I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 173 Silver’s Solo Adventure

While Shaman and Elysia were having a passionate kiss on the viewing platform, Silver was busy planning his trip.

'Clara is asleep and Kiruya is busy in her room, so I should be able to go out unnoticed.' Silver was left unattended and, wanting to explore the city, was about to leave his room. However, as he turned the handle, he froze in place, suddenly struck by anxiety.

'Should I wait for Mother or big sis Clara?' Silver was extremely anxious about going out alone, but the urge to explore the city was stronger. Taking a deep breath, Silver opened the door and walked out of the inn.

Pulling out a copy of the map that was given to him, he made his way to an entertainment district.

'I hope I don't have to spend too much money.' Silver looked in his own inventory, confirming he had a decent amount of gold coins, but since they are in the capital the prices for things could be extremely high.

'It's a place for elves, not adventurers, so surely it won't be too expensive.' This is what convinced Silver that it would be okay as only elves were allowed to permanently stay in the forest, making it more likely things were cheaper despite it being a capital city.

'Let's just go.' Silver shook his head and followed the map to his destination.


Making it to the entertainment district, Silver looked around for any stores or areas where he could have some fun.

'Although I just wanted to look around, surely there are some games I could play.' Silver liked the scenery, but was more keen on having fun and since he couldn't go into the dungeon alone, he had to make do with other things.

Walking along the street, Silver had gotten a few concerned and confused looks.

Silver started feeling anxious until suddenly a tall female elf who looked beautiful approached him. The elf wore a green dress that was skin tight with a silt at the bottom revealing one of her legs. Her hair was black which made her green eyes stand out, although one eye was completely covered by her hair.

"Boy do you know where you are?" The female elf leaned over and made sure to not seem like a kidnapper.

"I was looking for places to have fun and it said this was the entertainment district so I thought there could be some games I could try." Silver spoke, a little embarrassed in the woman's presence, causing him to avert his eyes.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

*Sigh* "Show me the map." The elf held out her hand waiting for the map, hoping that he had just misread it.

"H-here." Silver placed the map in the elf's hand and she quickly opened.

"You gotta be shitting me, they haven't even updated the map." The elf facepalmed as the map Silver received, had the wrong labels for some of the areas, which explained why a 13 year old was in the adult entertainment area.

"Oh." Silver didn't know what to say as it was Kiruya who had given him the map.

"I'm so sorry, they switched some of the designated areas, come with me and I will take you to where you wanted to go." The elf knew how dangerous it could possibly be for someone so young and wanted him to leave as soon as possible.

"I r-really shouldn't be goi-." Silver wasn't sure if he should trust the elf, but before he could protest she grabbed his hand and dragged him.

"Call me Elanor, now let's get out of here." Elanor gave her name and dragged the small wolf boy out of the district.


Once they reached a different area of the forest, Elanor let go of Silver.

"Good, no interruptions." Elanor looked around nervously trying to see if anyone was following her.

"T-thank you." Silver was blushing and looked away as he couldn't help but stare if he looked.

"No problem boy, but I need to go, make sure you get a new map." Elanor quickly left, almost jogging, but her dress limited a lot of her movement.

Silver took a deep breath and wasn't sure what to make of what just happened.

'I hope she is okay. Although I was ready to pull out my scythe, I didn't want to cause a scene.' Silver this entire time had his system inventory open ready to pull out his weapon if anything happened.

'Maybe I should follow her to see if she is okay, it looks like people might be following her.' Silver noticed her rather nervous looks and didn't have a good feeling about it.

'She helped me, so I should help her.' Silver, deciding to see if Elanor was going to be okay, quickly rushed into the alley that she ran into and hid in the shadows.

Going along the wall he searched for Elanor and upon approaching the entertainment district spotted a few wealthy looking men surrounding Elanor.

"Where is our money?" One of the men had encased his hand in wood, creating a blade.

"L-like I said I will have it by the end of the day." Elanor glared at the elf who held the wooden blade to her neck.

"Yeah right, you're too busy leading a little boy around the city." A more chubby noble elf spoke up about seeing her and Silver together.

"I couldn't leave a kid in that area, plus it's none of your business what I do." Elanor bit her lip as she only wanted to help Silver, but it looked like it caused the debt collectors to come after her.

"LIke we said, you could always pay us in other ways. Why are you being so stubborn?" A rather skinny elf shrugged his shoulders looking rather disappointed.

"I am not selling my body! Now let me get back to my job, my break is about to finish and I don't want the pay to be cut." Elanor was getting frustrated and the tips of her hair started to turn green.

"How about no~?" The elf with the wood blade pushed the blade closer to Elanor's neck.

However, before anyone could realise what happened the arm of the noble elf was cut off. Stepping back in shock and pain the elf held his arm that was now in half while screaming.

The other 2 elfs backed up, but a pair of shadow chains came from the ground restraining them.

"Who goes there? Unhand us now!" The skinny elf was frantically looking around for whoever was doing this, but was met with silence.

Elanor stood in shock as she was unsure what was happening and who it possibly could be.

"You will pay for this if you don't let us go now!" The chubby elf was sweating and tried to throw out any threat he could.

While the chains were restraining the elves by their arms, dark blades came out of the shadows, pointing themselves towards the immobile limbs before shooting forwards. The blades then passed through the shadowy chains and pierced right through the arms of the 2 elves.

They both screamed in pain and fell to their knees, trying to cope with the pain.

Elanor was terrified as she didn't know whether or not she would be next. Not wanting to stay any longer, she quickly broke into a run, but was suddenly grabbed and pulled back into the shadow of the wall.

The 3 elves were left to bleed and would slowly die if they didn't get any medical attention.

"Whoever that was is going to pay!" Gritting his teeth, the elf with the wooden blade tried to stand up.

"Boys quick, we need to get healed." The elf with the blade limped out of the alley while the other two tried to cover their profusely bleeding arms.


<Above the alley>

Silver came out of the shadows while pulling Elanor with him.

"Phew that was close, you okay?" Silver turned to Elanor who was rather disorientated by being in the shadows.

"I-it's you boy?" Elanor blinked a few times as she didn't believe the same boy she guided would have saved her.

"It's Silver and yes I did just almost kill them." Silver would have liked to kill the elves, but knowing it would only cause more trouble, decided to only injure them, as the news would spread like wildfire if nobles were killed.

"Huh? There is no way you did that." Finding it hard to believe, she took a good look at Silver's face to make sure she wasn't mistaking him for someone else.

"I-I can't believe it, you are the boy I helped, how the hell are you that strong?" Elanor could barely believe what she saw was all done by someone so young.

"That would be because of my mother who is on a date right now, but that's all I can tell you." Silver knew he wasn't allowed to talk about the system unless he knew 100% the other person had one like Freja.

"W-well thank you. I don't know how I could ever repay you." Elanor looked down to the ground as now she thought she accumulated another debt.

"Oh don't worry, this is free of charge hehe~." Silver didn't expect anything back and just wanted to help. Hearing his response, Elanor sighed with relief, but she still felt obligated to do something.

"I should head back though, I used quite a lot of mana holding those chains for so long and I don't want my Mother to know I went out alone." Silver needed to replenish mana as fast as he could, as he knew Shaman could tell he was up to something by simply looking at his mana bar through the system.

"Wait, what's your mother's name, so I could at least thank her?" Elanor didn't want Silver to go quite yet without any information.

"Hmm her name is Shaman, but we are not here for long so I doubt you will see us." Silver didn't see the harm, so he said her name.

"T-thank you." Elanor didn't know if she could find his mother, but at least she had something she could work off.

"No problem, but I really need to go." Silver didn't want to delay any longer, so he jumped off the roof and started to sprint back to the inn.

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