Iron Blooded Hound

Chapter 100 - 100: Defying Fate

Chapter 100: Chapter 100: Defying Fate

<Gorge Fly 'Beelzebub'>/Drill

-1 space: Consume - Cerberus(A+)

Opening - 2: Quiet Slope - Mushu Hushu(A+)

Opening - 3: Super Recovery - Marsh Salamander(A+)

The third sphere of the enchanted blade Satan spat out red light.

The soul of a lowland lizard seethed inside the sphere.

The disastrous energy before long transformed into apparition energy, flowing through the veins of Vikir's body.

The expertise 'Super Recovery' has been projected.

Tsutsutsutsuts... ...

His body was recovering at a staggering rate, with dark steam surging from each muscle fiber.

New legs grew from cut off appendages, digestion tracts recovered, bones combined, and expanding wounds mended themselves.

Lizards are probably the most regenerative animals in the water, ready to recover their arms down to the tips of their fingers regardless of whether they've been cut off at the shoulders.

Obviously, recovery on such a huge scope is exceptionally depleting, yet it's far superior than going through your time on earth injured.

Obviously, just in fight.

Promptly after being diminished to a worn out mass on the ground, Vikir had flawlessly reconstituted his body.


Madame raised her forelegs and scratched the highest point of her head in disarray.

Vikir mindfully stepped back.

'... ... On the off chance that I'd gone in for a subsequent blow, I'd have been killed quickly.'

He had paid attention to his gut feelings and withdrew when the primary assault had been fruitful.

Assuming that I had disregarded the admonitions of my senses and pushed ahead only a tad bit, only a tad bit further for the following assault, I would have been killed, and, surprisingly, the most regenerative of lizards wouldn't have the option to do a lot of about that.

Essentially I'd in any case have a body to recover.



Madame was squirming, as though something had upset her before.

It was the consuming smell that drifted past her noses.

The smell of fire, which bugs disdain so a lot, was appearing unexpectedly.

Then Madame acknowledged where the smell was coming from.

It was coming from her own butt.

...Crunch! ... Crunch!

The mucous sac on her butt where Vikir's blow had struck before.

The bodily fluid sac, which regularly sheds networks, was presently injured and consuming.

What was consuming in that injury was most certainly the dim blazes of the oil framework!

"How does damnation taste?"

Vikir asked as he traveled to one side.

Prior, when he had cut at the bug's body, Vikir had enacted another ability as well as delivering his emanation.

It was the Consume ability he'd gotten from catching Cerberus.

Adversaries sliced or skewered by the sharp edge of the enchanted blade Satan would experience lethal consumes.

The diabolical blazes of Cerberus' phantom's remaining parts would keep on singing adversaries.


Madame irately scoured her posterior against the ground.

However, all things being equal, the blazes were not stifled, and they consumed all the more with great intensity.

The bodily fluid spilling from Madame's mucous sacs keeps on attracting the blazes, similarly as the flares are attracted by the openings in the oil barrel.

Once contacted, it consumes until the end of time. That is the scourge of Cerberus the Hellhound.

Eventually, Madame let it be known. What a disturbance these diabolical blazes that Cerberus has carried with him are.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Madame paused her breathing and extended the opening in her butt, spilling the huge measure of bodily fluid that had been contained inside onto the floor.

Immense measures of white fluid murmured out.

Vikir extended back to stay away from them.

Out of nowhere, the blazes that had been consuming Madame's bodily fluid sacs were totally out of her butt.

She had removed a lot of bodily fluid without a moment's delay.

[Gag! Gag!]

Madame pivoted, her legs shaking in dissatisfaction.

Then she went to me.


She accomplished something that would have made Vikir shake his head.

She stuck her leg into the tunnel, twirled it around, and took out a little, round circle.

It was an egg.

Vikir unexpectedly comprehended the reason why Madame was so eager constantly.

Madame was pregnant, and she was conveying many eggs inside her.

In any case, with the ongoing gatecrasher depleting her endurance as far as possible, there is just such a lot of food she can eat.


Madame ate up her eggs, concentrated sustenance, decisively.

"What a relentless mother."

Without another word, Vikir raised his bow.


A bolt flew out and set out toward Madame.

The bolt sliced through the air forcefully and held up in her third eye from the left.


The eyeball detonated like a crude egg.

Alongside the quality that turned at fast on the outer layer of the sharpened stone, the blazes of the oil framework were moved.


Madame loosened up her legs in wrath, however what looked for her toward the finish of the direction was a blade strike used by Vikir.


Once more, there was a break as though the night sky was being parted in two.

This time, Madame's right front leg was cut off and she spread across the floor.


Vikir ventured back, avoiding the toxic blood that showered every which way.

[Chuckle ]

Regardless of losing her front legs, Madame was not by any stretch of the imagination disturbed.

She essentially recovered one more egg from her tunnel, ate it, and recovered two new legs from the cut off appendage.

Poof! Poof!

Madame currently had ten legs.

She could never again go after with her cut off legs, as they would continuously bounce back into two.

Vikir stayed quiet, keeping a close eye on Madame.


Vikir gestured.

"I see. Cut one, make two, right?"

Furthermore, with that, Lucifer exposed his six twisted teeth, jabbing out of Vikir's corridors.

"We should find out how far it turns out, then."

A dark quality detonated frantically from Vikir's whole body.

Baskerville 6th Structure.

The blood quality at the tip of the enchanted blade consumed as brilliantly as the sun as it plunged toward Madame's legs again.

The sharp tip, similar to the teeth of a flesh eating creature, cut six directions with hardly a pause in between.

Dengeng deng-.

The two recently developed legs were cut off once more, and Madame recovered them as though it were miserable.

Poof! Woody, woody, woody!

Four legs grew from where two legs had been cut off.

Vikir let out one more lengthy stream of quality.

The impression of all the blood in his body being changed into quality, a stunning domain of military power!

Feeling as though every vein in his body was ablaze, Vikir shot forward.

The air sharp edge streaked out once more.

The high velocity alternating emanation of the Graduator cut through Madame's unbending exoskeleton.

Two new legs grew from the cut off appendages.

Vikir kept on consuming the mana in his body to deliver the atmosphere, and each time he did, Madame developed increasingly leggy.


Madame utilized her numerous legs to oviposit all around Vikir's body.


Regardless of the brain desensitizing agony, Vikir's eyes stayed centered.

He stood and persevered through the horrible misery like a carefully prepared dog from the Time of Obliteration.

Once more the regenerative powers of the marsh lizard recuperate Vikir's body.

Yet, it couldn't really make any significant difference with the awful toxic substance that had penetrated his body.

The horrible toxin breaks up into his blood, beating through his whole body.

The Graduator's atmosphere singes his veins, yet it's reasonable he won't keep going long.

Vikir lifted his obscured vision and scowled at the Madame before him.

The joke on the Madame's face was just deteriorating.


Madame brought her two forelegs up as one, as though to squash the stunning Vikir all at once.

It was a seriously relaxed development.

... but?


Briefly, Madame staggered as well.

Insufficient strength? No. Madame actually had a lot of energy left.

However, for what reason is her equilibrium off?

Abruptly, Madame understood.

There were an excessive number of new legs growing from her forelegs.

She had quite recently let all the bodily fluid in her stomach out of the irritating consuming of Cerberus' flares, so she was currently lighter.

Add to that the heaviness of his numerous congested legs, and he's reeling briefly.

Vikir didn't miss the concise second when Madame jumped at the startling change in her focal point of gravity.


Vikir sent off himself with a sharp cry.

The toxin made his psyche hazy.

He realized by sense that this was his last opportunity.

Madame overreacted and thrashed to consistent herself, however her two front legs were at that point excessively weighty and she couldn't resist the opportunity to tumble aside.

Moreover, her three remaining eyeballs were so dazed by the distance that she was unable to see the direction of Vikir's jump.

Madame loosened up her center leg to stop him, yet her point was off.

Vikir then cut Lucifer into the bug's mid-region, which was presently vacant and missing its center leg.


As it ended up, Vikir's quality couldn't infiltrate Madame's midsection.

That is on the grounds that underneath her lower stomach sack was a strong breastplate, a safeguard that was sufficiently able to impede even the air of a Graduator.

Vikir's sword trapped in a depression in Madame's breastplate.

In this perspective, Madame was fortunate and Vikir was unfortunate.


Vikir hadn't planned to dive his blade into Madame's chest in any case.


Energetically, Vikir pushed at Satan.

The needle of the borer against the hard breastplate pushed it back.

Believe it or not. I can't puncture, however I can push.

Madame was askew under the heaviness of her weighty forelegs and the unfilled load of her bodily fluid sac.

Vikir's godlike strength at last thumped Madame sideways.

What's more, close to her was the ground, which was debilitated by soft tissue and rotting bone.

In this angle, Madame was unfortunate and Vikir was fortunate.


Madame overreacted and thrashed her foot, however it was removed by an extra emanation sharp edge from Vikir.

Vikir's talented cut was exact, focusing on just the feeble joint toward the finish of the leg.

It was a practically instinctual cut, unimaginable with his obscured vision.

Before sufficiently long, new legs loosened up, however it was past the point of no return.

Crash, crash, crash!

Madame banged into the delicate ground and moved toward the foundation of the precipice.

Without precedent for her life, Madame shivers at the new sensation.

The variety in her final eyeball is obviously dread.

She attempted to press networks from the mucous sacs on her tail and grip to the stone face, however it was incomprehensible at this point.

Cerberus' fiendish fire had depleted everything out before.

...Thud! ... Thud! ... Thud!

Madame skipped and moved a couple of times off the highest point of the rocky top prior to plunging straight down the precipice.

Furthermore, it was no different for Vikir.


Madame didn't go alone as she tumbled to the bluff.

Without a second to spare, she extended her congested legs to the extent that they would go and pulled her angry enemy who had pushed her down with her.

Before long, Vikir and Madame were falling directly from the highest point of the rocky top toward the ground beneath.

And afterward, in one final frantic exertion, Vikir took out his clear-cut advantage.


Vikir struck Madame in the chest, sending her taking out of the way.

Next to him, he can see the striving Madame falling toward the ground at a fast speed.

Vikir's force puts him farther away from Madame, yet he's actually falling at a high speed.


In contrast to Madame, in any case, who was shouting in fear, Vikir essentially shut his eyes firmly and paused his breathing.

It wasn't dread of the shock of raising a ruckus around town.

...It was planning. Planning to land.

And afterward.

I could see the ground. It was quickly drawing closer.

Be that as it may, what welcomed Madame and Vikir on the ground was obviously unique.

Madame was essentially falling toward the ground, yet where Vikir was falling, there was an enormous item hanging tight for him.

It's a water swell, expanded to exploding.

A pad of something soft stuffed inside hard calfskin.

It was the gassy, swelled remains of a swamp lizard.

ShoutOut: ?? ?? ??

Grateful to

? [ ShellyRM ] ? & ? [ OLABODE_Abass ] ? & ? [ silvermask2018 ]?&?[ Ganne_Pu ] for the enchanting gift of Powerstone, infusing my world with their magic. Your support fuels my journey beyond words. ????

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