Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 63 - 26

The lake behind the black tower is an artificial lake. Many fish and other aquatic creatures live there. Currently, Ziel is sitting and fishing while spending time in that lake. In addition, he was also waiting for someone to appear.

"Since when did you notice?" A girl's melodious voice answered from behind a tree. Suddenly the light there distorted and revealed the figure of a beautiful girl who was the same age as Ziel.

Ziel knows the girl. She has long golden hair and an oval face. Her eyes are the same color as her hair that makes her even more charming. She is the Princess of the Aurelia Kingdom, Freya Aurelia. She was currently wearing her academy uniform.

The academy uniforms for male and female students were slightly different in color.. The male uniform for academy students is long pants and a black shirt with a matching colored blazer on the outside. It's just that the blazer has gold and silver ornaments. Also has a long gold tie on his collar.

While the uniform for female students is a short knee-length black skirt combined with a long white tufted shirt for the top. It has a gold-colored ribbon tie in the middle of the collar which looks cute yet elegant for female students. And on her right arm was a 7-star emblem indicating that she was a class S student.

Princess Freya who was currently in her academy uniform looked very beautiful and adorable. The uniform exposed her long, white, and beautiful legs. Sometimes her skirt would sway in the wind and reveal her smooth thighs.

"Since I parted ways with Princess Iris and Lady Clara." Ziel answered without taking his eyes off his fishing hook. He knew that Princess Freya already recognized him so he spoke nonchalantly.

"Hehe... Is that so? As expected of Ziel." She chuckled and walked over to him. After that, she sat next to him not caring that her skirt would get dirty. She took out her fishing rod from her storage ring and went fishing beside him.

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(Can this girl fishing? And why does she keep a fishing rod in her storage ring?)

Ziel muttered in his heart after seeing what Princess Freya suddenly did.

"What are you doing? You'll be late for the admissions ceremony if you're here." Ziel has been in the lake for 1 hour. So less than an hour until the new student admission ceremony will begin. The girl who was fishing next to him should have taken part in the ceremony. Because she was one of the students with the highest scores in the exam as well as a Princess. The academy will panic if Princess Freya is not present at the ceremony.

"Hmm? I don't care about the ceremony." She smiled broadly at him. If the one in front of her is not Ziel, but another boy. They will instantly fall in love with that smile.

"So, what do you want from me, Your Highness Princess Freya?" Ziel saw the girl next to him, he felt the need to keep his distance from her. Because Ziel doesn't know what the girl is thinking.

"What I want from you is... You." Princess Freya looked straight into Ziel's eyes. Suddenly her body trembled and became hot. Little by little her face started to blush. She used all her courage to say that. But because there was a lingering embarrassment, she couldn't stare at him for too long and turned her face away from him.

"Your bait seems to have been eaten by fish." Ziel who heard that from Princess Freya kept his poker face. Then he pointed at Princess Freya's fishing hook which was starting to twitch.

"Ah... You're right. Looks like a big fish." Princess Freya immediately pulled her fishing rod. But the fish she caught was not as big as she thought.

"Good... So, how long will you be here?" Ziel thought it would be troublesome if the academy panicked and looked for her all the way there.

"Hmm... I don't know. There's nothing important at the ceremony anyway. So I'll just accompany you here." She shifted his seat closer to Ziel. She looks very clinging to him.

"Whatever..." After saying that, Ziel just focused on the fishing rod in his hand and didn't care about Princess Freya beside him.

Time goes by slowly, Princess Freya doesn't care about Ziel sitting silently next to her. She smiled while humming waiting for her bait to be eaten by the fish again. After sitting there for a long time, Ziel realized that the new student admission ceremony was about to start. But Princess Freya showed no sign of getting up from her seat. Looks like she was serious when she said she would accompany Ziel there.

"Alright, I'm done here. If you want to keep fishing, then go ahead. Good luck." Ziel put his fishing rod back into his storage space and stood up from his seat. He planned to go to the SkyDome hall to take part in the new student admissions ceremony.

"Wait... Wait... I'll come with you!" She put her fishing rod in her storage ring and chased after Ziel who had walked away from her.


The SkyDome building at the Piqmentia Grand Academy. The hall is already filled with students who were accepted into the academy. They sit randomly not based on their class order. But for class S they have a special place. The hundred people with the highest grades will serve as examples for students from other classes.

In the row of seats reserved specifically for class S. More than 90% of the seats are already occupied by students. The rest is unknown whether it was late or couldn't come. The presence of the class S students was very important for the ceremony.

Princess Aisha and Prince Fritz who also entered class S have already taken their seats. To their right are Princess Rinne, Hugo, Clara, and Princess Iris. They happened to have seats next to each other. And to their left was the blood-red-haired girl with the ponytail, Princess Reina Rubelia. Meanwhile, Lilith and Berith who were also in S class were sitting a bit away from them.

Princess Aishia currently looks confused and worried because she doesn't see Princess Freya anywhere. Likewise for Princess Freya's older brother, Prince Fritz.

"Aishia, do you know where Freya went?" Prince Fritz was looking for Princess Freya in the hall. But he couldn't find her at all.

"I don't know... After she changed into her academy uniform. She immediately went somewhere." Princess Aishia happened to get the same room as Princess Freya. Another one of their roommates is a merchant's daughter from the Rubelia Kingdom. When Princess Freya had changed into her academy uniform. She immediately left without telling her where she was going. Princess Aishia thinks she will return before the ceremony starts. But until now she couldn't find Princess Freya anywhere.

"Where did she go? Doesn't she know that the ceremony is about to start?" Prince Fritz massaged his head because he was dizzy thinking about his younger sister's behavior on the first day of entering the academy.

"I thought she would come..." Princess Aishia's words were interrupted because she saw a beautiful golden-haired girl and a normal-looking black-haired boy walking together enter the hall.

(What!? Why did she come with that guy?)

Princess Aishia glanced at Clara who was chatting with Princess Iris. No one seemed to notice that Princess Freya had come with a boy. She intended to ask Princess Freya about where she had gone before after she joined them in the class S lineup. But she didn't head to the class S lineup. Instead, she followed the boy mingling with the other classes.

As if noticing her gaze, Princess Freya smiled and waved her hand at Princess Aishia. She looks clinging to Ziel. For some reason, she was annoyed by Princess Freya's behavior.

(Strange, didn't anyone notice Freya was sitting there?)

Princess Aishia was confused and looked around where Princess Freya was sitting. Not a single student glanced at her. As if they all don't recognize Princess Freya.

(I have to talk to her after this ceremony)

Princess Aishia muttered with discomfort in her heart.


Ziel calmly watched the admissions Ceremony. Starting with the opening words of the principal. Followed by a speech from the best student, Prince Fritz. Too bad none of the 5 kings were present, there were only their representatives. Then introduce the teachers who will be their homeroom teachers. Ziel knows 3 of the 7 teachers in front. The person who became Ziel's homeroom teacher was Kalya Venetia. But the calm was disturbed because of the girl next to him.

"Ziel, what did you do to them? It's not that I'm overestimating myself, but I'm sure if they saw me with a boy, those people would be noisy." Princess Freya tilted her head while touching her lips with her finger. That act looks so adorable. Even so... still, no one paid any attention to her.

"First, my name is Ken. Second, you can go to the class S line, so you can be the center of attention. If someone sees you here with me, it will only be troublesome. And third, why are you not noticed by the people around you? That's your spell which you previously used." Ziel uses the same spell that princess Freya uses when hiding behind a tree [Light Camouflage].

"What!? You used my spell!? When!?" The camouflage spell that Princess Freya uses is one of the exclusive magics of the Aurelia Royal Family. But right now that magic is being used by Ziel on her without even knowing it.

Ziel just remained silent until the ceremony was over. Then he intended to quickly leave that place back to his room to rest. But someone's voice interrupted his footsteps.

"Ken!" Clara and Princess Iris walked up to him.

"My lady, Princess Iris." Ziel bowed slightly to them. While Princess Iris replied with a smile.

"Ken, where have you been? I don't see you anywhere. Aren't you taking part in the ceremony?" Clara previously also looked for Ziel from the class S lineup. But since she couldn't find him in the hall, she thought that he didn't attend the ceremony and intended to look for him with princess Iris after the ceremony was over.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation." A girl's voice from behind stopped their conversation.

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