King of succubus

Chapter 145 Dispute.

"Yes, all you have to do is meet only one of my conditions. Give me two days non-stop and in exchange, I would bring you the head and soul of this leader. Aren't you curious to see the power of a shadow soldier who sucked the soul of a leader? How strong will it become? What will be his powers?! Who will be able to stop you with such a shadow soldier under your orders?!" The more he spoke and let go of his bait, the more Alvine felt that no offer could be better than this one.

Seeing him silent and seeming to think seriously about his proposal, he continued to positively argue his offer while placing his hand on Alvine's shoulder. "Isn't your obsession to become stronger to be able to protect your adorable new "Family"? Imagine for a moment the fabulous power of a Leader under your command? Who will be able to stop you? You will certainly have a power equivalent to a leader! You haven't forgotten your fight against Sabrina, haven't you? How did she beat you with your life? Nor how would Sylvia be able to defeat you with a simple snap of your fingers? So my dear me, in your opinion, what would happen if you rely on someone else's power to protect you? Have you ever forgotten what happened to Helen by your fault? Will you let these kinds of events produce once again, because of your pathetic weakness?!" He whispers these words to him while tapping Alvine's shoulders with a friendly smile.

Alvine always remained undecided despite these words that seemed to be the cruel truth for him.

After a minute of quick reflection, Alvine expired a breath of relief air and gave him back his smile with a Machiavellian smile. "Ho, so how long time do you care about the well-being of those around me? It's new for me to see how much you who claim to be my fucking fragment can't know me!" He replied by dumping his hand off his shoulder.

The other Alvine frowned when he saw his smile and asked him confusedly:

"What do you mean by that?"

"However, it's simple to understand, isn't it? The real enemy does not come from outside. Because he is currently with me!" He said in an impassive tone looking at the golden eyes that could not hide the cruelty and then he continued:

"Do you know why I can't trust you?"

"...?!" Seeing her questioning air, Alvine continued with a salacious smile that was no different from the diabolical expression of his fragment.

"It's because of this cruel glow that shines in your eyes! I know this gaze more than anyone else since it's the same gaze I have when I try to do something diabolical! It's the look that adorns my face when I'm about to commit a massacre! With this bloodthirsty look, I would never answer a single wish from you!" He says by advancing nonchalantly towards Gtyura's purified soul as if there were only him in the big room.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"GET TOGETHER!" Following his words and will, the twenty shadow soldiers gathered in front of him in a thousandth of a second! For lack of a better word to qualify the prodigious speed at which they appeared in front of him while kneeling! Darka was like their leaders, always in front of his troops like the commander of his small army!

He himself was surprised to see the obedience of shadows towards him. The worst thing was that among the shadow soldiers, there was a bestial shadow with a wider body of about a hundred meters! His blood-red eyes stared at Alvine as if he were trying to read in his soul, he was none other than the monarch of death!

Seeing him answer his call, Alvine turned her head towards his fragment that was still in the room with him with a frown. "Why is he here?! Besides, what are you still doing here?! You have nothing better to do than spoil my day?!" He asks dryly thinking that the monarch was here only because this boring guy went down to the lowest floor of the shadow palace!

"Kuku, my dear...

"Stop with your «dear me»! If you don't have a name you just have to find one instead of using mine!" Alvine stopped him halfway through his words before he could continue.

"...In this case why won't you find me a name? Since you refuse to admit the facts that are before your eyes! No matter how much you deny it, I always remain a part of you. If that wasn't the case, I would have annihilated you as soon as you set foot in this place!" He announced in a cruel and euphoric tone!

Hearing his senseless words, Alvine suddenly had an idea. He immediately nodded with agreement. "Tsk, anything but that, we have nothing in common! But if you want a name then I'll call you «Gu» from now on! It is the first name that represents strength and power and...

"Stop making fun of me. I'd rather remain anonymous than take such a ridiculous and shameful name!"

"It's you who sees. Or you can take Dalvine as your first name. Since you're constantly saying that you're me, so it's not bad for you, isn't it? In short, I don't care about your strange hobbies. It doesn't matter to me, the name you choose is your problem. But never pretend to be me, Dalvine!" He says with a joyful smile. This is the first time since their meetings that he has managed to frustrate this entity. Apart from his appreciation for his irritated expression, Alvine felt like he had won a battle against him. Even if it's insignificant and stupid on his part, it still counts for a victory. And just with that, he didn't care about the rest.

Seeing his silent and angry mood, Alvine continued to push the nail into the wound. "Well, here you are now baptized... Dalvine Gu! So tell me, my dear Dalvine Gu, what does this giant lizard do here? Now that I have refused your offer, do you plan to stay or leave?" He asked with a sublime smile.

"I don't think I accepted this strange name. I don't need the name of this weak creature that was attributed to you. Kuku, do you want to hear your real name?"

Alvine had a "Tic" in her brain when he heard his question. Obviously, he was curious to know him but...

"Not interested. It was someone else's life and name. I am and I would remain Alvine Dragnar in this life. So don't piss me off trying to get confused. Do you think I haven't understood your goal from the beginning? The reason you managed to make me lose my mind last time was only because I had been angry and frustrated that I could not honor my principle by killing Tugra. But take my word for it, you waste your time trying to reproduce the same scene here. I was also able to confirm some doubts by talking with you, the reason you can't get out of here is simply that you can't, without my permission."


"I'm right, aren't I? You may be more powerful than me, but I have absolute control over this floor and these soldiers. The reason is that when they appeared here, they did not go to you, no, they came to me! Not to mention that your dear subordinate who had always accompanied you could not disobey my orders even though he had to come here with you." Alvine says these words with illuminated eyes in rendering her verdict.

'I'm not sure of what I said, but that's what I've been able to conclude so far. Is it the truth or not? I would know with his answer.' He says to himself in his thoughts.

As for the fragment that had just been newly baptized by Alvine, it had a slight surprise in his eyes before it frowned with a dark expression. "Kuku, you seem to be sure of yourself all of a sudden. But don't get me wrong, the reason is simple, it's because it's you who come from the called, not me. So...

Even before he could finish his sentence, Alvine interrupted him. "So prove to me that I'm wrong! Order them to leave if you have the power!" With these simple words, he could see Dalvine's facial expression twist with discomfort and irritation.

"Hehe, thank you for participating in this test. It was very kind of you, Dalvine Gu!" He confessed while focusing his attention on the shadow soldiers who were always kneeling before him and ignoring Dalvine who liberated his murderous aura without even realizing it.

'This bloody aura, I wonder the atrocities he may well have committed in his life to have such a bloodthirsty aura. Even if I am not affected, I am not even sure if Sylvia will have the will not to succumb to despair in the face of such a dark aura! I must under no circumstances let such an entity out into the outside world, no matter what it costs me!' He says to himself by turning around so that Dalvine cannot feel his nervousness in front of him. Showing his fear was the worst thing he had to do, according to him.

Alvine broke the silence that reigned in the room after about thirty seconds. "Darka, I have a mission and also an order for you."

"Your wishes are orders for me, my lord." He responded briefly with his threatening voice.

"Very well, in my absence, you will take control of this place! From now on, you will direct the distribution of souls taking into account the affinity and weapons they used before their deaths. For example, this soul was a warrior who used the spear as a weapon; so you have to find a soldier who uses a spear as a weapon for the absorbed. The same is also for affinities, skills, and so on. Do you think you're smart enough to do that?" He interrogated in a doubtful tone.

So far, I have not yet tested their intelligence levels. Apart from Darka, others act instinctively, like magical beasts with average intellects. Darka was no different from them by the way. He became that so after evolving. I wonder how others will be once they have evolved!' He says to himself by supporting his chin with his palm with a thoughtful air. Dalvine had not yet left, he was rather looking at the scene with suspicion or curiosity.

"This will not cause me the slightest problem. I would carry out your orders perfectly."


"Excellent! This is your mission from now on as long as you are here, do not let any lost soul be misused. It's important to make better use of our resources." His expression became into a bright smile.

"I also have a question before giving you my order. Who is this uninvited guest who disrupts my work here?" He said, pointing his finger at his fragment!

"..." Darka looks in the direction of Alvine's finger with confusion.

"Don't you know him?" Alvine raised this question with slight confusion looking at Dalvine who had a mocking smile as he guessed his thoughts.

"He is...


Even before Alvine could hear the remains of Darka's sentence, Darka's head fell to the ground after being properly beheaded by something that Alvine had no idea. The attack was so fast that Alvine could not see anything from the scene! He looked at the culprit with his teeth clenched. "Now you're killing my soldiers?! Have you lost your head?!" He addressed the culprit who was none other than Dalvine!

"Kuku, it's too early to know things that are beyond you. It is better for you to fully enjoy your life as long as you are still in ignorance." He replied looking at the dark aura blade that was at the end of his index finger with a subtle smile.

"You, bastard. Who asks you to control what I need to know or don't know?!" Tonna Alvine in a furious tone.

"Believe it or not, I do this for our good. There are things you don't have to know yet with this insignificant force. Become strong until you manage to measure yourself against me, and it is at that time that I will share everything you need to know with me. Otherwise, you would only be a dead weight that will cause our loss forever. The idea of immortality is fantastic, but eternal imprisonment is not enormous either, finally." He says to himself by turning around to leave without placing another word.

"This bastard!" Alvine squeeze his teeth with irritation when he saw him leave without adding anything once again.

Subsequently, his attention turned to Darka, which had just regenerated as if nothing had happened. But Alvine no longer asked the question. Unlike its system, this type is of a completely different level. "Salaud, I swear I'll make you pay a hundredfold as long as I live long enough for that. You'd better wash your neck now if you can't decide to kill me. Because when the time comes, unlike you, I will not hesitate to kill you a billion times if necessary to put an end to you!" He says to himself by leaving the dimension of the shadow in turn without saying anything more.

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