I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 12 Breaking And Exiting?

Shaman quietly enters the room and gets a system notification

[Main Quest: Rescue the Fox girl]

[Escape the underground facility with the Fox girl by any means]


Grant System

intermediate weapon box

15 attribute points

+1 skill level up

Shaman only read the title as she expected this to happen and did not have time to gush over the rewards. She looked over at black haired fox girl who had one tail and could see that her hair was as long as hers. The girl had torn white clothes barely covering her body like she was from the slums. Shaman could not help but feel her heart ache when looking at the girl and was a wake up call to the kind of world she has been transported too.

Luckily from what she heard, the girl had not been violated but it did not stop her from hugging the girl. Shaman quickly rushed over to her and the girl started crying again as she realised that she was free. Shaman embraced the girl and tried to comfort her that indeed things were now going to be okay.

"It's okay now, I'm here to save you," Shaman spoke in a soft tone while patting her head.

The girl cried harder as her prayers had been answered and someone came to save her.

After a quick hug Shaman pulled out some food and water from her inventory. Giving them to the girl the tears came to a halt so she could eat.

While she was eating she used small wind slashes to break the shackles that were on her.

"Okay, we will leave as soon as you finish because we are going to have to sneak out and I can only use my skills to hide us both for a short amount of time otherwise I will run out of energy." Shaman explained her plans to the girl and she nodded her head.

After she finished eating Shaman helped her up but as they did the door slammed open.

"Now look at what we got here, some more blood." The guard that Shaman's eavesdropped before seemed to have changed his mind and made his way back.

Shaman didn't waste any time and sent out a wind slash cutting off his arm instantly.

"You fucking Bitch." The man screamed as he did not expect to be attacked so quickly.

"You thought I would let you do your villain speech, I'm not stupid enough to sit there and listen, you moron." Shaman ridiculed the man as she expected to be some kind of speech before anything happened which was the perfect opportunity for a attack.

"tch." the man clicked his tongue and sent out a fireball while cauterizing his arm to stop the bleeding.

Shaman pushed back on her feet while picking up the Fox girl and then activates shadow cloak. Going behind the man she quickly uses another wind slash decapitating him. Shaman's hand trembled for a moment as the trauma of killing the assassin was still haunting her.

[Level up]

'Wish I didn't have to kill.' Shaman didn't want to kill, but she had to do it in order to save herself and the girl in her arms.

Shaman wanting to use her arms adjusts the girl to be on her back. Wolfy was not phased by anything that had happened and was peacefully still on Shaman's head. Wolfy was aware of the situation but was able to gauge the man's power to be weak and so it did not step up.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

However, Shaman who is used to Wolfy being on her head, completely forgot about him.

The girl noticed Wolfy on Shaman's head but did not pay too much attention as to why he was there and decided to pat him while on her back. Wolfy let out a satisfied woof as he would never say no to getting pats.

After making sure it was not obvious that someone was killed she shut the door and continued down the hall. Shaman also put all her points in INT as she will be needing a lot more MP. Luckily for her, the MP was restored because of this and noticed some more memories cleared up.

She did not have time and would check out everything after she returned home.

Shaman was also surprised that the girl was either super-light or her strength allowed her to carry her with ease. She was able to go full speed with no issues and did not need to take as many breaks.

After traveling for a while and avoiding guards with shadow cloak Shaman entered a room to take a breather to make sure her MP was topped up but when entering a room the smell of iron invaded her nose.

Shaman touches the wall finding the crystal to turn on the lights for the room.

Shaman froze at what she saw and quickly covered her mouth. A pile of dead bodies who all seem to be young women were piled up in the room. Shaman could not help but throw up. The girl on her back shut her eyes as she already knew this and had been shown before by the guards as a way to break her.

After throwing up, anger started welling up in her as she could not believe that people would be so cruel. Although she knew they were killing people, seeing it was completely different from hearing about it.

'FUCK, why am I so worried by killing people yet here they are killing dozens of people.' Shaman punched the wall, scaring the girl a little as she did not expect such strength from her.

"Next person I see down here is getting their head chopped off before they can even let out a sound." Shaman had a glint of killing intent in her eyes as all the trauma she developed crumbled as the cruelties of the world showed her how things worked. She was not going to feel sympathetic for those that target her life and the people around her.

The girl on the back was happy and scared, she was glad that she was being saved by a kind soul but also scared as it seemed like Shaman was ruthless when it came to people in the underground base and hoped to never get on her bad side.

Shaman after her mental shock remembered what she was doing and forgot there was someone on her back.

"Oh sorry about that." Shaman scratched her head as she had a timid girl on her back and thought how terrified she would be of her now. Although it was quite the opposite as The girl started to admire her a little despite being a little of fear.

"Anyway, I don't want to stay here any longer. Let's get going." Shaman could feel the nod on her back and they left.

After traveling down the hall she could see a man who was dozing off by where she entered.

keeping true to her word she snuck up and instantly killed him without fear and did not tremble.. This time she did not get a level up as it seemed to only be a tier 1 cannon fodder.

Shaman spotted the lever used to open the staircase and pulled it. After the staircase went down she quickly flipped it and rushed up the stairs with them closing behind her. But upon getting up the stairs she is greeted by 2 men.

"Looks like we have a pest here and they seem to have taken our prisoner." The man spoke in a condescending tone as looking at the fox girl guessed she was weak.

"Well looks like we get to have 2 prisoners now and we may even be able to have a little fun with the other one." The man spoke and lust could be seen all over his face.

Shaman spat to the side in disgust and then a system message came up

[Kill the 2 guards or escape]


+2 level ups

Intermediate accessory box

'I wanted to kill them anyway but it looks like I got more of a reason.' Shaman read the quest details and could not wait. After reading it she jumped up on the above walkway putting the girl down making sure she did not get in the crossfire and then jumped back down. Wolfy Also had jumped down and was ready to fight as well.

"Wolfy go for the kill." After saying this Shaman dashed forward to the man on the right. And when dashing to the man, something switched on in Shaman's mind like a battle mode had activated and she could only guess that it was the previous owner's body instincts.

'Huh seems like all that training I did not do, can still be taken advantage of and this proves that I have not only inherited memories but also experience.' After coming to a conclusion about why fighting came so naturally she focuses back on her target.

Shaman used Shadow claw, but the man was able to dodge back and counter-attack. Shaman pulled out her katana blocking the attack that came from above. She gritted her teeth as the recoil from the block was painful for her arms.

"What the? Where did that sword come from." The man was confused as the sword appeared out of thin air as he could not see any spatial rings or any of the kind on her.

With a slight moment of confusion, she was able to slide her sword out breaking his guard and activated slash. She also combined it with her wind causing 2 massive cuts on his stomach.

The man gritted his teeth as he did not expect her to pack so much punch. However, when the man looked up he saw her going for another attack. He quickly was able to block the attack but his sword broke as the attack was too strong to handle.

'Who is this girl and why is she so strong?'

Taking this opportunity she used Shadow bite, gouging out the man's chest. the man then fell to the ground barely able to breathe, eventually bleeding out.

Wolfy however was struggling and was not able to get close no matter how much he tried.

"Come on little wolf is that all you got, I would just kill you but I would like to take you on as a pet."

The man dashed forward slashing down at Wolfy. Quickly using shadow dash he also activates shadow cloak at the same time.

After appearing behind the man an attack was already on its way.

"Predictable." luckily Since Wolfy's shadow cloak was activated he was able to dodge as the man could not accurately hit him. While dodging he let out a shadow claw hitting him in the leg.

The man winced in pain but pushed on as the cuts were no too deep.

However, all of a sudden a wind slash came out of nowhere killing the man.

"You dare try to hurt my son." Shaman yelled this as she was able to swiftly kill the other guy and came straight over to help and was praying Wolfy was okay.

After saving Wolfy she got the quest complete for killing the men. She then jumped up to the above Walkways to get the girl back. When arriving back the girl suddenly spoke spoke which caught Shaman off guard.

"That was so cool!!." The girl said in a cheerful tone with her eyes shining.

Shaman's face turned red as she was not expecting that sort of praise but was also happy she was not scared of her.

'At least she isn't afraid.' Feeling a weight come off her chest it seemed like her worries were not need.

"Thank you but we need to get out of here." Shaman not wanting to stay any longer picked the girl up in a princess carry and broke out through one of the windows. Wolfy had also jumped on the girl's stomach before they moved claiming a new spot.

"Mhm." The girl responded and also turned red as she has never been carried like this before and with a more clear head realised the kind of position she was in.


<Back at the underground facility, there was a commotion going on>

"HOW THE F*CK DID WE LET THE GIRL ESCAPE YOU USELESS PIECES OF TRASH." A noble-looking man was shouting at the guards who had found the bodies and the prisoner was gone.

'Great now we cannot perform the sacrifice.' the nobleman rubbed his temples as he was now getting a headache.



Shaman arrived back at her apartment and the girl had actually fallen asleep on the way. Putting the girl on the bed to let her sleep, this was the sign her quest was complete and a ding sound echoed in her head.

Shaman looked at what she received and her eyes widened.

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