Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou deshita? ~ Tensei Chokugo wa Donzoko Sutāto, Demo Ban'nō Mahō de Gyakuten Jinsei o Jōshō-chū!

Chapter 28 - Your Highness, you wet yourself.

Chapter 28 - Your Highness, you wet yourself.

Translator: Black Lotus

Editor: imsara

Proofreader: imsara

Schneidar seemed to emphasize more on her breasts as she took a long time to remove her jacket

For a commoner, there is a gracefulness in what he wears.

He had no shortage of women, but he loved the way they behaved.

Her hands were on her belt. His lackeys were gasping for breaths. It was not just the men but also the women. Then, an incendiary metallic click stuck to their ears.

Her pants fell off with a swoosh, however, her shirt was long enough to hang over her thighs. She, then, started to unbutton her shirt. The faltering movements slowed even more. In contrast, Schneider’s frustration accelerated.

“What’s the matter? Your hands are shaking. I can let these guys help you with that, if you want?”

One of his lackeys, a well-built man, gave a vulgar smile.

“—No thanks, I’ll pass.”

The woman replied stoutly and unbuttoned her mid-section. Then, ran her fingers over the top button which caused the buttons to come off one by one.

When the last one was removed, her ample cleavage was exposed. However, that’s exactly when…


Suddenly, Schneider’s vision turned black.


The lackey woman who had been treating him screamed then her went silent.

“Hey, what’s going on? Quickly turn on the lights.”

No one responded to him.

He couldn’t wait for his eyes to adjust to the darkness so he stood up and looked around.


Turning around, Schneider noticed a strange situation. There’s a chair.

The chair that he himself had been sitting in. He could make out its presence. He lifted his left hand and he can see it too. When he lowered his eyes, he could also see his own clothes as well.

But, other than those things, it was completely ‘black’. The reason why it went dark isnt because the lights went out. Literally, the surroundings were “dyed black”. On the contrary, it was strange to see this even though there were no lights.

“What’s going on? Hey, somebody. Someone help!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The boundaries of what isn’t dark are blurred. He reached out and walked to the area where the white-haired woman had been earlier, but was blocked by a wall. It’s a pitch black wall.

“What in the world is going on…? Damn.”

He slapped the wall and slammed his fist against it.



Schneider jumped back when a pitch-black head popped out of the wall

A man who is in all black. He melted into the background.

“Sorry about that. It took a while for me there. I told her to get dressed but she started asking me questions like, ‘Who are you?’ and ‘What’s this?’ I don’t think she understands the situation.”

He talked with a lightness of manner that is not appropriate for this unusual situation. His voice, which seemed to overlap several times, was unpleasant.

“Oops. I forgot to change modes.Whoops… Kept you waiting.”

“Who are you?”

“I am the black hero and dark justice enforcer, ‘Schwarzer Krieger’ or you can just call me ‘Schwarz,’”

“Oh, a, foolish guy….. How did you get into this room? I suppose you know me as Schneider, the future head of the Marquis of Hafen.”

While enduring the pain in his right shoulder, Schneider chanted short but quick chants.

“You’re too late. As soon as I caught you in this cage, my preparations were over. I won’t let you attack or defend yourself now.”


What is he talking about? Schneider continued to chant while also wondering. He felt an intense pain on his right shoulder. He held it and tried to understand the man’s words. But, he still didn’t come to understand the situation.

“What the hell…?”

Something like a transparent stone stuck to his right shoulder. Back and forth, something like the size of a fist was grinding there. It crushed the wound on his right shoulder. The man held up three fingers.

“Three of your sins, I will bring you to justice—”

“Answer my question! What is this all about? What are you–Goooooooooooo!”

The right shoulder is pushed back and forth and caused Schneider to roll around.

“You know, I’m in the middle of talking, right? You should hear me out. Also, I won’t answer that question.”

The stone-like thing loosened up. However, the intense pain prevented him from chanting and he couldn’t find a way to fight back.

“Alright, let’s get back on track.Your number one crime was causing a scene by making an unreasonable condition towards an underclassman. I mean, what the hell is going on in that school? Is it legal to have a magical battle there or something?”

For now, Schneider planned on waiting for the pain to subside and look for an opening.

“It is now permissible for the older students to mentor the younger ones. I’m the future head of House Hafen. I’m also the vice president of the student council. I believe that’s within the realm of acceptable behavior”.

It was a lie.

Magical warfare between students is forbidden in the school and even outside the school. But, that was up to the way it was done. Even after the fact, political power could be used to deal with the situation. It is the same even until now.

“That’s why I don’t like nobles. Well, I’m not going to allow it. We’ve got to have a safe and secure school environment.”

The man no longer seems to hide his true colors and crosses his fingers.

“The second thing is the matter of the duel. It’s just a matter of sharing the pain. Now, you’re going to take out the aristocrats for a public execution, just because the situation calls for it. It’s too dirty. It’s not good either. It’s a public order guilty pleasure.”

“Nonsense, it’s the very definition of noble pride—”

“See, now I’m the judge. It’ my standards, okay? If I say you can’t, you can’t.”

“I don’t know how you can be so outrageous!”

“You’ve done something similar, haven’t you? You’re not one to complain when the position changes, are you?”


He swallowed his rebuttal as quickly as he could. He thought now it’s time to be patient rather than to offend the man.

“And thirdly, this is rather incidental. However, exual harassment is not good. I’d rather not have to ask a girl to dance naked. Aren’t you embarrassed?”

“Do you have a connection to that woman?”

“No, I don’t have any. I don’t even know her name.”

Come to think of it, Schneider started wondering now.

The commoners who could enter the Grunfeld Special Class Magic Academy were often quite talented. Moreover, they have outstanding appearance and an unusual personality.

Was the reason why he hadn’t heard about her himself, because her grades were just barely there?

“So, for these three sins, you’ll be wearing the vise for a while. Don’t try to take it off. If you try to take it off or treat it, it will immediately go through your body. So, be careful. Oh, I can at least stop the bleeding, so don’t worry about it.”

“What, you think…?”

“Yeah, yeah. You fumble around trying to use your own magic. You’ll never be able to fight a duel like that, will you? Take down the duel while you can. Do you want to be embarrassed?”

Schneider often let loose. He ruminated on the man’s words over and over in his brain and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ha, ha, ha. Silly. I don’t know what kind of magic you’re using, but do you really think you have the magical power to make me maintain it for a few days?”

Even a simple warding spell, if kept up for a day, most people will run out of magic. Even the wards that are large enough to protect the palace, dozens of people have to take turns to maintain it.

“If you think it’s a lie, you can try it in the morning. You’ll stay that way until I break it.”

It’s a lie, he didn’t say aloud.

*(EN: Yeah kid try removing it! Haha you fool your opponent is level 1002, you think you can break it)*

This guy spoke those words with confidence which stuck in Schneider’s head. Those words of a man who manipulated magic like he had never seen or heard before


(I will not admit it. I will never admit it!)

It was humiliation for a wizard to be sealed off from using magic.

He couldn’t bear to give in to a man he didn’t know without understanding the reason.

No, he wasn’t completely sealed off from magic. The man hadn’t said that he would be ‘unable to use it’. Pain is something to be endured and resisted. Then, Schneider began chanting in a whisper.

“Geeeeee! Ouch! Ouch! OUCH!”

Severe pain shot through his right shoulder and ran through his entire body. Schneider rolled around on the floor.

“What the hell are you doing as soon as I tell you? Well, now you know. You’re going to be quiet for a while. I’ll remove it when you’re properly disciplined.”

With that, the man disappeared into the black wall from which he emerged from—

In the midst of the black world, Schneider was lying there. The future head of a great noble house and the vice president of student council at the best magic school in the country was lying on the floor and he was dripping with bodily fluids.

(Hahaaaa, you fool! You deserve it! Now suffer same like the queen!)

Uncool. Too uncool.

He couldn’t let anyone see him. It was even comforting to be alone in the black world now.


How much time has passed?

Five minutes, or an hour, or maybe not even a minute has passed. Eventually, the black world vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.

“Master Schneider!”

“You’re safe!”

“What’s going on?”

“He’s so exhausted…”

“We need to cure him. Now!”

Gosh, he didn’t want anyone to see him, but he was exposed. The black man was gone, as well as the sliver-haired woman. His lackeys held him up. One of them found something wrong with Schneider’s lower body.

“It’s wet?”

“Hey, does this mean…”

“Is it leaking…?”

“Master Schneider….”

Amidst the awkwardness, the healer put her hand on his right shoulder. After chanting, the palm of her hand glowed slightly.

“Gwaaaa! No, no! Immediately stop the treatment, oh no!”

He pushed the woman away and crawled to the floor with his wet crotch. The lackeys were baffled by how miserable he looked and someone let out a dry laugh.

“Hey, dude, don’t do that.”

“You’re being rude!”


The whispering voices made him feel even more miserable.

(What an ugly sight…)

No longer even angry, Schneider’s consciousness sank into the depths of darkness –

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