King of succubus

Chapter 131 Alvine's Soul Fragment.

15 minutes earlier, when Alvine left Sylvia and the others because he was annoyed at not having been able to kill her enemy because of Sylvia's intervention... he slammed the door behind him with the note of his gravitational magic which was like a kind of telekinesis for him. He used this practical affinity almost every day in his daily life. To fly, to move animated and inanimate objects, or for good to isolate them as he had done with the king of the Elves by simply modifying gravity according to his desire.

"Sigh, to say that I am still on another strange planet that is neither the earth nor Alzania. I wonder how long should I wander like this in this universe in search of the force who will allow me to no longer fear the Gods or the demons of hell?" Sighing with an irritated air, he lay down on the bed that could accommodate a small family of six at the same time because of its length and exaggerated width; even for Alvine who had been used to living in luxury since his transmigration to this new world.

|Alert, an intrusion has been detected. |

|All system-related features undergo forced standby. |

|Alert the regulator and evolution modes related to the system are temporarily disabled. |

'What is...?' It was so sudden that Alvine was alerted by unbelieving notifications from the system, which continued to flow into his visual field.

|The "Statues" function is temporarily disabled. |

|The control and "charm" limiter function is temporarily disabled. |

|Magic energy limiters are temporarily disabled. |

|The gross energy (RE) transformation function > EP is temporarily unavailable. |


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

|.... disabled.

|....momentarily put on standby. |

Notification after notification to the point that Alvine could no longer read them all.

Until the last notification begins by appearing that was cold in Alvine's back.

|Unknown energy can no longer be contained or controlled by the system. |

|The system has discovered part of the soul of the @€&&)...

Even before the system could finish warning Alvine, he suddenly fainted and found himself in a desert plain that had neither light nor the slightest trace of life. Absolute black.


He wondered looking at the endless black desert. Unlike before, he had not found himself in a castle, nor with black soldiers but in an endless desert.

"Kuku, I finally managed to contact you."


While he wandered aimlessly in the desert, a similar voice but at the same time different from his voice resounded in the vicinity. Even before he wondered where the sounds of his voice came from, a humanoid shadow the size of a human appeared instantly and less than a meter from him.

The sudden appearance of this mysterious entity with crimson red eyes forced him to step back while surprise.

But for some reason, he was not afraid of the mysterious shadow as if he knew deep inside him that he was not hostile to him despite the aura of malice released by the entity. He was always calm and placid in front of it.

"Who are you?" Slightly frowning, he asked in the humanoid shade.

"Kuku. Who do you think I am? Am I...

As he spoke, his appearance suddenly began to clear up more and more, until Alvine saw in front of him, a young man in his twenties who had short black hair, dark brown eyes, and a slightly pointed nose in front of him.

"... Alvine Wilson of The Earth?" He continued the rest of his sentence with a funny smile.

"Or maybe I'm Alvine Dragnar?" Then, in front of Alvine's wide-open eyes, the entity that had just taken the body shape he had before being transmigrated to Alzania suddenly turned into him, with the same golden pupils, the same snow-white hair, and the same horns slightly pointed on his temples! There was not the slightest difference between him and Alvine.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Alvine's mistrust went up a notch. "Stop confusing me with your unfounded words. No matter what form you take, it won't matter to me as long as you answer my question." He stopped for a moment, then continued: "Then answer my question, who are you?"

Seeing him imperturbable, the mysterious entity nodded his head with satisfaction while his lips bowed into a silent smile. He walked in front of Alvine while he instinctively followed him to a destination unknown to him.

"The twins may look like, but they won't be the same people. And this also applies to species, plants, pain, and above all... death. A concept you want to acquire more than anything, don't you?" He spoke with such nonchalance and words that had no tail or head for Alvine. There were no appropriate words to describe the discomfort Alvine felt when he heard the words of his lookalike. But he still remained silent while putting his patience to the test and left the mysterious shadow or rather his lookalike to continue.

"Knowing me will not matter too much to you until you know yourself. Isn't it ridiculous to want to acquire the concept of death near a person I had given?" He asked, stopping in his footsteps and looking at Alvine's golden pupils with his eyes of the same color.

Hearing his question, Alvine felt like he was enlightened. "I understand now. If it was you who mastered the [concept of death] then you must surely be the monarch of death, am I wrong?" He said, placing his fingers under his chin. What did it mean to meet the monarch of death in such a place? An incredibly powerful being who was supposed to die was still living. And as by the greatest chance, he manifested himself in front of Alvine?

Uncontrollable excitement invaded him when he realized that he could finally progress in learning this mysterious concept whose source of his nature remained a mystery to him and even to the Punishers and leaders!

"But it's still strange that I can see someone who is supposed to have been dead for thousands of centuries. Not to mention that the monarch of death is normally a dragon, isn't it? Sigh, finally, it doesn't matter to me. I don't care about your reasons as long as they don't aim to harm me or my entourage." He says nonchalantly. The reason why he was not suspicious of his lookalike, was that he felt neither hostility nor benevolence towards him. He only felt a sense of neutrality on his part.

But unfortunately for him, it seemed that he was mistaken in his hypothesis. And he soon knew it when he heard the next words of the monarch of death.

"Kuku, I think you're mistaken about one thing. I'm not that flying butterfly that his bands nicknamed him the monarch of death." He said with a Machiavellian smile while continuing to hum by platitude.

"So if you are not the monarch of death, who are you in this case?" Alvine felt like being fooled by this mysterious guy who only told fibs. But thinking about his previous words, it was rather he who misunderstood it. Thinking about this theory, and seeing how this guy called the monarch of death the nickname "butterfly", he stopped in his steps and asked him for confirmation by frowning.

"Then your previous answer, were you referring to the monarch of death?"

"Kuku, yes. This little butterfly was so desperate and guilty that it was the weakest among its peers. So I took advantage of this flaw to add it to my puppet collections by giving him part of the [concept]" He affirmed while nodding his head without erasing his Machiavellian smile on his lips.

"And do you know what I find most ridiculous with you?" He went on to ask him this question.

But Alvine neither asked him to continue nor asked him to stop.

Seeing that he was beginning to lose patience, the lookalike took his silence with a request. Then he continued without paying attention to him: "You keep asking me my identity. Imagine that you stop in front of a mirror and constantly ask for the name of the person in front of you. Isn't it ridiculous and funny at the same time? Kuku, I imagine that if someone sees you in this state he will surely call you crazy, right?" He laughed by saying these words while ridiculing Alvine who persisted in knowing his identity.

"If you want to know who I am, my name, my nature, my origin, you will have to know yourself. Knowing me and accepting me as I am is like accepting who you are yourself. As long as you keep this only light in you, which is surrounded by darkness, you will never be able to recover my... no, your powers and memories. The reason for my existence is simple, it is for destruction. This is the only reason for my existence inside of you. You can never be darkness and light at the same time. And a good example is this little girl who is currently fighting against our masterpiece." As he spoke, Alvine, who had become increasingly confused, suddenly saw Sylvia and a Black Dragon fighting each other.

Just by seeing the fight, he could instinctively say who was going to win and who was going to lose in the duel.

"The reason this little girl loses to our masterpiece is not that she is weaker than him. No, far from it, it was simply because this girl had made the same stupid choice to try to acquire our dark powers while she housed in her the brightest light of this annoying flower. Darkness and light will never be able to coexist. Only by accepting yourself and your nature will you be able to understand who you are and discover the reason for your existence." He continued looking at Sylvia who resisted relentlessly against the monarch of death who was none other than the black dragon who was bathed in endless darkness in front of her.

"Are you going to kill her?" Asked Alvine, frowning while knowing full well that he will have no chance of winning against this thing that claimed to be himself.

"Kuku, bringing death is the reason for our existence. So why should we care about losing a single life that is dear to us?" He replied with a voice devoid of all human emotions.

Upon hearing his answer, Alvine's eyes wavered with bottomless bitterness.

"Kuku, She is always useful to you, so I just intend to help her repair her stupidity so that you can see with your own eyes and understand the truth of my words." He says, slamming his fingers. And instantly, the energy of inexhaustible darkness began to escape from Sylvia's body fighting in the dark bubble against the monarch of death.

"As long as light exists, we will exist. As long as hatred, anger, lust, envy, jealousy, and all other feelings exist, you too will persist in the shadows by bringing death and destruction. This is the nature of the [concept of death]. So you who are now obsessed with a power you had rid of, will you accept them and lose everything you have? It also includes your emotions and your so-called new family." As he finished his sentences, Alvine felt him gradually disappear to the point that he could no longer see him.

"Look now, doesn't she look like a pure angel devoid of darkness that you used to imagine when you were on earth? Just by looking at her, I'm sure you can feel the same feeling that I currently feel against this light. We are not destined to get along or to live together." He said to Alvine, who looking at Sylvia who was beginning to regain her powers while being bathed in a blinding light.

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