King of succubus

Chapter 174 [Bonus] The Demonstration Of A New Shadow Soldier!

"Oh shit!" He swore in his beard by cursing his shadow mage once again. Who could he curse except himself? His shadow magus, of course.

"Something is wrong?" Liliana asked him.

Unlike him who had just seen the destruction in front of him. Three weeks ago, this place was like a tourist place for vampires and native soldiers who guarded the gates of the border. The anger of the gods, the anger of their ancestors who fall on magical beasts as punishments. That was the conclusion that people retain after seeing the scene. Apart from Liliana's kings and advisers, no one else knew the truth about the mysterious gigantic crater.

"Hmm, are you sure that the gods won't be angry if he saw a mortal doing some practical work in their place?" Alvine answered Liliana's question by asking her this question.

But Liliana did not understand what he meant by that, and instead, it was Vandel who answer his question with a vague answer. "Hohoho, it will be fun to see the mortal in question at work. It is only after seeing his audacity that we will decide his judgment." He said, caressing his little white beard.

Alvine looked at the old man who was now wearing a gold monocle (he did not know when he had a monocle) with a slender smile on his lips.

"Well, if destruction is the fault of the mortal, I suppose, that the deities will not get angry if I try to make some changes to make the place a little pleasant to live." Alvine answers in turn. With Vandel's answer alone, Alvine could guess that he had understood what he meant.

By mortals, he obviously spoke of himself who had not yet reached divine rank. And by god, he addressed the two divine Magi who were with him, Vandel and Liliana. Wanting to repair his mistakes, you have already understood, he was talking about the giant crater that was in front of him.

'This is the moment of truth.' Alvine declared to himself with a solemn look. His affinity for darkness was also blocked, so if he wanted to create a clone, he necessarily had to create it with his shadow affinity; a practice he had not yet tried. But at the same time, it was a good opportunity to test the veracity of Dalvine's courses.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He advanced three steps in front of the others and then pointed his palm in front of him, and began to recite the formula of duplication. [You who have always been faithful to me since I was born and accompany me everywhere. Even in endless darkness, you will merge and hide in darkness. Hear my call, my faithful servant, my dark side, obey me and raise to assist me as you have always done. REPLICATION!!]

"..." nothing appeared before him.

[Replication.] he repeats by murmuring

"..." Alvine did not know how to interpret his current situation, even a simple black smoke had not appeared in front of him. Was the system so powerful to the point of blocking its shadow affinity now?! This thought made him more agitated than he could imagine. He raised his head towards the huge crater that was as far as the eye could see with a ridiculous smile.

But it was only when he placed the hand between the sun and his eyes to see clearly the horizon he suddenly remembered something that forced him to make a more stupid smile. He faced the sun, naturally, his shadow would be behind him; what if this insignificant detail also mattered?

But he did not have time to test his theory once again, since as soon as he turned to his shadow and the two divine Magi who were behind him... there was a third person! A giant shadow more than ten meters long stood on both legs as if it were the night itself that had stood on both legs and gazed at Alvine with golden eyes like two miniature suns.

In front of him stood a humanoid shadow that he had never seen before with his shadow soldiers, for some reason, he felt like he looked at himself from another angle of view. He could not explain what was happening with this giant shadow but he had absolute control over the body in question. By a simple order of his subconscious, the shadow turned its head to stare at the two divine vulgar ants without placing a single sentence.

'What...wait, seriously?!' He stammered himself, realizing a small idea of what was happening now.

But just to confirm his theory, he placed his hand on the leg of the humanoid shadow, and there, in front of his disbelief and the distorted faces of the queen and Vandel, the shadow gradually began to look like Alvine while having the same face, hairstyle, muscles, and even the same clothes as himself; But of the giant size.

"So Dalvine was right, in the end. Is that how you will see the light of the day? A manifestation of my powers and convictions." Just after saying these words, he sat on the floor with his legs crossed like the monks to assimilate the feeling he was currently feeling and conserve it to the depths of his soul to never forget it again.

Seeing him like this, Vandel asked the queen in a murmuring voice: "Your Highness, can you explain to me what is currently happening with him? His powers were still as threatening?"

He asked with a voice that could not mask his nervousness, and eyes wide open that could not hide his confusion.

Liliana shook her head before her expression became as usual. This was proof that she was beginning to get used to Alvine's abnormality. She will soon be like Sylvia who will only slam her tongue before acting as if nothing had happened if she were with them right now. "Forget, if you try to understand him, you will surely go crazy in less than a week. Do like me, and tell yourself that it's quite normal for him to have another giant Alvine ten meters. And make sure to convince you that everyone is able to double their size." Even if her words seemed irrelevant, Vandel constantly nodded as if he were trying to self-hypnotize.

But no matter his efforts, he couldn't convince himself, the queen had talked about doubling the waist, even the Kelspies were not five meters long, so normally she had to say something other than double the size, right?

"Ho? Isn't he going to break through here anyway?!" Vandel was overwhelmed by another emotional wave. As he looked at the giant shadow soldier who was a newborn, also the embodiment of Alvine's soul skill, he had another surprise when he saw Alvine's magical energy increase drastically.

"It's normal, it's quite normal for the persons to breakthroughs like that." The queen commented once again in a placid tone.

But contrary to what they imagined, Alvine had no intention of breaking into the emperor rank. He wanted to follow the teachings of his demonic instructor to the letter. The rank of culture is nothing for the Magi like them, these words have had another hidden meaning that Alvine had been able to interpret, the more he improves by delaying his breakthrough, the more powerful he will become the day his breakthrough is made without his knowledge. He had already heard Sabrina’s kind of legend about it. But that's another story. For the moment, his goal was to block the system by his own will, and he seems to achieve this by momentarily confining it to release this amount of purple mana that was slightly red.

After several attempts, he eventually opened his eyes. 'If I continue like this, even if I managed to block the system, I would trigger the process of evolution to the emperor rank. But above all, I don't want to trigger a forced breakthrough that won't bring me any advantage.' He concludes with a sufficient smile. For the first time, he felt like he could defeat his system, but finally decided to spare it; not out of pure kindness of heart, no, far from it, but it was just that the losses were too high compared to the gains. Not to mention that he did not have time for a breakthrough.

With a smile on his lips, he left control of his body to his cloned soul with a simple blink and he settled himself in his shadow clone. It was so easy and comfortable for him that he felt like he was in his own body! Unlike the first experiment with the previous clone, who gave him the impression of piloting a humanoid robot with a sophisticated pad-game.

'Well, I would like to send my body inside the dimension but Dalvine will surely take the opportunity to cause me problems. I think the safest solution is to keep it by my side.' He said to himself by ordering his fictional soul to retreat a few steps. He stretched his gigantic muscles before doing some stretching to test the agility that can probably be affected by his huge size; but to great surprise, nothing like this was produced with the body.

'My strength has drastically increased without negatively affecting my speed, not need to explain, the affinity of the shadow is really a practical and irregular affinity.' He concludes with a giant smile that displayed his shark teeth. He closed his eyes to try to feel his other affinities...


His purple aura waved around him like a divine tsunami whose sole purpose was to annihilate everything in his path. His smile grew and became more threatening as his pointed teeth resurfaced.

Seeing this familiar smile on the giant's lips, Liliana frowned while her gaze wandered between the two Alvine as if she wanted to confirm something. After a dozen seconds, a ridiculous smile also fell on her lips, understanding the unreal reality that was unfolding before her eyes. 'Do you dare to tell yourself that you are a humble mortal despite such achievements?! In this case, what are we compared to you? Insects?' She wondered with mixed feelings. She, who thought she was a goddess who had reached supremacy, just became a simple mortal from the first time this man entered her life.

Despite her status and rank of culture, she was one of the people to know a portion of the truth about Alvine. All she could say was that Alvine was a blessed being of the gods. But Alvine will surely scold her when he heard this idea from her. All he hated were ideals that referred to gods or destinies. A personal opinion based on his experiences and mentality, nothing fanatical.

"Good." Thunder roared in his mouth following the heavy voice that emanated from the giant. "It's time for this simple mortal to play divinity a little. Be sure to apologize to me in advance for what I am about to commit as sins, my dear gods; but can you move away a little?" He says by perfectly playing his role as a famous Hollywood actor.

"Hohoho, this old man has no choice but to contain his frustration with his curiosity that prevails over him." Vandel guessed of course that Alvine was addressing them. Even if Alvine's words looked like mockery towards them, he had already apologized in advance even before he realized that something so unimaginable could be achieved by him.

"My goddess, you also have to step back a little, I'm afraid to do something regrettable by being in this state." He asked such, a gentleman, but his demonic smile had spoiled everything.

The reason for his insistence was not due to his arrogance, but to a factor, he had not forgotten. He always used to cast his spells by measuring their impacts and area effects based on the amount of energy he used to dose them. But he had the opportunity to make such calculations only thanks to his system, without him, he had no idea how to measure them! He did not even know how he should use his magical energy without letting it be affected by his raw energy; which had drastically increased after the shadow mage had absorbed all this amount of bodily and intangible matter!

His concern was therefore justifiable. 'I'm excited but I'm more worried in the end.' He said to himself during his giant body which, defying gravity, began by floating majestically as if it were just a giant balloon. 'Let's get away from here first, Sylvia is not there to repair the nonsense; and I fear that these two divine Magi will live up to it.' Just with this conclusion after making his decision, the air under his feet exploded with a BOOM while his body traveled hundreds of meters in a thousandth of a second.

'As I thought, even my speed also increased. This body must surely be greedy of dark energy, I must be careful and act quickly; otherwise, I would become useless even before the battle begins.' Just with this thought, he had already traveled more than a kilometer while his flight speed continued to increase drastically.

After about thirty seconds of unbridled flight, he stopped in the sky with a push of air as if he were using his elementary affinity.

He closed his fist and gathered his energy, which he did not know if it was his mana or his raw energy, but what was safe for him, and the good news was that he did not need the system to launch his magic without incantation; a pleasant discovery he had just learned.


The rumbling sounds came from nowhere except inside his fist while he shaped his famous raw mana pearls! Just three seconds since, ten beautiful ethereal pearls, with different colors, floated above his palm that he came to open cautiously. But he soon frowned when he saw their small sizes and strange different runes on each of them.

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