards her. Right after Princess Freya said, the dragon disappeared again. Princess Aishia and Princess Freya were worried and wanted to help her. B But Kalya's voice comes from the communication brooch and stops them.

(Don't come close to me! You don't have to worry about me. Please pay attention to the dragon's movements and attack its neck on the part with the dark yellow scales!)

Kalya prevented them from helping her because she wanted the two girls to attack the dragon while she distracted the monster. The metal dragon appeared in front of Kalya and swung its claws.

Kalya dodged the attack by a hair's margin and made the dragon feel angry. The monster gave another swing of its claws and then wagged its tail, but Kalya could dodge it with minimal movement. She seemed to make the dragon angrier deliberately and only focused on her. That way, Kalya could give Princess Freya and Princess Aishia time to attack.

Princess Freya and Princess Aishia did as Kalya said. They focused their eyes on the metal dragon's neck and found the part of the yellow scale that Kalya mentioned.

Those yellow scales existed because the evolution of the fortress dragon into a metal dragon was imperfect. There were still other parts on the monster's body with yellow scales, but Kalya could only find it on the neck.

(I have found it!)

(Me too! I also found another one on the tail!)

Princess Freya and Princess Aishia informed Kalya through the communication brooch. Princess Aishia found another yellow scale of the monster when she checked it.

(Good! I'll try to lock up the monster's movement. You should attack the yellow scales on the neck as it will deal more damage than attacking the tail. After I give the signal, fire your best lethal attack at that point!)

Kalya retaliated while continuing to dodge the metal dragon's attacks. Her face was sweaty and slightly out of breath as she was starting to get overwhelmed by the endless succession of attacks.


The dragon was furious because Kalya was too good at dodging, and none of its attacks hit her. Then the monster opened its jaw and intended to shoot the dragon's breath.

Kalya raised her eyebrows as she finally got a chance to counterattack. She quickly pulled her bowstring and fired her arrow at the metal dragon.

[Thunderstorm Dragon]

Kalya's arrows turned into three long dragons wrapped around the metal dragon before it could shoot the dragon's breath. The three long dragons locked the metal dragon's exposed jaws, arms, and legs. The metal dragon struggled and tried to free itself, but its efforts ended in vain as Kalya used all her strength in that attack.

"Now!" Kalya shouted a signal to Princess Freya and Princess Aishia. The two girls had already unleashed their full strength and had been waiting for it. When they heard Kalya's voice, the two immediately fired their attacks without hesitation.

[Shining Javelin]

[Silver Magnum]

Princess Freya made a large light spear and aimed at the yellow scales on the metal dragon's neck. Though not very deep, her attack penetrated the dragon's defenses. The metal dragon was in pain, but unfortunately, it couldn't roar because Kalya had locked its jaw.

The monster used all of its strength and kept trying to break free from the coils of the long dragon. His efforts also paid off when the lock on his body became looser. But the additional attack from Princess Aishia gave him another pain and made him stop his struggle.

Princess Aishia turned her mana into a large silver gun and fired a projectile made of highly compressed mana. Her attack was purposely aimed at Princess Freya's spear of light and made it pierce the metal dragon's neck.


The metal dragon was finally able to release the lock on its jaw after feeling the excruciating pain of having its neck nearly cut. But the girls' attacks were still not over.

Kalya's face became serious. She narrowed her eyes and pulled the bowstring. Then Kalya shot her arrow, and the target she aimed for was the gap in the scar from Princess Freya and Princess Aishia's combined attack.

The metal dragon didn't notice Kalya's attack because the arrow didn't emit any power and finally managed to enter the monster's body.

"Die." Kalya muttered coldly.

The arrow within the dragon's neck suddenly trembled and then shattered into a ball of energy with green lightning around it. Kalya intended to finish off the monster from within his body because it was his weakest part and easier to do than attacking the outside which had an overwhelming defense.

[Spirit Thunderbolt]

The ball of energy within the dragon's body swelled, and light seeped out from the cracks of the dragon's scales.


The dragon sensed something was wrong with its body. But when he realized it, it was too late.


A burst of energy severed the dragon's neck. The monster's eyes stared at Kalya with hatred. After his evolution was successful, he didn't even have time to shoot the dragon's breath and instead died at the hands of the humans. The dragon's body lost its strength and fell from the sky.

"Did we succeed?" Princess Freya and Princess Aishia flew up to Kalya and asked. Kalya's face was pale as she used all her strength in her final attack.

"Yes. We've managed to kill the dragon ." Kalya smiled weakly. She took a potion from her space storage and then drank it. Her pale face quickly brightened, and her spirit power was fully recharged.

"Finally, we made it!" Princess Aishia said excitedly.

"We don't have time to celebrate this because we still haven't won this battle. There are still more powerful enemies waiting for us! So, let's help the others first and then fight the dragon emperor together! That would be the best proof to Ziel!" Kalya said earnestly to the two girls and turned her eyes towards the location where the kings were fighting.

"We got it!" Princess Freya and Princess Aishia nodded firmly. Then the three girls flew toward Lilith and the others. Another fierce battle was waiting before them.

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