I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 279 Crumbling soul realm

Chapter 279  Crumbling soul realm

Bringing me up to its completely blank face, the abyss creature stared at me intently despite not having eyes, yet from within the deep darkness of its empty sockets I could still feel its malevolent gaze. Its grip had stopped crushing me, allowing me some room to breathe. However, just then the abyss creature began to open its mouth.

Stringy bits of tar separated as its opened mouth revealed a gaping hole formed of pure darkness. The complete absence of light was so disturbing it felt like there was a hole in reality.

'I'm curious what's inside, but I'd rather not.' I didn't know what the consequences were if I let myself fall right in, but I wasn't going to let my morbid curiosity win.

Focusing on the small gaps in the monster's grip, I manifested ice, trying to freeze over its hand. I quickly poured my mana into the ice to speed up the process, and once it covered its fingers, I used wind to shatter the ice. The fingers were shredded into nothingness, releasing me from the monster's grip.

"ARGHHHHH!!!" A growl so loud that it almost popped my eardrums came out of the monstrous being, forcing me to cover my ears as I fell through the air. Only once the scream ended was I able to concentrate on stopping my fall.

Wanting to keep the momentum going, I created a slide out of ice, constantly extending it until, after a few spins, I finally got back control of my trajectory.. Now that I was back in the driver seat it was time to gain a bit more speed. Using my wind to propel myself faster, I took back to the skies.

The monster that had lost its fingers had already regenerated them and was now trying to swing at me as if it was swatting a fly. Its movements were slow, allowing me to easily dodge out of the way.

'Hmm, I'll probably have to take it out in one attack... I probably need to replicate something similar to my Starfire blade.' I didn't want to repeat the same move, as this was a rare chance for me to push everything to the limit. However, I was running out of ideas, there was no combination of elements I could think of that could do enough damage.

'Hang on, why only two?" Then it hit me: I had been restricting myself to two elements, as that has been my limit when it came to simulcasting.

'Wind, Fire, and Stardust... Might be able to turn that into something akin to a solar wind.' It was the best thing I could come up with and, as a quick test, I conjured up some fire while still creating my ice platform with my wind pushing me.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'In theory, I should be able to use three elements, so now I just need to try.' While in my thoughts, I continued to dodge the monster as if it wasn't there. It started to become enraged by my actions, no longer just swinging its hands. Tendrils began protruding from its body as well as the abyss it was coming out of.

Varying in size, they all flailed about, reducing the area I could slide around in, with some shooting towards me. Spinning around, weaving up and down, I tried my best to dodge everything until I noticed that they were creating a net that was slowly closing any gaps.

'I need to get up into the sky.' Changing directions to go upwards, the incomplete blanket of tendrils tried to catch me, but just before I ran face-first into one, I dropped my body flat onto my ice platform, squeezing into one of the gaps just before it closed.

'Phew, that was close.' Getting back on my feet, I continued going up into the sky until I was well above the monster. However, as I made my way up, the tendrils unravelled themselves and started chasing me.

Moving side to side as I dodged the tendrils, I kept ascending until I reached an appropriate height. I then levelled my platform out to see where the monster was. The tendrils were still on the offensive, so I kept on the move, trying to think of how I would unleash my attack.

'I need to create a typhoon level of wind that will carry the heat of my Starfire. Let's use these tendrils as a test.' After creating a condensed sword out of the wind, I began to also create a Starfire sword within the wind.

Once it was created, instead of flames flickering off the blade, there was this visible orange air swirling around, and I had no idea how hot it was.

'Hmm, maybe I can take this further with ice. I don't know if it can even work, but maybe I can create something akin to a comet.' Noticing I was already considering using four elements at once got me thinking if I could combine all my elements into something, but the sound of Starfire and Galaxy Ice didn't seem like they mesh well.

"Oh, I can see this being really effective against people, especially if you breathe it in." She didn't expect the same result against "Oh well, this will do, now let's test this." Stopping in my tracks, I turned to one of the tendrils while swinging my new creation. Sending a wind slash infused with Starfire. My slash reduced anything that entered its vicinity to ash, incinerating the tendril even before reaching it.

The stray heat released by my wind was so hot it easily burned to cinders many other tendrils as well.

"Oh, I can see this being really effective against people, especially if you breathe it in." She didn't expect the same result against someone like the Pope, but if the smoldering-hot air were to enter the body, then your insides would have a not-so-great time.

Now that this small test was over with, it was time to upscale tenfold and send it hurtling towards the abyss creature. However, because of that test, it was able to gather what I was trying to do and create a wall of tendrils above it.

Going on the offensive as well, it shot tendrils towards me in an attempt to stop me, but what I created also acted as a great barrier. Anything that came close turned to ash, allowing me to prepare adequately.

Infusing my mana into what I'll call the solar wind, the air around the sword swirled faster and faster. I was going to let all the built-up mana in the blade go free towards the monster, hoping to create a wind that would incinerate its entire body in a flash.

Once I was ready, I lifted the sword above my head and looked down at the abyss creature. It had cocooned itself in the abyss, awaiting my attack.

Not holding myself up any longer, I swung down, releasing all the condensed wind. Bursting out from the sword, a massive wave of heat sprang forth. The air got incredibly hot all the while getting stripped from its oxygen, making it extremely hard to breathe. Luckily, I was in a safe spot, but even then I still felt my throat go dry from just sending it off.

The blast of wind expanded itself, forming a massive wave. By the time it reached closer to the abyss creature's cocoon, its outer edge was already burning away. A few moments later, the wind struck in full force, beating itself against the cocoon, and just like I hoped, it did not stand a chance.

As if it were being deleted out of existence, the solar wind made quick work of the monster until there was nothing left.

'Not as cool as Starfire, but being able to turn things instantly to ash on a large scale is nice to have.' Starfire could most likely achieve the same result, but with Solarwind, I will be able to do it on a much larger scale as well as from further away. Plus, it is a lot less destructive, even though it will probably set everything on fire, but at least things will stay intact.


"Great, it isn't dead." Looking down at the abyss, I once again saw it regenerating. I thought the solar wind would have also made short work of both the creature and the malicious abyss below it, but that wasn't the case at all.

"Fine, you will get a full-power Starfire strike." Now that I'm getting sick of it, I decided to just go all out on another move. I was beginning to get mentally fatigued from all the thinking, and I just needed to get rid of this monster so I could leave.

Letting myself fall through the air, I began putting all the mana I could into my Starfire blade. While I was busy pushing myself even further, I saw the abyss creature trying to reach out to me with elongated hands.

Waiting for the last moment before the hands reached me, I swung Starfire directly into the creature. Once again, there was the crackle of fire popping before the surroundings flashed black and white. This time, though, having poured more mana into the strike, the surroundings progressively got brighter before the explosion went off.

The entire place rumbled as the darkness of the abyss below me turned completely white. The entire dreamworld started to crack as I suddenly felt a force pulling me out.

I had no idea what I just did, but in an instant, everything turned black and I was once again in the state I was in before entering that dream.

'Did I just break Tyso's cube from the inside?'

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