It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!



There was a slight feeling of regret that Kia had slapped Misha. She had let her emotions overwhelm her. She wasn't thinking clearly when she did that, but when they started talking about the past, Kia felt that not only did she want to slap, but she also wanted to kick and hit him harder again, even after that, it was still not enough.         


"In this case, there is no concrete evidence to support my words," Misha stated the fact. "I wonder why you didn't tell me directly when you found out that you got pregnant with Mika."     

This was a question that had always stuck in Misha's heart, because if Kia had told him about this, even if she was kicked out of the house, she would not have experienced the misfortune and suffering she had for the past four years.     

However, when Kia heard this, the anger in her eyes seemed to flare up again. "I tried telling you. I called you the night I ran away from home."     

Kia's voice almost sounded like a hiss, she tried not to hold grudges at the memory, but she couldn't fool herself. She still vividly remembered what happened that night like it was just yesterday.     

"What do you mean?" Misha frowned. He was sure that he didn't know that at all. There was no way he would forget such an important thing. "I didn't know anything about your pregnancy."     

Kia gritted her teeth tightly, she looked really annoyed when she faced Misha who refused to remember what happened four years ago.     

"I called you, but you didn't pick up your phone because you were with one of your ladies." Kia still couldn't forget when she found Misha alone with another woman.     

Their relationship was indeed very short, but such a breakup really fucked her life and her confidence.     

However, no matter how painful it was for Kia when it happened, it couldn't be compared to when Misha refused to acknowledge the baby. At that time, Kia really thought that her world had collapsed.     

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"Tell me what happened that night." Misha narrowed his eyes. He glared at Kia. "I'm sure there's been a misunderstanding here."     

Kia folded her arms, a defensive gesture to protect herself, but she didn't refuse and said what she had done to him.     

"I called you, but it was your woman who picked up the phone and said you didn't want to be disturbed."     

Misha was trying to remember which woman was with him during that time and he couldn't remember who it was. His memory of those days was like a fog inside his head.     

"I've never received a call from you nor have I received any information that you called me." Misha admitted this, although the look in Kia's eyes and how she reacted when she heard him, showed that she didn't believe him at all.     

Well, Misha couldn't blame her. If he was in Kia's position right now, he wouldn't trust himself either.     

And now he could see very clearly what a jerk he had been and what stupid things he had done.     

Actually, getting hit by Kia and being at the receiving end of her anger, was still much better, because at least she was showing her emotions now, unlike four years ago when she didn't show any expression and didn't say anything, as if he just weren't important.     

It was excruciating and Misha felt much more tormented than he wanted to admit.     

"You think I would believe all that?" Kia raised an eyebrow.     

"I can't prove it to you, but can you prove to me that that woman received a message from you?" asked Misha. He was trying to be logical, while Kia was still too emotional to be at that stage. "You didn't hear it directly from me, so you can't say that I outright rejected you."     

Misha didn't want to defend himself and corner Kia, but he tried to point out some of the possibilities and where the misunderstanding between them lay.     

"You replied to the message I sent," growled Kia. She now leaned forward and made Misha back away so that his back was flushed against the back of the chair. He couldn't comprehend why this kind of Kia looked scary to him.     

"What message?" Misha asked carefully, now his tone softened, unlike when he had argued back a few seconds ago. "I haven't received any messages from you explaining that I have a child."     

Kia suddenly stood up, her not very tall body actually looked like she was towering above him and Misha felt like his frame shrunk by a few centimeters. She looked feral, like someone ready to pounce.     

And just when Misha thought he would be hit again for his rebuttal and he had prepared himself for it, Kia just walked away from the kitchen.         


What was this? Was he given the silent treatment again like before? She was refusing to talk to him and show her emotions again?     

Misha would much rather have her throw tantrums than do this to him and when he was about to catch up with Kia, wanting to go and look for her so they could have a better talk and clear up the misunderstanding, the woman had returned.     

"Sit down," she said firmly and fiercely and without a second thought, Misha sat back in his chair, but wondered, why did he reflexively follow her words without thinking first?     

Kia then handed her phone to Misha and asked him to read a message there.     

Luckily Kia didn't change the phone and it was still the same as it was four years ago because she didn't have the money to do that, so all data wasn't lost at all.     

And somehow Kia didn't just delete the painful message and thought better of it.     

But luckily she did keep it, because she was able to give Misha concrete evidence now.     

"That was the message I sent you and the reply you gave me." Kia looked very angry, because she had to dig through the message again and was not happy because she had to reopen an old memory that she wanted to hide.     

On the other hand, Misha still believed that he was innocent and had not received any messages or calls informing him of Kia's pregnancy, but of course he read the message sent to his number and saw a long message that he had never read or knew about before.     

"What's this…?" Misha muttered, the more he read the message, the more his brows furrowed and the more he didn't understand how this message could not be read by his.     

The message was roughly sent by Kia about two or three months after they separated and she was kicked out of the house.     

At that time, Kia told him about her condition and how she was pregnant with his child. She also asked Misha for help because at that time she did not have enough money to have an abortion.     

"Abort your pregnancy?" Misha glared at Kia as he read the message.     

For a moment, Kia felt guilty that the thought had crossed her mind, especially when she was raising Mika now, how that little girl was worth more than herself.     

But, at that time, her entire world was dark and she didn't have many options she could choose from.     

It was just that Kia didn't want to be scolded because of this by this man in front of her who didn't contribute anything. "Put yourself in my shoes. I literally had nothing and you were not there to help me."     

Misha let out a long sigh, before he shifted his attention from Kia to the long text message.     

It could be said that Kia texted non-stop for three hours, explaining her situation, begging for his help, even begging Misha to give her some money to abort their then unborn baby, because she wasn't sure that she would be able to give birth and raise a child, when she didn't even know what her future would be like then.     

Misha could feel the feeling of extreme despair and helplessness from Kia's messages. He could feel how frightened the young woman was in the face of what was in front of her, an uncertain future with a child she would be responsible for.     

There was no way Misha would ignore a message like this.     

You could say he was cruel, heartless and all sorts of bad things, but he wouldn't overlook this kind of thing. If he had known, he would have run straight to her.     

Begging for money to abort their child? Hell! He would give her everything she wanted and needed to raise Mika. If only he knew...     

"Why didn't you abort it?" Misha asked coldly. He couldn't look at Kia, not because he was mad at the woman, but was mad at himself.     

"I almost aborted it, but I backed off when I got to the hospital." Kia averted her gaze from Misha. "I just… I couldn't bring myself to do it…"     

He didn't know what she was feeling at that time or whatever made her change her mind, Misha just wanted to thank her for not going ahead with her plan.         


His hands were shaking because he couldn't imagine if Kia went through with her plan and didn't have a change of heart, then the little girl who was fast asleep in the room wouldn't be here.     

Misha would not be so happy when he prepared a room for her at the Tordoff residence.     

"Thank you," Misha said quietly and Kia didn't respond, she looked the other way.     

However, Misha's facial expression changed when he got to the message Kia got as a reply.      

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