Chapter 164 The Want To Participate

[3 months after Colt was named as the Supreme Commander]

The war had been a constant threat to all citizens of the kingdom. At any point in time a group of cultists could attack a town or village and it's people would end up missing or dead.

This had become common place as of late, even with the kingdoms forces fighting to protect the people.

Since the temporary combination of Infernum and the military, the people started to call the kingdoms fighters' The Royal Army.'

The name became official when the leading figures of the war heard the name and the king approved its use.

All Infernai were being deployed across the Kingdom to fight the cult and defend the people, all except for two.

Clay preferred to use his mind, assisting with his insight into strategy rather than his fists. His leadership and tactical skills have improved vastly since the beginning of the war, earning him a nickname among the other Royal Army members. The Strategist.

Leo had been ordered not to get involved by the Supreme Commander directly. His reasons being that Leo is the most powerful ability user currently, as well as the person most Infernai look up to.

His participation in combat should only occur when absolutely necessary, otherwise he would risk death too often. The Supreme Commander stated that the loss of morale would be too large if Leo died in combat and thus he gave the order for Leo to stay put.

This hadn't stopped Leo completely and in the beggining of the war he would sneak out of the base and assist in nearby skirmishes, obliterating the enemy combatants and saving the people with ease.

Although there were hardly any Imperiums among the cultists killed in. These fights, Leo was seen as a savior that could defeat a group of cultists instantly and as such the people gave him two nicknames.

The Blue Death, in recognition of the dark blue Energy seen when his ability is used. The Venerian Warrior, in recognition of his combat skills and physical power.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It's been over a month since Leo had seen combat. He had been ordered to stay at the Capital and wait until his power was needed.

He was currently within a training room that had been specifically created for his use. Not being able to get involved and his power's growth speed having been halted were causing him immense frustration.

"Fuck! This is stupid..." Leo shouted in frustration as he stormed out of the training room. He walked directly towards a certain room, all soldiers moving out of his way and greeting him as he passed them.

He pushed open the door and walked into the room with an annoyed expression on his face and shouted "I'm done just sitting around doing nothing, I'm going to go and fight whether you want me to or not!"

,m The room he had stormed into was the office of Supreme Commander Colt. General Trune was in the room along with the Supreme Commander.

The Supreme Commander noticed Leo's expression and asked General Trune to leave the room so he and Leo could speak in private.

"We've discussed this before, Leo." The Supreme Commander said with a deep sigh.

"We have, yet you refuse to listen. I will be more of a morale boost in the field than I could ever be behind a desk. Don't make me disobey orders to help the people, Jeziah." Leo said as he approached desk that Jeziah was seated behind.

"Is it really that difficult for you to wait? I know you want to help but the cult is literally targeting you specifically. As soon as you get involved they will start sending their most powerful Imperiums to capture you. Anyone nearby wouldn't stand a chance and you can't fight everyone on your own." Jeziah said.

"People are dying every day and I can help them. We can't sit back and do nothing because of something that 'might' happen."

"Our entire army is helping people already. You are one man and can only do so much on your own. You won't be able to turn the tide of this war just because you're a bit stronger than the other Infernai." Jeziah said dismissively.

"I'm not just 'slightly stronger than the other Infernai', I'm strong enough that multiple Infernai wouldn't be able to defeat me. I could brun your office to the ground with fire or blow a whole through the wall with a burst of wind. I could destroy your desk with a flick of my finger from across the room. Nobody else can do as much as I can with as much versatility... You know it's the truth." Leo argued.

Jeziah looked at Leo for a few seconds and then sighed" You'll go even if I tell you not to?"

Leo nodded "Yes."

"Fine. I want you to go to the great city Zoren. It's been under siege for a week now but neither side is able to make any progress. Go and help defend the city. You'll be under the command of Duke Wesley while you're there." Jeziah said.

"Duke Wesley... Snythes father? Why hasn't he been sent to help if his father is involved?" Leo asked.

"He has. I sent Snythe to Zoren two days ago but it seems he hasn't been able to make much of a difference. If both of you are there, the cultist army won't stand a chance."

"Then I'll head there Immediately using a Gate." Leo said as he turned around and left the room.

As Leo was making his way out the military headquarters, he was stopped by a familiar face.


"Hmm? Connor? I thought you were sent to a town outside of Drom, when did you get back?" Leo asked.

"Just now, there was a large number of civilians who had been captured by the cult and apparently they were waiting for Trent to arrive so they could turn them into beasts to attack Drom.

Luckily, we managed to take them down even though they had an Imperium with them. He was one of those that used a shadow creature to fight but it was no match for my Golems."Connor said with a triumphant tone.

" I'm glad it went well. Have you heard any news about the others lately?" Leo asked.

" Nila and Leonard are traveling from town to town and village to village, doing everything they can to exterminate any cultists that might be occupying those areas.

Rene is with Clay, who is still coordinating the troops near Drom and from what I've heard he's doing a good job of it. There still hasn't been any word about Cain, not even the slightest clue to about where he is." Connor answered.

" I see... I'm sure something will come up eventually regarding Cain. I'm glad the others are doing alright for the time being."

" Still though, we're losing people each day, Infernai and regular solders alike. Half of all Infernai have already died because of this war, although most of the casualties were from the sneak attacks on Drom and our headquarters." Connor said with a concerned expression.

"If Infernai keeo dying at this rate then we might become something like an endangered species by the time the war is over." Leo said.

Connor scoffed with a smile on his face "Yeah, maybe. It looks like you're headed somewhere?"

"Zoren, it's been under siege for a week and I'm going to help them with their cultist problem." Leo said." I should actually get going."

"Yeah, I'll see you next time." Connor replied and the two of them parted ways.

Leo continued on until he eventually arrived at the Gate within the headquarters. It was more heavily guarded than usual, in case there was an attack that made use of a different Gate that was no longer under the Kingdoms protection.

There were a few groups ahead of Leo that were making use of the Gate. They would step forward and state their destination, a different soldier would then swap the crystal embedded in the Gate with a different one and the group would walk through as the Gate lit up.

It was finally Leo's turn. He stepped forward and looked up at the soldier standing on the scaffolding near the crystal slot in the Gate.

"Zoren." Leo said.

The soldier took the crystal out of the Gate and placed it gently in a box. He then grabbed a different one and placed it into the Gate.

Leo waited for the Gate to light up before he walked through but it never did. The Gate remained as a simply stone archway.

"What's going on?" Leo asked.

"The crystal isn't responding, Sir." The soldier said in response from above.

"I take it this isn't a common issue that arises so what ould be the cause of this?" Leo asked, his chest tightening as he expected to hear some bad news.

"There's only two reasons the crystal wouldn't be responding, Sir. One reason is that the gate on the other side is not active, meaning the crystal was removed for some reason." The soldier explained.

"And the other reason?" Leo asked.

"The Gate was destroyed..."

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