I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 178 Kiruya’s Intervention

Returning back to Silver and Clara, Shaman filled them in on what she saw.

"I wonder if we can take anything from the world tree." Clara assumed that if this was an instance of another world, then the world tree would have some value to them.

"After we clear all the elves we can play around and see if we find anything, but for now we have to focus on clearing it, once we return of course." Shaman liked the idea, as the pool of water she saw with Elysia might have special effects.

"Why don't we just go and clear it now?" Silver thought that there was no point in waiting and they could go ahead.

"Kiruya said we are only scouting today as we need to face this dungeon by ourselves so we can get the experience." Shaman had the same thought, but it was understandable as they needed to level up.

"Just let me send a really powerful explosive arrow and I could wipe the whole town if you want?" Elysia smiled while pulling out her bow, getting ready to fire into the sky.

"Do that later! Just send the signal up in the sky to let Kiruya know we are finished." Shaman smacked the back of Elysia's head to get her not to blow up the entire town.

"Sheesh fineee." Elysia pouted since she couldn't cause the destruction and chaos she wanted.

Aiming into the sky Elysia prepared an arrow to signal Kiruya. Condensing the fire arrow as much as she could so it would explode in the air, Elysia fired the arrow into the sky.

Wanting to be a bit fancy Elysia tried to create an image out of the fire in the sky. As the arrow exploded, Elysia concentrated on the fire, using the mana she imbued in it to exert some influence over the explosion. Trying to create an image of a fox, Elysia felt a massive headache from trying to control the fire. However she was still able to create the image she wanted.

In the sky an image of a fox's head appeared, which should be an obvious indicator to Kiruya who it was.

Falling over, Elysia was caught by Shaman before hitting the ground.

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"Did you have to be so extravagant?" Shaman shook her head as it was clear it took a lot of mental energy from Elysia.

"Haha well I couldn't destroy the town so why not do something cool." Elysia held onto Shaman's shoulders, making sure she didn't fall.

"That was sooo cool!" Silver was amazed by what Elysia did and ran up to her with his eyes shining.

"Thank you~ Silver." Elysia felt a different feeling of joy from impressing her son and was feeling incredibly proud of herself.

'Maybe Shaman's horrible idea of accepting Clara might be possible.' Elysia felt herself opening up more ever since Silver became a proper son to her. The other side of her was also not as active and seemed to have calmed down considerably, especially ever since she started dating Shaman.

"Alright, let's head back to the entrance of the town and get out of here." Shaman picked up Elysia in a princess carry which Elysia wasn't expecting.

"You know you don't need to carry me? Although I'm not complaining." Elysia was perfectly capable of walking as she only had a headache, but wasn't going to turn down being carried.

"Urgh." Clara who was silently watching, walked off as she was actually quite jealous and didn't want to see more.

"Oops." Shaman didn't mean to annoy or make Clara uncomfortable and felt bad for her as it must be hard to always see Shaman with Elysia.

'Have to wait and see how much progress I can make with Elysia and maybe we can try something.' Shaman didn't admit to Elysia yet, but she was keen on the idea of including Clara in the relationship as Shaman didn't see any more members joining her group.

"Oh well, let's get going." Shaman wanted to think about it later as right now they need to get out of the dungeon.


Arriving back at the entrance of the town, Kiruya was sitting on a stone wall waiting for the rest to return.

Clara was the first to arrive shortly followed by Shaman with Elysia in her arms and Silver.

"We finished 15 minutes early, so good work everyone." Kiruya hopped off the wall and lightened the fall with her wind.

"Thank you, we found a secret entrance that goes straight to the world tree, so once we clear the first area like you did, we can go right to the heart." Shaman was already getting excited for the castle invasion and couldn't wait.

"Good, you found it." Kiruya knew of the entrance, which is what she hoped they would find.

"Alright now that we are done, let's head back and get some rest." Kiruya turned on her feet and headed towards the exit. Shaman and the rest were relieved that so far things were going smoothly, hoping that tomorrow would go the same.


Returning back to the surface, Kiruya gathered all the cores and sold them, getting them today's profits. Although Shaman and the others did not participate in the killing, Kiruya still gave them an equal portion for their scout work.

Heading back to the inn they were staying in, they each went to their rooms. Shaman, who was about to walk in, saw Kiruya gesture at her to come over. Thankfully Elysia was already asleep in Shaman's arms so she nodded to Kiruya and quickly put Elysia in bed.

Sneaking her way out of the room, she made her way to Kiruya's, wondering what she needed.

Peeking her head into the room, Kiruya sat in a wooden chair with a few notes in front of her.

"Shut the door so I can activate the sound proof spell." Kiruya waited for Shaman to close the door and once closed she clicked her fingers.

A thin wind barrier started to encase the room they were in and once it was done seemingly vanished.

"Now we can talk without disturbing the others." Kiruya then used her wind to move a chair for Shaman to sit in.

"So what did you need to talk about?" Shaman was able to tell Kiruya wasn't doing anything with ill intent and was more worried about what she had to say.

"Well I'm sure you will know when I say Elysia." Kiruya flicked through the pieces of paper that were on the desk.

"Oh." Shaman sighed as she guessed Freja asked Kiruya to help her with Elysia's obsession for her.

"Yeah… I wanted to have a chat before I start thinking of ways to help as I'm not exactly the best for this kind of situation and wish Freja didn't leave it all up to me, but that's another issue." Kiruya scrunched up the paper in her hand slightly as she didn't appreciate being left with work she wasn't confident in doing.

"Either way I appreciate it, so let's hope we can come to a solution." Shaman felt bad for Kiruya, but any help was welcomed.

"I just hope that Elysia isn't too obstinate about it or is at least willing to change." Kiruya could already tell how much of a headache the situation can be and wasn't looking forward to it.

"Well good news there, she is trying to not let her emotions get the better of herself and has made a lot of progress. For example she didn't get annoyed by your presence unlike with Clara, which is why their friendship is a bit awkward." Shaman explained more details about Elysia and how she seems to be getting better at managing it.

"Oh I see, well that makes things much easier, but I have to say the idea about having it extend to Clara sounds dangerous." Kiruya was also given a couple of the idea's Shaman had.

"We figured that we might as well use it to our own benefit rather than get rid of it entirely as it seems to increase her power." Although passed out when Elysia went off the rails in the skeleton knight dungeon, Shaman did see the aftermath, which was a terrifying increase in Elysia's potential.

"Hmm, it definitely could be useful, and seeing as you don't intend to look for new members, changing the relationship to include Clara might be a good idea." Kiruya, being a part of a polyamorous relationship with Freja knew what it was like.

"If you decide to go down that route, you have to be close friends, you can't just include Clara randomly, she needs to earn her place." Kiruya knew this all too well, as many of the other women that would join Freja would usually back out due to constantly clashing heads with other members. So it was better if they got to build up the friendship while keeping in mind that they could also enter the relationship.

"I don't intend to make my own harem, but yeah, if it could be a threeway it would make life a lot easier. So thank you for your insight, I just need to convince Elysia to go on a few "dates" with Clara." Shaman knew that this could be a disaster, but in order to mend their friendship they first need to talk to each other one on one.

"I will try to come up with other ways, but if you're sure you want to go this route with Clara, then be sure to tread carefully and go slowly, you can't rush this."

"Mhm, I'll try for now, but if it doesn't work out then we will just try to eliminate it all together." Shaman hoped that things would work out with Clara, but in the end it's up to both Elysia and Clara to be willing.

'I also have to get closer to Clara, but I don't think that will be an issue.' Shaman, although not sure, has noticed the subtle signs Clara has shown which indicate there is some interest.

"If you want to have another talk, we can meet again around the same time when you next return from the dungeon. Also, if you need help with anything else, do let me know." Kiruya was willing to pull a few strings to make things go as smoothly as possible.

"Thank you again, I haven't really had the chance to talk it out, so I definitely will be coming back." Shaman, who only informed Freja about the situation, was getting worried that she wouldn't get much help as it had been a while since she told Freja. Shaman was also getting a bit lost on what the best choice would be and she couldn't go to Clara since it also involved her.

"No worries, now go snuggle with her before she wakes up and realises you are in another girl's room." Kiruya chuckled a little at what she said, but was also worried since she was the girl in question.

"Aight, take care." Shaman got up from the seat and quickly went back to her room, hoping Elysia was still asleep.

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