King of succubus

Chapter 187 The Non-Refusable Bait.

"Kuku, did you like my gift? I have brought you an acquaintance. Applaud your most devoted maid of all, whom I have appointed, Sabrina Fox." He said with a smile at Alvine.

'The bastard, he changed the destination of my dimensional flaw.' She swore in her thoughts while cursing Dalvine. As she had not even expected Dalvine to follow her closely in her portal with so carelessness, then playing her with such a farce was beyond her expectations.




Apart from Sylvia and Alvine who seemed to guess what was happening in front of them, the others had no idea.

"W-Who are you?" Tugra asked while his gaze was walking between Dalvine and Alvine. Even a blind woman would be able to know the blatant resemblance that existed between Alvine and Dalvine.

"Isn't this the clone that Lord created before the battle? How does he get to talk?" Vandel whispered these words but everyone could hear him in the room because of the silence that reigned supreme.

Liliana was of the same opinion as Vandel, but like the others, she remained silent and looked towards Alvine to receive some explication from him. She was familiar with this kind of scene, the clones that Alvine made had either unique peculiarities that gave them consciousness or, it was Alvine's powers that transcended understanding.

As for Alvine, even if he could not confirm Sabrina's identity because of the magic mask of the fox she wears, he had already guessed her identity as soon as she appeared outside the portal. But he could not guess why Dalvine, who only wanted to track down the divine beast, suddenly finds himself in the company of Sabrina. 'Sigh, I guess it will serve as a lesson for me in the future. I am beginning to believe that the reason for the existence of this psychopath in the world is only for the sole purpose of creating problems for me.' He says to himself by sitting as if nothing had happened.

"What if you start by going down on the table? As you can see, we are in the middle of a strategic meeting regarding our future approaches." He said, crossing his fingers in front of his face while his elbows were leaning against the table with a frown.

Sabrina nodded and appeared instantly behind him. Even if she had sealed her primordial powers, she was still a high-level divine mage; unlike before when she was on the planet Alzania. As a result, apart from Sylvia and Dalvine, no one had been able to see her flexible movements; all they felt was a light breeze followed by Sabrina's residual image before they saw her standing behind Alvine; next to Sylvia.

As for Dalvine, he made a small nonchalant jump by descending on the table with disappointment. "Sigh, it looks like my gift is not appreciated." He said, leaning his back against the wall nonchalantly while everyone was looking at him.

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"Ahem, S-Sir Dalvine, who are these people?" The king of the Kelspies asked with curiosity.

"Sigh, don't pay attention to them. Acts as if there was no one but...

Dalvine interrupts Alvine who wanted to avoid the question of the King of the Kelspies. "I am Alvine, Dalvine's twin brother. The one who wears the mask is Sabrina Fox, my maid." He said with a more satisfying smile than he ever did.

As Alvine was Dalvine in the eyes of the natives, then he had naturally borrowed the name of Alvine as he used to do. As for Sabrina's title, it was only for the purpose of boring her as long as he had the opportunity.

"Your twin... huh?" The king of the Kelspies frowned with doubt.

"Given their similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if they were twins." Contrary to his doubts, Tugra had not had the slightest suspicion about Dalvine's revelations.

A vein of anger began to appear on Alvine's temple by retaining her irritation. If he had known that Dalvine was going to take his name, he would have sent him back to the dimension as soon as Dalvine had set foot in the meeting room by canceling his cloning spell. But now it was too late to do it.

*Dalvine, can I know what you're playing? *

*Kuku...* it was a simple smile he received from him.

'This asshole!' He swore in his beard without changing his facial expression.

"In short, now that you know who they are, please focus on the meeting." He says helplessly. It was also the first time he had spoken such words of politeness with them.


"Well, according to our information, there must be about five divine beasts left in the forest with their armies. If we rely on the strategies of beasts, we can roughly guess their hierarchies. This brings us back to a single plausible conclusion, there must be at least the same hordes that we have just triumphed in their camps; at most, two or three million magic beasts with four divine beasts of lower rank and one divine beast of intermediate rank!" He returned to this conclusion by relying on old information he had collected so far.

"T-Three million?! But it's more than the old horde. How is this possible when the generals are the same number?" Tugra asked with wide eyes. If it was before, he was not going to believe in Alvine's revelations, but through experience, Alvine had proven the veracity of his hypotheses many times.

"Yes, or maybe even more. The reason is that the more powerful a divine beast, the higher it will occupy a place in their hierarchies and consequently, the more subordinates it will have. But I wouldn't have worried about the course of the next battle if it were only lower-ranking divine beasts and their sub-fifes as before. There is a beast that worries me more than the others and that will change the course of our future battle."


"I suppose you're talking about this famous intermediate divine beast?" Vandel asked while everyone became nervous when he heard Alvine's words.


"Yes, he's the apostle of... well, no matter his title. It is this divine beast that worries me the most. Even if we have an intermediate divine magus in our ranks, this beast is a dragon! I don't know if you know it but, dragons have high resistance against physical and magical attacks; their magical resistance is higher than most creatures, and have an attack from ferocious areas and almost unlimited magical energy. So this leads me to believe that even if we have divine Magi on our side, this dragon will probably be able to defeat our four divine Magi at the same time!" He says about Liliana and her advisors.

"But even if Dylvia takes care of this beast, there will always be four divine beasts that will be at least twice as strong as the previous ones. Therefore, we have a serious problem." He continued. As he already knew the purpose of Sabrina's presence, he was not going to order Sabrina to attend the battle. As for Dalvine, he had planned to send him back to the dimension at the end of this meeting.

Even if he had his shadow soldiers with him, he felt that he had no more than thirty percent dark energy left. Recharging his dark energy was going to take at least a week, he did not have as much time in front of him; hence his indecision.

Even if vampires have some low-level divine mages in their armies, they are all novices who have not yet stabilized their divine powers; they will be massacred if unfortunately, they had to face the divine beasts.

While everyone was in total confusion, Sabrina's soft and nostalgic voice resounded in Alvine's head: *Master, I think Dark Lord has confessions to make to you. * She says telepathically.

The reason why the two had not interrupted Alvine in its strategic development was that they were both curious about it.

Hearing Sabrina's words, Alvine was initially confused by the unknown name he had just heard. But a second later, he looked at Dalvine with suspicious eyes.

"Sigh, I know, I know." Dalvine stood out from the others by snapping his fingers to make a small dimensional tunnel appear on the table.

Alvine frowned when he saw the silhouettes that were guided by a humanoid silhouette with two long horns.

"!!!" Sylvia also widened when she noticed Alivinos in front of the horde. 'Why is this old man only showing up now? What exactly is he preparing?' She wondered after a glimmer of surprise that passed through her black pupils.

"Explain yourself, Dal...Alvine" Alvine asked with confusion.

These four beasts all seemed to be divine beasts, probably the four of the last five generals of the apostle's army. But he could not know the identity of the humanoid silhouette.

The four beasts had unique appearances. On the left side, he was the sixth general with his strange appearance. Next to him, a thorny-backed mutated lizard was walking in the forest; his body was about six meters long, and his skin was scaly green and had blackthorns inked on his back. The penultimate beast was a bicorn spider, but his bestial body was a bit like a mirage because of the poisoned smoke that emanated from his body.

As for the last divine beast, it was a winged royal python but unlike the others, its body floated in the air while he occasionally beat its two wings to stay at altitude.

Hearing Alvine's question, Dalvine had a mocking smile that made Alvine frown. "It's simple, you no longer need to worry about the giant lizard that was with these animals, I personally took care of it as a bonus during my walk." He says in a monotonous tone as if nothing had happened.

Alvine was somehow relieved to hear this from him, but he did not let go. When it comes to Dalvine, we always had to expect the worst.

"If so, then why didn't you take care of these four beasts and the strange old man?" He asked Dalvine with a suspicious air.

"Kuku, it's because of your instructor."

"My instructor?"

"Yes, your instructor ordered me to let you fight against these beasts to show him that his efforts were not in vain. It's a test to see if you have the qualification to move to the next level."

Hearing these words from Dalvine, Alvine instinctively understood what he wanted. But he was confused about Dalvine's abnormal request. 'I don't remember making this kind of agreement with him.' He says to Himself with a thoughtful air.

"What?! You're not going to try to fight against four divine beasts, will you?" Sylvia frowned by asking him this question. Even if she was sure that Alvine will have no problem caring for one of these beasts one by one, she was not enthusiastic enough to bet on Alvine's victory who will fight four divine beasts at a time.

"..." Instead of giving an answer to Sylvia, he looked at Dalvine with curious eyes. "Did my instructor tell you what the second stage of my learning is?" He asked with curiosity.

Sylvia who was about to insist was arrested by Sabrina.

"Kuku, I don't know too much. Maybe you will have the chance to learn the techniques for growing shade mana." Dalvine replied like a devil trying to lure a poor innocent man.

"The mana of the shadow? Does my instructor who sent you talk about dark energy?" His eyes mysterious shone when he asked Dalvine this question. The only major problem he was currently facing was the insufficient amount of dark energy he manages to gather.

"Kuku, even better, if you are more competent, not only will you have the chance to learn how to turn your raw energy into shadow mana, but you may even be able to cross the castle barrier and climb to the second floor."

Apart from Alvine, no one could understand what he was saying to himself. They felt like they were standing in front of two strangers who spoke in a language different from theirs.

"My faith, you should have started by transmitting my instructor's proposal. Um, it is indeed a bait that cannot be refused, the risk is worth it. But I have a message to convey to my instructor. If ever it turns out that he does this just to bluff me, tell him that I would end our disciple/instructor relationship; no matter what losses I will suffer!"

Smirk. "Be reassured, I would pass on your warning to your instructor without fail." Dalvine had a salacious smile when he saw the determination in Alvine's eyes.

As for Alvine, Even though he knew that he was obliged to face the four divine beasts at once if he wanted to receive the rewards promoted by Dalvine, however, he did not give up the game thinking of gains that are far greater than losses.

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