It Seems The Production Skill Acquired In Another World Is The Strongest (LN)

Book 1: Chapter 8: Part 1

Book 1: Chapter 8: Part 1

Chapter 8 I Tried To Save Iriss Life

Part 1

I activated [Creation] and created a Heal Potion from the Wet Moss and Naose Grass.

The granted effects wereIncrease Recovery Amount S+andIncrease Recovery Speed S+which would take effect immediately.

It was stored into a water bag, and when I took it out of my [Item Box], I immediately sprinkled it on Iris body.

From that point on, it was like a miracle.

As soon as the Heal Potion seemed to have permeated through her body, the scars disappeared from Iris entire body.

Uh Ah Kou?

Iris regained her consciousness. She opened her eyes slightly and looked at me.

Please run. The Black Spider is

Even at a time like this, shes still worried about others. Shes really a nice person, isnt she?

Its fine. Ive already killed it. More importantly, hows your body?

I cant move my hands or my legs because of the poison

Iriss words were stuttering, indicating that her tongue was not working properly. It was probably due to the Black Spiders paralysis venom that still lingered in her blood.

I used [Creation] to make a Detoxification Potion with the Wet Mushroom and the Lilium Herb and took it out of my [Item Box]. Just like before, it was already placed in a water bag, and then I brought it to Iris mouth.

Drink this. The poison should disappear.

I told her that, and she nodded. She put her lips on the edge of the water bag.

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Her throat was moving slowly.

I tilted the water bag, careful not to have Iris choke. It took about three minutes for Iris to drink the potion down, which was about a cupful.

Hows it going? Can you talk?

Y-yeah Its amazing; the poison is really gone

Iris opened and grasped with her right hand while she had a look of surprise on her face. It seemed that there was no problem with her body movements.

Thank you, Kou. I really appreciate your help. I owe you big time for this.

Dont worry about it. You gave me a lot of advice yesterday, didnt you? Im only returning the favor.

I was merely a guide on the quest. But Kou saved my life. Thats not fair.

Then take me out to dinner sometime.

Are you asking me out on a date?


What are you saying all of a sudden? Its a little too sudden for my brain to follow.

Its a joke. I was trying to lighten the mood, but its not something Im used to doing.

Iris was talking a little fast, perhaps she was embarrassed. I felt like wed gotten to know each other much better than when we first met.

A flock of crows flew over our heads. They were cawing fluently.

The sun was tilted to the west, and the sky was tinted red.

Its already evening

Lets go back to the city. We dont want to stay out in the open, after all.

I agreed with her. Too much had happened today, and I wanted to get a good nights sleep in my bed.

Its a long way to the bottom of the mountain, and if were going to go down, we should move quickly.

Iris, can you stand up?

Yes, Im fine. Kyaaa!

I dont know what to say.

Iris staggered to her feet but lost her balance. She lost a lot of blood, so she probably hadnt regained her strength yet.

She fell towards me, so I held her in my arms.

I-Im sorry

Its going to be hard to walk, isnt it?

Perhaps we could wait until she regained her strength, but if we did that, it would be nighttime.

The conclusion was that I would have to carry Iris down the mountain on my back.

I really owe you a lot. Im sorry.

Its no big deal. We, adventurers, are supposed to help each other, arent we?

Err, um I wonder if Im too heavy.

No problem. Youre rather light.

Even without the Armored Bear ArmorsMonstrous Strength S+Iriss body was extremely slender, and I was reminded once again that she was a woman. Her soft breasts are touching my back. If it had been me from when I was in college, Im sure my ears would have turned bright red.

Come to think of it; you defeated the Black Spider, didnt you?

It wasnt a one-hit kill like with the Armored Bear, though.

Thats just natural. The Black Spider is one of the strongest of the A+ danger levels. You cant compare it to an Armored Bear. Rather, Im surprised that you went to fight it alone. Arent you afraid?

I was so preoccupied with saving Iris. I didnt think about anything else.

Is that so?

Iris murmured and buried her face in my left shoulder.

Whats wrong?

Its nothing. But thanks.

It was about an hour later that we reached the bottom of the mountain. The sun was already setting, and the sky was turning indigo.

We managed to get through the mountains.

As for Iris, she was probably at her limit from fatigue and was sleeping on my back.

Kuh Suuh

It would be awful to wake her up, so Ill just let her sleep.

I chuckled and started walking down the road.

When the walls of the city of Aunen came into view, we came across a group of adventurers. There were about twenty of them, all carrying torches in their hands.

They looked as if they were going hunting in the mountains.

Oh, its the Bear Killer! And hes with the dragon-folk neesan!

Theyre both safe! Thats a relief!

Well, well, thank goodness!

According to the story, this group of adventurers were on their way to rescue Iris and me.

What happened to the Black Spider, by the way? Could it be that youve killed it?

No, no, no, that would be reckless.

But maybe, just maybe. Hows it?

The adventurers looked at me with a strangely expectant look in their eyes. Its not something to hide, so Ill answer honestly.

Ive killed the Black Spider. So please dont worry.


Youve got some skills, huh Isnt this the first time in history that a Black Spider has been killed solo?

Thats amazing! Youre so amazing, Bear Killer! No, Spider Killer!

Spider Killer sounds weak, so please continue to use Bear Killer. No, the very existence of the title is embarrassing in the first place, so please call me by my name.

The adventurers returned to the guild ahead of us to report on the survival of Iris and me and the subjugation of the Black Spider.

I walked through the city gates with Iris, the sleeping princess, on my back and leisurely strolled through the well-lit streets at night and finally reached the Adventurers Guild.

When we entered the lobby, I found the swordsman boy and the priestess waiting for us.

Kou-san! Thank goodness, youre safe

As I thought, the spirits were right. But Im really relieved that youre not injured.

Both of them were really worried about me, werent they?

When I went to the counter, I found Milia sitting there, just like she did this morning. I wondered if she had been waiting for me.

Welcome back, Kou-san.

Milia greeted me with a gentle smile that seemed to encompass everything. Just by looking at her smile, my tense feelings began to melt away.

A warm feeling spread in my chest.

Im back.

I told her, and she nodded happily.

Thanks for finishing the quest. Would you like to eat? Or would you prefer a bath instead?

It was the same light conversation as usual, and it gave me a sense of security. It made me feel at ease, and ascertained that the battle had ended and things were back to normal.

Let me report on the quest first.

Youre very serious, huh, Kou-san? Well, thats a good thing.

Milia gave a small chuckle and stood up from her seat at the counter.

Ive heard about the Black Spider from other adventurers. You must be tired, so lets go upstairs to the reception room for further details.

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