King of succubus

Chapter 176 The Last Phase Is Completed.

"What's his problems?! He wants to kill us or what?!" The queen thundered while holding her shield in place while she was treated like a tennis ball that was abused by two professional players!

Vandel was in a slightly more complicated state than Liliana was; at the moment, his bloody shield was beginning to have cracks! But he had an unbelieving smile on his lips when he saw the imposing and unreasonable power of his new lord who imposed more respect on them! 'Hohoh... even if this old man perished here, he will no longer worry with his Highness who carried all these burdens on her shoulders; it's fantastic! Simply wonderful!'

While one was in his admiration, and the other was annoyed by Alvine's recklessness; Alvine himself did not have the slightest expressive ripple! Yes, this pearl turned out to be more threatening than expected, but not as threatening as the black hole. He did not care too much about wreaking havoc, because he was certain that the two people who accompanied him were of a level that did not require his intervention; after all, they were divine Magi! Even worrying about them would be an insult toward them, depending on his mental state.

In addition to acting as if nothing had happened; he did not cancel the effects of his pearl, nor try to contain its areas of effects and the destruction it could cause. Instead, he calmly analyzed what had led the pearl to do so. 'Panicked would be useless to me, I must know what's wrong with these pearls. I created this pearl with the other pearls, so in all likelihood, it must not be more powerful than the others; so why did it have different effects from the others?' when he said different effects, he referred to the different skills the pearl contained.

'Until now, I had always had the impression that these pearls were the raw crystallization of affinities in the pure state; but I don't think I was wrong in my analyses, so the question that always remains in my head is, why did it become like that? Because of the moment when I threw the pearl? I remember that during my first tests with the [pearl of Zeus], I wanted it to absorb all the attacks of the thunder that the divine punishment threw at me, the same with [the pearl of the mermaid]; I Cast it, in the hope that it would create water in the giant crater I had created with my first black hole. All his things went as according to my expectations.'

'Of course, [The pearl of Vermilion] was no different from the other two.' He crossed his arms while being deeply immersed in his thoughts while he analyzed the current situation with coldness; then he frowned. 'But as [The pearl of Sylphus] was purely based on the wind, consequently, no state of fluidity. As I threw the pearl into the air, my curiosity pushed me to reflect on the effects it will have, so I had imagined, just now, all the magical skills related to the affinity of the wind by wondering which of them will appear in this pearl. But instead, all the skills are present at the same time! This can only mean one thing!'

Having the certainty of this conclusion, the veils of the mysteries around these pearls gradually tore until it; finally reached his last conclusion. 'If these pearls are the crystallization of my affinities, it is not surprising that they bring together all my skills related to the affinities in question. But in this case, what differs from the laws? Nothing!' After this sudden awareness, his smile, which had become slightly bland, regained all its brilliance.

'If my hypotheses are correct, I should have no trouble controlling this pearl as a deadly law of wind that had reached its climax!'

He no longer lingered and began to put his hypotheses into practice. He moved his hand and pointed his palm at the pearl that had created an impenetrable windshield around it; and the next second, the wind blades, the air masses, and all the other skills that the pearl had generated began to disappear one by one leaving only the windshield that stabilized around the pearl!

'Sigh, a single thirty-minute session with Dalvine made me break the record for my speed of progress; even if it leaves me with a strange taste on the tongue, I must admit that this guy is more advanced in magical knowledge than Sabrina! This is the first time I have met someone with more advanced knowledge than Sabrina, it makes me even more curious about him. The reason why I stubbornly refuse to believe in his story of «fragment of my soul» is simple, someone as incredible like him has no chance of being part of me who could not accomplish anything exceptional in his previous life. The same would surely have happened in this life if I had not met Sabrina and the others.' He concludes his thoughts with a sigh.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He knew that his current prowess was only thanks to Dalvine who had helped him. Royalty and gratitude were what he felt about Dalvine at the moment. Dalvine may have presented himself to him as a heartless villain but, it may be just a facade for the sole purpose of forcing him to progress. But nothing was certain for him, even if Dalvine was perhaps complacent towards him, the murderous aura that emanates from him is not something that a man can acquire by destroying just a few dozen planets with billions of lives. Even Sylvia who was fighting against the monarch of death did not have such an aura of death around her, despite having massacred countless numbers of enemies during the war against the Leaders!

Alvine put his thoughts aside and looked below him and saw that the magma had finished its crystallization thanks to its fusion with water; and became like a mass plate as hard as diamond, But dark black like a black jet slab as far as the eye can see with some notches of blades that are probably due to its Sylphian pearl before the magma crystallizes.

Just by seeing this topography, Alvine could guess how difficult this black slab would be to destroy. Now that the first phase of his plan has ended smoothly; he was preparing for the second phase, the installation of traps!

He looked at the two pearls that always swirled around him with a thoughtful air. 'Now that I have detected the powers hiding behind the pearls, the next task will become faster than expected.' He said to himself by creating a dozen pearls mixed with his other affinities without distinction, but instead of the first time, he remodeled them one by one by assigning them effects of specific skills...and there, He had another revelation when he saw the runes on the pearls change. 'So runes represent the skills attributed to pearls?' He wondered by changing the skills of one of his pearls; and there, as expected, the ruins changed slightly.

But the problem is that he still could not read or understand the meanings of the ruins. He could only say one thing, the ruins that had just appeared represented the very nature of the specific competence he had just attributed to the pearl. 'These are only hypotheses, maybe Dalvine will be able to tell me more about it; since Sabrina is not here.'

In all, he had created twenty pearls with his offensive affinities based solely on his destructive skills that will be activated at his will.

*My goddess, please, can you come here? It's time for you to contribute if you like. * Liliana, who was still in her shield, suddenly heard Alvine's thunderous voice in her mind. She growled like berserk toward Alvine's recklessness who communicated his thoughts with her without realizing that his voice was like a soul attack that disturbed her mind.

*Um.* But in the end, she did not accuse him of something that had been done inadvertently.

She rushed to Alvine followed by Vandel who was flying behind her...

As soon as she was about ten meters from Alvine, Alvine slowly floated five pearls towards her and did the same with Vandel. "Don't be afraid, they are harmless at the moment. You can place them at a reasonable distance, ten kilometers between them, if possible." Instead of the giant, it was his fictive soul that communicated Alvine's thoughts. His thunderous voice was a little unpleasant and incomprehensible, he had no way to regulate the tone of his voice at the moment.

The reason he wanted to assure them was that anyone, having seen the immeasurable powers of these pearls, would think twice before receiving them as gifts; he could say that the Queen and Vandel were no different from others just by seeing their expressions, which was understandable to him without making a negative judgment on their prudences.

Hearing his reassuring words, the queen caught the small ethereal pearls that bore their unique and mystical hieroglyphs without the slightest hesitation, while observing them as best she could with her mana-impregnated eyes; to satisfy her curiosity. "In this case, I will go to the left wing while Vandel will do the same with the right wing of the wall." She announced in an impassive tone without asking the slightest question about their effects. She placed all her trust in Alvine's judgments.

"Okay, I'll take care of the center. You don't have to try to bury them, we don't have too much time ahead of us. Thirty minutes have already passed, we must complete this task within the next thirty minutes." The fictitious soul continued its role as an intermediary with the same facial expression as Alvine.

Hearing his words, Liliana raised her head toward the giant with a confused expression. "If we don't bury them, won't they be too blatant?" She asked the giant, Alvine could guess that she had unraveled one of the mysteries of his competence; but he didn't care, Liliana could not hurt him even if she wanted to.

"You are right, but I have not yet completed the remodeling of the topography of the terrain; there is one last step left to better hide the pitfalls. That's why we don't have much time, the magic beasts have already started moving again; even if their speeds have been reduced because of their vigilances, they will be there, for about ten hours!" He said, looking at the last ten pearls that remain in his palm like small seeds of sand, from the point of view of his gigantic body.

Even if she did not know what Alvine intended to do afterward, their curiosities and lack of time did not give them the luxury of debating the issue for too long. With a slight nod on their part, they eclipsed in front of Alvine at a speed worthy of their divine levels.

Alvine did not dwell on it either before getting to work...

After about five minutes, they had all completed their respective tasks and were patiently waiting in the air for Alvine's next plan.

Three gray pearls, [Gaia’s perals] were formed once again as if by magic in Alvine's palm. He was no longer careful with these last pearls after having conferred a land mass skill that was a defensive skill, intended to create a hard plate to counter the opposing attack. But the current Alvine did not need to create simple shields of land; even if he did not yet master the magic related to the conviction, and was awkward with this practice, he could always perfectly execute his basic skills related to elementary affinities.

As a result, he did not even move from his place, the two of the three pearls fired in opposite directions like bullets of one (Silent Beretta 92) and traveled an unreasonable distance before they fell into free fall; after losing their impulses, which were supported by Alvine's gravitational magic. At the same time, he dropped the third pearl in free fall towards the black jet slabs. He continued with the adjustments until he ended up closing his program with the last three dark green pearls that were the [Dionysus' pearls]

After exactly twenty-five minutes, what was in front of Alvine and the other three Magi was a wild forest of all that was more (normal and banal); if we forget a single anomaly, the frightening calm that reigned in the forest in question. Not even a simple insect lived in this forest, except Alvine and the other two mages. Trees, wild mosses, and other characteristics of the forest. Vandel and Liliana who saw this show were speechless. The last phase of Alvine's plan was not remarkable for them, but what made them more perplexed were the frightening traps that were hidden under this forest that they themselves will not be able to imagine if they had not witnessed Alvine's creative cruelty.

How could he guess that Alvine's plan that seemed so simple is actually a scary strategy that was packed in a pretty box? 'This man is too cruel, insofar as he becomes an enemy; but otherwise, it is an invaluable asset if he is an ally!' Vandel, who stood in the artificial forest (since it had been created by Alvine, the mortal) behind the queen and his new lord, gave his conclusion by looking at Alvine's back.

"The first phase of our strategy ends here." He said, contemplating the horizons with an impassive air.


As I have more time in the week, I would try to publish two chapters/days. But if you want a third...

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