King of succubus

Chapter 160 Mysterious Boxe.

"Good return among us, my beloved dear master." Sylvia nervously greeted Alvine when she saw him on his nerves. She instinctively guessed the situation when she saw the murderous look that Alvine had launched her barely meet her.

​ "Yes, you can't imagine how happy I am to see you healthy, dear Sylvia."

"Ugh. Don't be so reckless to me for so little, you must learn to appreciate the favors I have given you without compensation." Despite the warm exchange that took place between this master and his maid, Liliana could feel the heavy atmosphere that was regaining between them. She could not help stealthily move off them for fear that she would be involved in their internal quarrels. But the most agitated still remained Sylvia who knew Alvine's twisted personality more than anyone else.

Alvine and Liliana who had just left their showers were waiting for Sylvia who had just arrived in front of the famous vampire treasure room to honor part of Alvine's payment.

"Ahem, what if you follow me in the treasure room? It is not this the time to create an internal conflict when we have enemies in common." Liliana suggested this peaceful idea in the hope of extinguishing Alvine's burning flames.

"Hoh? What an intelligent girl! Master, she really deserves her title of queen, isn't she?" Sylvia couldn't agree more than she at that moment. Her eyes shone with impatience not out of greed for the treasures behind the door, but to get rid of the resentment that showed her fangs while she did him a favor. She strangely saw her act as a saint who had just committed the most beautiful action in the universe. But unlike her, Alvine only saw the problems that came with the little or no benefits that accompanied her act.

"Sigh, She's not wrong indeed. After all, we have all our time to repay debts to each other." He said nonchalantly, crossing his arms.

Seeing that everything was "good", at least for now; Liliana approached the giant black door that seemed to be able to resist the attack of an intermediate divine mage and placed her palm in the dark hole in the middle of it.


Alvine who looked at the unlocking process with interest could hear the metal rustles and the lock systems collide. But what made him frown was the amount of blood that was sucked up by the lock from Liliana's palm. 'This is the first time my perception has been blocked by something, no matter how I try to look through the door, it's as if an invisible wall prevents me from seeing through. Is this door an artifact? Or maybe it's made with precious metals?' He wondered with a question mark floating above his head.

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"Why are you bleeding? Is this a necessary method for unlocking?"? He asked with concern.

"Um, only my blood is able to open this door." She gave a brief answer without suspicion of Alvine's question.

"You lose too much blood, is that normal too? I can't help worrying." He continued in a strange tone.

"Ho? Are you worried about the state of health of your queen? That this romantic." Sylvia asked in a sarcastic tone with a teasing smile.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going to die for a few centiliters of blood." Liliana, who took every word of Sylvia as heavenly words, did not doubt her words for a single second.

Alvine who did not intend to answer Sylvia succumbed after cashing too much. "Sigh, your blood is precious. Because in case you have forgotten it, it is also part of my blood that is currently flowing. So it's quite normal to be worried about that, don't you think?" He replied by revealing the funds of his thoughts that left the two girls speechless. "If you waste it as if nothing had happened, don't count on me to give you one more drop. I'd rather see you in hell after your death than see my blood wasted like that!!" He continued without paying the slightest attention to the expressions of the two girls.


'He does not know the slightest elegance. Poor Liliana, Her future seems bleak.' Sylvia breathed a subtle sigh after stammering her words to herself with a guilty air while Liliana did not seem at least affected by words.


The door opened slowly with a dull but metallic noise after confirming Liliana's identity. After opening the door, the surrounding air rushed inside to ventilate the absolute black space. But Alvine had no vision problems. Compared to the dark night that reigned supreme in this room, he had no vision problem in the perpetual dark darkness that reigned in the dimension.

Vowp, vwop, vowp, vwop...

But the room was suddenly illuminated by dozens of magic crystals floating in glasses hanging on the walls.

Alvine remained speechless when he saw the show in front of him. What was in front of him were not thousands of pieces of gold and artifacts scattered to the ground as far as the eye can see as he imagined with his thoughts affected by fanciful stories he had read, but a tidy room with successive metal containers and containers.

The disappointment could be well perceived in his eyes when he saw this modern design.

"Sigh, I can close it if you think it's a waste of time." Liliana's voice resounded in front of him when she saw the disappointment in his eyes. She had agreed to escort him here only because Alvine wanted it, even though she firmly believed that Alvine was the prince of the universe in terms of wealth.

A bitter smile adorned Alvine's lips by guessing Liliana's thoughts who seemed to have misinterpreted his disappointment. "Don't worry about that, my sixth sense tells me that I would have an exciting harvest in this room. And I have always trusted my intuition." He said, passing through the front door, his hands crossed behind his back while his perception snooped every corner of the thirty-square meter room accurately.

'Spiritual stones of celestial quality, cultivation techniques, deep breathing techniques, weapons, magical artifacts, and gold coins. Typical of a fanciful treasure room, but all these things are just shit! I need unique, rare things, and above all, that is not in my possession.' He said to himself while he evaluated the contents of each coffer with his perception as he walked to the bottom.

Sylvia and Liliana followed them in silence without intervening or interrupting him in his investigation. After exceeding a dozen containers, his attention was drawn when his perception struck something familiar. A small oval golden stone the size of an adult palm that was in a small box caught his attention. 'Hm? An Odin stone? I have one in my possession and if I remember correctly, the system requires about ten to do its fucking update.' He concludes these thoughts by opening the small golden box that was placed on a gold table.

"A spiritual stone of divine grade? Are you interested in these things? There are about a thousand in the one hundred and thirteen cabinets on the left." Liliana answered Alvine briefly by seeing him pay special attention to this cultivation stone.

"A spiritual stone of divine grade? But I thought this stone was called Odin's stone?" He asked confusedly. One thing was certain, he knew that he was not wrong in his hypotheses. The system always gave the same name to this stone as the previous stone it had acquired in the tower. What made him curious was the different names.

*Master, only primordial beings call it that. The Odin stone is considered by divine beings, as a spiritual stone of divine grade that restores the divine mana of a divine magus. But for those who have not reached divine rank, it is a precious artifact that allows them to artificially provoke divine tribulation in order to make their breakthrough in the divine kingdom. It's as simple as that. * Sylvia clarified his thoughts with this brief explanation.

"I understand now." He said, placing the stone in the box before storing it in its place with a disinterested air.

He resumed his slow and imperturbable approach to the bottom of the room to evaluate each object that was in the room. He was obviously interested in Odin's stone, which was not the only one to have caught his attention. He had also detected a golden parchment that contained techniques for strengthening the soul and mind.

He arrived at the end of the room after a two-minute walk. Not surprisingly, he discovered nothing more that could attract his attention except Odin stones and the mysterious golden parchment.

*Master, I find you very stingy for your level. Every object here is able to awaken the greed of any divine mage so why are you so disappointed? * Sylvia curiously asked her master who seemed to curse her luck inwardly today. It was not that the room had interesting things, but rather Alvine had extraordinary requirements that even exceeded those of the divine Magi.

*Sigh, I know that, Sylvia. But everything I see here is strictly not of much use to me. The greatest concern of the Magi is three things, the knowledge of the cultivation, the equipment, and the concern for increasing their energy. But I don't have a problem with the last two problems. Since I woke up as a mage, I had never had a problem with magic energy. As for the level of equipment, I'm here because I had provided them with equipment for battle. Unless they have primordial grade artifacts, my system has spoiled me too much for me to be interested in divine rank artifacts. * He replied proudly by exhibiting his treasures near a primordial being.

*Fufu, watch yourself boast to me. Do you at least know who you compare yourself to in terms of wealth? *

*Urgh, can u forgot what I just said? * He immediately returned to reality after understanding the meanings of Sylvia's words. Even in these wildest dreams, he will never dare to compare himself to Sylvia in this area. Since everything he owns was exchanged with a being who was of the same rank as Sylvia.

*Fufu~, don't forget your place, poor beggar.* She replied proudly by inflating her chest. It was In this kind of situation that Alvine hated to keep Sylvia next to him. Does a maid who dares to say such nonsense to her master even deserve to stay with him? Even if she was not officially his maid, she still called him by the title of master, right?

"Tsk, this debate is closed." He replied in a placid tone when he saw Sylvia's satisfactory expression. Liliana could guess that these two were exchanging with each other just by hearing Alvine's sudden annoyance.

She shook her head with a subtle smile when she realized that Alvine and Sylvia no longer cared about their behavior in her presence. It was a form of trust too and it also meant that they trusted it more than before. "I'm starting to ask myself only one question about both of you, how can you be like fire and water despite all the time you spent together?" She asked, joining their conversations as peace missionaries.

Alvine and Sylvia looked at each other with slight surprise. "Take my word for it, if it were not to reassure someone, I would never have traveled with an immature girl like her!" Alvine replied instantly by pointing to Sylvia.

"Who do you call a child?! I tell you that I am more than a million times older than you. So you'd better think ten times before talking." She thundered in a defensive tone.

"Sigh, only children react like that when they are told they are very young. You'd better grow up a little, little Sylvy."

"What?! Who invented this stupid saying?"

But her question remained unanswered when she saw Alvine's solemn look plated on a small black box that was no larger than the engagement ring box. 'What is this box? It seems to be made of the same metal as that of the door. My perception can't pass through it. What exactly does it contain?' He wonders as he becomes more and more curious.

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