King of succubus

Chapter 211 Vampires On Freyja's Planet.

"So that's their goals? Do they wanna use towers as a catalyst to trigger an energy overload for the sole purpose to counter punishments?" Alvine, who had just heard Sabrina's briefings, wasn't too surprised to learn this fact.

'The towers are those that prevent divine beings from committing carnage on mortal planets. Each planet below rank three has at least this protection mechanism. To destroy them is to leave the planet at divine calamities' mercy. Sigh, so they are ready to do anything to achieve their goals...huh?' Following his thoughts, he no longer wasted his time on the subject.

"As for this woman, Assia, I must find a way to solve her case. If she works with a primordial being, a simple enslavement spell won’t be assured." He spoke by listing the most important for him.

'That's why I wanted to kill her. She’s a real threat to those around me!' He said, sighing with indecision.


"Sabrina, u don't have to call me by this nickname. My old title is more than enough."

" u wish"

"In short, what did you wanna tell me?"

"It's about your concerns about this girl, if you want advice from me, I think a blood pact with her would be more than adequate." Sabrina proposed.

"A blood’s pact? Like that of vampires?"

"Yes, it’s a pact that binds two souls while implanting your commandment’s seed in her soul. Even for a primordial being, removing this corrupt seed is like killing her!"

Alvine's eyes widen when he hears Sabrina's ruthless words. "Heh~ as expected from you, my beloved Sabrina." He said, unconsciously petting Sabrina's head in his joy.

"... But this ritual also has some advantages for her. She will get part of my lineage; master." She says while enjoying Alvine’s petting with slightly pink cheeks.

"Your legacy? Isn't it me who is supposed to perform the ritual with her? Why will she inherit your legacy?"

Seeing his confusion, Sabrina continued her explanation. "Reason is that u inherited my lineage when you freely drank my blood. Did u forget how u got your hair’s color?"

"You mean...after forcing me to drink your blood? Now that I think about it, since I threw the strange blood in the union cup at my wedding, I have had more control over blood’s affinity deviant. But even stranger, I didn't find it disgusting like the first time, am I now turning into a vampire?" He asked with a pleasant smile.

"Fufu~, if u didn't have a more powerful legacy than vampires, u would be a vampire right now."

"Ugh, I can only thank the heavens then."

'Seriously!? Since when have I become so lucky to escape such misfortunes?!' He asks Himself with a relieved air.

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"U know that u can now suck blood with your sharp fangs like vampires... don't you?"

"...Because I wedded a vampire queen?"

"Not only that but because the two legacies u have inherited are all legacies that have some similarities with vampire lineage. Succubi are species similar to vampires. But instead of blood, they can feed themselves into lustful, as for my lineage, even if I haven’t yet done so, I can still suck my prey’s blood; if I wish."

Alvine stealthily away from her after hearing her words following her strange smile.

"... Mmh, It's an exemplary act that you're deprived to do it. Vampires do that because they have no choice, while we, we have a choice; so no need to do the same thing as them."

"But master, aren't you even a little curious to know what it feels like to suck someone's blood? According to their expressions, they look like drug addicts who can't deprive themselves."

"No, I'm not curious!"

"I bet this woman sucks your blood even when she doesn't feel the need. You must at least do me the same service I did to you...when I let you drink my blood...

"In short, let's talk about the important things. I never gave my blood free to my queen!"

'Lilliana is now addicted to this sucking’s act, I have no intention to becoming another’s prey, especially that of a primordial being.' Just thinking about the consequences, his body strangely had chills. What he felt wasn’t dying’s fear by exsanguination, But because of the problems that followed when he offered his blood to Lilliana for the first time!

Fortunately, his passive skill that could return curses to their owners was with him. But he had no guarantee that this skill would work against Sabrina. In the worst case, he will lose his status as a master and become Sabrina's blood slave!

But seeing Sabrina's surprised eyes...

"Sabrina, have you forgotten the primordial rule between us, which states that you mustn’t read my thoughts without receiving the order?" he frowned while asking.

"... I didn't do it!"

"Okay, then everything is fine, in this case;" Alvine replied before closing his eyes to watch the vampires' preparations through his clone.

But before he fully immerses himself, "... Did you voluntarily offer your blood once again?!" Sabrina couldn't help herself.

A teasing smile emerged on Alvine's lips when he heard Sabrina's question.

But before he speaks,

"... It wasn't willful!"

"Sigh, let's forget this little story for now."

"... A little story? You have..."

"It's time to bring the vampires to this planet. Let's go to the castle’s external hall, Sylvia has already started the transfer." Alvine who didn’t want to continue the subject with a fixed objective, move away from Sabrina and rushed out of the throne room, leaving her alone in her stupor.

"..." her expression soon became inexpressive as she also went out into the room to join Alvine.


On the Keslpies’ planet,

"My lord, everything is ready for the leave away." Vandel, who was like a kind of butler for Alvine, bowed to 'him' as he uttered these words in a respectable tone.

"Finally, it's not too early." He said with a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect to waste so much time and effort while Sylvia had scolded his original for his delay

"Master, if you don't see any inconvenience, I would like to host the vampires during our journey." Sylvia made this proposal.

*Hm? Are you sure about that? I wanted to test the boundaries between my original and me. *

*What is the interest? You are a little immature I think if that's the only reason that motivates you to do such a waste of energy. * Sylvia answered.

*Sigh, you're right, that's not the only reason. In fact, I intend to participate in the war that will take place on Alzania planet. We need to know my limits to provide more support to my original. It's for a good cause. *

*...Hmm, it's a good cause indeed. But if you are so motivated, you can dare the master in a duel. It will be the best way to see the power difference between you. *

*Hah~, it's not like I hadn't thought about it, it's just that it will be useless. Not to mention that he knows everything I plan to do in advance when being in front of him, but I can’t attack him, even if he gives me the order; I can't do anything about it, we were both frustrated by this fact. Oh, he had already thought of offering you to fight against me for the test.*

*...that, are you sure of that? Even if I engage in a duel with you using only my low-level divine powers, you will be crushed like a vulgar insect between my hands. Fufu~ I don't want to hurt your pride as my master clone. *

*Heh~, we won't know until we've tried. But if you want some advice, little Sylvie, underestimating me will be the worst decision you can make. In short, we'll see that once on the planet Freyja, do what you have to do; my original is starting to get impatient. *

Alvine put an end to the debate with these last words.

Sylvia nods her head towards him before clear one’s her throat to attract the crowd’s attention.

"Very well, don't be surprised, keep calm. I just want to send you all temporarily to a very nice place. Consider this as a transport means that will bring you to your destination." As soon as she finished these words, a large white portal appeared between her and them.

"Alright, everyone, be sure to organize and enter the portal." She said after completing her preparations.

According to her orders, one by one, the vampires began by entering her dimension.

Her spell was similar to that of Nicco, but unlike, instead of the dark affinity, she had used the light affinity to cast the spell. And instead of empty black, it was the emptiness' light, like a space painted in pure white.

It took only about five minutes for the two thousand vampires to cross Sylvia's portal.

Only the Queen and the three advisors remained. But neither Sylvia nor Alvine had ordered them to cross the portal.

Seeing Alvine nodding, Sylvia closed her gate.

"Are you at least able to use your original’s shadow jump at such a long distance?" Sylvia asked after finishing what she had to do.

"His Original?" Noddra asked with confused eyes.

"... Sigh, kudos, little Sylvie." He said, grimacing his teeth.

"What does Sylvia mean by original?"

Alvine froze on the spot while feeling Lilliana's gaze on him. "Ahem, this isn't the time for explanations, you will know when we arrive at our destination. To answer your question, Sylvia, with this body, which is made up of shadow’s affinity, I can use the shade’s powers without too much pain. I'm like a Dalvine, but weaker."

As soon as he said these words, he no longer gave Lilliana to time ask him any other questions, he concentrated on doing his duty.

Immediately, his shadow wavered.

"Be sure to approach me, pleases."

Following these words, the famous dark crows began to manifest around him. But unlike before, the crows were five times more numerous than when Alvine had cast the spell to teleport alone. After identifying their targets, the crows began by merging with the five silhouettes as they began to sink into the shadow of Alvine’s clone until they disappeared as if nothing had happened; leaving a small luxurious kingdom empty and uninhabited behind them.


On Freyja’s planet,

Alvine who had just arrived in the palace’s outer yard, where his squads, the three queens and their generals were, and all the people near to him whom he would consider as his new family; hasn’t yet revealed his identity to the others.

Nicco who wanted to welcome him was arrested by Sabrina’s simple glance. As a result, even if everyone was confused and intrigued by the mysterious handsome man’s identity standing in the large outdoor yard’s middle, no one dared to approach him without talking about disturbing him.

His impassive and inexpressive expression repelled the curious.

But immediately, a fine smile, which made breathless those who looked at him, emerged on his lips. "It's not too early." He whispered these words to himself.

Immediately, his shade wavered and five shadow silhouettes began to emerge in it, alerting the spectators. Even if he didn’t know it himself, he had captured everyone's attention, including Assia, who was with the others.

But Alvine, who saw five silhouettes instead of two, felt his body cool down after guessing their identities. 'This bastard... I had warned him not to let my queen discover his identity; what does he think of by bringing them with him in this way?!' He grimaced thinking about a better solution to solve the crisis he would soon face.

But his dark expression immediately became brilliant to erase all nervousness. "Well, welcome to your new home, little demoness." A forced smile stood on his lips as he addressed the queen without paying attention to the advisors or Sylvia, not to mention his clone.

"I want explanations!" These were Lilliana's first words as her eyes turned threatening red.

Her confusion, and that of the others, didn’t last any longer following their appearance in front of Alvine.

As a woman, her frustration was understandable. Although Alvine was in front of her, she still couldn't tell the difference between the clone and the original. She had several questions at the moment such as, who have they elected as their king? Who had been with her from the beginning? But most importantly, she wanted to know if she had married Alvine or his fucking clone!?

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