King of succubus

Chapter 116 Negotiation With Natives

*No recklessness, Sylvia. I prefer not to be labeled as an invader, if possible. So I forbid you to attack them until they try to hurt us. * Ordered Alvine in a firm tone when she saw Sylvia's eyes shine with malice.

*Tsk, nothing obliges me to obey you. They are only the puppets of my enemies. And I never spare my enemies. And it's the same for their families, their friends. Even if they have nothing to do with them, even if they are innocent! * Dryly replied Sylvia by showing her fangs while spreading her threatening energy that suffocated everyone including Alvine himself!

"[Damn it! In this case, nothing obliges me to keep you with me, go back to your hole. And tell Sabrina that I voluntarily abandoned you in the way!]" Hearing Sylvia's daring words, Alvine's anger exploded while he too unconsciously manifested his dark purple aura because of his bubbling anger.

"(Ancient! Pay attention to yourself, step back from them! They think you're about to attack them!)" The princess shouted with horror when she saw the purple aura that emanated from Alvine. For a reason that Alvine and Sylvia did not know, Alvine's mana had more effect on them than Sylvia's. The princess who looked arrogant and had a disdainful expression now wore an expression of extreme horror and anxiety on her face. The others were no better than her either.

"[Damn, master! We are on a Tier 3 planet! If I leave you alone here, you will surely die! Are you sure that's what you want?!]" She said in a furious and frustrated tone.

"[It doesn't matter, it's not up to you! If you are not able to contain your thirst for blood and want to massacre them without just cause, then you are of no use for me!]" Alvine strongly protested her without paying attention to the natives of the planet who shivered with fear with every word on his part! Because of the linguistic barrier that existed between them, they did not know what Alvine was saying. All they saw was a ferocious beast who showed his fangs toward his partner.

"(Ancient! Do you have an idea of what the ten-star beast orders to his partner?! I think he is trying to order her to attack us! Are you sure we can defeat them?! The color of his aura clearly tells us that it is a beast of ten stars!)" The queen cried madly while her facial expression sank into darkness. "(What kind of calamity have you just invoked on our kingdom?! Our most powerful warriors are barely 7 stars! As for you, you are only 8 stars! How will we manage this problem that can put an end to our species at any time?!)" She continued while abounding with fear despite her cold blood.

'What are they still talking about?! I'm trying to save you! Band of idiots! Sigh, I guess everything has become chaotic. All this because of this girl obsessed with blood!' He says to himself by hearing their words and seeing their reactions to his aura. Suddenly realizing this phenomenon, he retracted his aura and forced a warm smile on his lips towards the natives before frowning at Sylvia who was still standing in her place with a doubtful air no longer knowing what to do. "[Sylvia, what are you waiting for to retract your aura?! Stop seeing everything with bad eyes. I am not a saint who refuses to take lives. But I am not also a demon who is a bloodthirsty psychopath who kills without distinction.]"

"[Sigh, very well. But if they ever try anything suspicious with us, I would have no mercy on them!]" She says while staying on stand-by.

With an understanding smile, he thanked her with a simple nod before heading towards the only native who had not yet lost his cold blood, namely... the elder who stood five meters from him while frowning his thick eyebrows.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Alvine walked calmly towards the ancient one up to two meters from him before making the same gestures as the old man had done to Sylvia. He stretched out the palm of his hand with a mischievous smile. 'Did you treat us like magic beasts?! You will see what it feels like to be treated as such!' He said to himself while smiling brilliantly in front of the facial expression of the elder who had an inked face as if he had just swallowed a fly.

"(What does he want me to face with his hand?!)" He said with a confused air when he looked at the queen who was just as confused as he was.

But suddenly, the princess's voice resounded behind him. "(He may want to know what you intended to do to the other magic beast. Remember that beasts act by instinct. If you take more time, he will start to beware of you. All you have to do is respect their customs.)" she says while nodding her head with an understandable air.

"[Fufu~ That you are a vicious master.]" Realizing Alvine's intentions, Sylvia's frustration collapsed as if she had never been angry ten seconds ago.

'This girl is a professional actress.' He said to himself by focusing his attention on the Elder who approached him cautiously after putting his stick on the ground as if he wanted to show Alvine by his actions, that he had no bad attention against him.

Alvine, who was nonchalantly in his place, had not lowered his guard against him. He had already covered himself with a translucent shield that protected him from all kinds of attacks from outside. Slowly but surely, the old one approached him up to a few centimeters from him. Then he took Alvine's hand and slowly approached his face to his hand leaning to him before laying down his lips and licking Alvine's palm!

"[Yuck! Fuck it! What is he doing?!! Why does he lick my hand?! This is disgusting! Especially from an extraterrestrial man!]" He said, tearing out his hand, which was half wet. He went back next to Sylvia while furtive invoking a water ball and plunged his hand into it!

"[Kahaha! Very well done for you.]"

*Sigh, instead of making fun of me, rather finds a solution so that we can talk with them. I'm tired of your ridiculous games. I know you can surely speak in their languages, so can you at least interpret my words? *

*But if I do that, things won't be funny at all. Even though they are on a Tier 3 planet, they are still so weak! What a waste of resources. In short, I don't need to translate anything. Just talk to them, and I will make sure to influence their ears with my magic as I did you. * She explains, out of breath after making enough fun of Alvine.

Without bothering to scold her a second time... knowing that her act would only be a waste of time and nothing else, he faced the natives and asked them with a frown. "Why did you invoke us here?"


"Can you speak in Kelspiesian language?!" Asked the Elder with disbelief.

"No, it's the magic of this girl that allows us to converse. Now answer my question, why did you invoke us?" Says Alvine a second time.

"H... *AHEM* I am the third Elder under the orders of the crown. As today is the baptism of His Highness the Prince and Princess, according to our customs... on the day of each person's baptism, we carry out an awakening ceremony. That is, find a pet for each descendant. And you answered the call for invocations. This means that you have agreed to be a pet with His Highness the Prince and His Highness the Princess." Says the elder by pointing to the girl who was standing next to the middle-aged woman and the other man who was protected by a bodyguard.

"A pet? Let's admit that this is true, what do we have to gain from it, and how long will it last? What I mean by this is what benefit will we derive from it by being their pets?" Asked Alvine with a Machiavellian smile.

"*Fu*, this is the first time that a magic beast has asked us for conditions. By becoming their pets, they will cultivate you and increase your powers to a level you have never dreamed of being able to reach. And will give you everything you desire in the future and in the present. You see, we have many ferocious beasts on our planet, but their power is so strong that we can't tame them and we even wage a fierce war against them. This is why we proceed with the method of invoking pets. By becoming their pets, riches, honor, status... above all, you will be immortal as long as your master remains alive, you can be reborn after your death! But in exchange, you must assist my children during their hunting games and the future battles they will deliver and the future problems they will encounter throughout their lives." Hearing Alvine's sentence, the queen who had given up all hope of linking Alvine and Sylvia to her children suddenly found her enthusiasm and tried to bait them with her "super offer".

"Hmm, glad to see that you also know how to negotiate with "magic beasts". But unfortunately for you, I have nothing to gain from your offer. But I'm still curious about your power level. According to you, you are not the most powerful race that reigns on this planet, but the magical beasts. In this case, I have only one offer for you because I do not intend to stay here forever. Here is my offer, I will help your children get a magical beast worthy of them but in exchange, you will teach me everything that is to know about your customs and your techniques of cultivation and soul fortifications." He asserts, always hard in negotiations.

The queen's eyes were wide open when she heard Alvine's abnormal offer. 'His intelligence far exceeds my expectations and He is also very dangerous to be able to try to tame them by force. What to do? If I refuse his offer without a valid excuse, he will surely try to attack us. And given the effects of the magic of this female beast next to him, I'm sure he had heard our conversation from the beginning, that's why he's so sure of himself. But despite everything, I have to try to see the abysses that separate us from them. His gestures, and his words, really make me doubt his identity as a magical beast. Even if we know that our world is not the only world that exists, we know nothing from the outside. All those who have ventured out of our world have never returned to tell us what is beyond the red sphere (sun).' She says to herself by analyzing the situation with extreme caution.

"This is a rather disadvantageous offer for us. In addition to this, we do not yet know your strength. Why not do a little test before continuing our negotiation?" She said...while the surrounding air caressed her fangs who had just been exposed with her benevolent smile that looked like a demonic smile for Alvine.

'Hehe, quite intelligent on her part, as she does not know the limits of our power, she tries to see the limits of our powers. I would have done the same if I were in her place. Well, I have nothing to lose. According to the system, she is a master rank mage, but the IQ numbers she possesses far exceed my understanding. This proves how talented she is with spiritual attacks. I must be wary of her spiritual attacks. Apart from Sabrina who had knocked me out with her simple kiss, I had never experienced a spiritual attack before. And if I ask Sylvia to fight against them, the duel will not make sense.' Alvine evaluated in turn while slightly frowning.

"I have no bad intentions towards you. But understand that a mother cannot entrust her children to anyone. Please do not try to find any other meaning to my words." She agitated nervousness in the face of the silence on the part of Alvine.

'She is really worthy of being a queen, just with her intelligence.' He says in his thoughts. "Well, in this case, my partner will not intervene during our duel. Just with the mana that emanates from you, I can instinctively assume that the most powerful person is the old man who licked my hand when I just wanted to shake hands as greetings. Why not choose him as my opponent?" Alvine proposed intelligently by looks at the old man who was the so-called Elder.

Hearing Alvine's words, Sylvia burst out laughing while the other natives stifled their laughter in their throats. "Young magical beast! It was in no way my fault, if you could understand us and allow us to communicate with you, you should have done it from the beginning. I wouldn't have to ridicule myself in front of everyone!" The elder strongly protested against the words of Alvine while his cheeks blush with dishonor when he remembered his shameful act.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not going to talk to unknown beings who invoked me without asking for my consent. But did I hear correctly? Did you just call me young? I may not look like it, but I lived a hermit life for several thousand years before deciding to see the outside world. So control your emotions and words, young Elder. And another thing, we are not magic beasts. I'm Dalvine, and my comrade's name is Dylvia." He says without changing his facial expression.

'Incredible, he lies like he breathes. Sabrina was really not qualified for his education!' Says Sylvia stunned in the face of Alvine's lies.

"I understand. But it's still hard to believe that you are not magic beasts. After all, you went out in an invocation circle intended only for animals. Very well, I am the third Elder, and here is the queen, the prince, and the princess. And the man next to the prince is the royal knight called Ganne." Says the Elder in a natural tone.

'Hm? Do they give up their names after acquiring honorary titles? Sigh, it doesn't matter.' He said to Himself. "Well, we can start the test. Please teaching me!" He announced, moving away from Sylvia. As he was in an arena, there were no places better qualified than the arena to start their duels.

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