Kiss Me Not

Chapter 217 - You Tire Her Out, Don’t You?

Back at the restaurant where Cain and Kimmw were eating...

"Huh. So you remember?" Cain raised a brow.

"Oopsie?" Kimmy mumbled.

Just as Kimmy was thinking of an excuse, her ears perked up when the Prime Minister was mentioned on the news. She turned to look at the TV nearby. "Oh gosh! The Prime Minister fainted!"

Kimmy was able to divert Cain's attention when he turned to watch the news as well. "It must be chaotic there right now."

"We have to go back to the palace! What if uncle faints too? We need to be closeby to him if that were to happen!" Kimmy said with a worried look on her face. Aside from the genuine worry about her uncle, it was also the perfect chance to distract Cain from the topic they had earlier.

Cain sighed. He couldn't argue back since what she was saying was true. He wanted to ask her more about what she remembered but they were not in a situation to discuss that right now.

After finishing the food they ate, Cain paid for it before they headed back to the palace.

Kimmy intentionally turned on the radio just so they could listen to the news. Other than that, she didn't want to give Cain the chance to bring up the topic about her recalling what happened between them in the bar.

It seemed like her plan worked since she noticed how focused Cain was on listening to the news about the palace.

Kimmy knew that she wouldn't be able to distract him for so long so while she was driving back to the palace, she began thinking of an excuse.

Arriving at the palace, Cain instantly went to see the King while Kimmy followed from behind.

Seeing that the King was fine, Cain decided to be on standby in the palace just in case his health would suddenly deteriorate.

"Cain, I'm just going to go check on my mom," Kimmy whispered to his ear.

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Surprisingly. Cain nodded his head, giving her permission to do so. "If you need me, just give me a call."

"Um, sure. Thanks, I guess?" She wasn't planning on going to her mom. She lied about that.

After leaving Cain with her uncle, instead of finding where her mom was, Kimmy went to the quietest place she knew. The palace library.

She walked towards the sofa in the room before she took out her phone. The news about Gavin and the King trended on every social media platform. It may be expected but it was also surprising. The comments were divided into both negative and positive.

While skimming through the articles, before she knew it, she fell asleep.

Kimmy didn't have enough sleep last night after what happened. She was only able to sleep for a few hours. She was only able to cover the bags under her eyes thanks to her makeup. She only applied little to conceal her lack of sleep.

Meanwhile, Cain was only able to leave the royal family's side after he made sure that the King's health was stable despite all the stressful questions that were thrown at him.

It was a good thing that Gavin decided to step in just in time so that his father was able to get some rest from behind the scenes.

Aside from that, Cain noticed Princess Leila in the same room. His eyes traveled around the room, searching for Kimmy but he didn't see her at all.

Cain decided to check on Kimmy so he inquired with a few servants, asking them if they had seen where she went.

One of the servants told him that they saw her entering the library.

And so, he went to the palace library to check on her. There he saw Kimmy, sleeping on the sofa.

He heaved out a deep sigh. He knew that she was not able to get enough sleep just like him but she should have told him about it instead of lying to him.

He went and sat on the couch near hers.

Kimmy looked more behaved when asleep than she was awake. Her lashes were long and her skin was as fair as jade.

His eyes landed on her plump-looking lips. He already knew how those felt against his lips but he couldn't help but want to feel them again.

"Shit…" he grumbled under his breath as he averted his eyes away from her lips.

He massaged the bridge of his nose. 'Just what in the world am I thinking?'

He was supposed to wake her up but he couldn't bring himself to do so. She looked so adorable when asleep.

In the end, Cain took out his phone, just so he could snap a photo of her beautiful sleeping face.

After doing so, he stared at her photo for a while. She was so pretty. She looked more like a sleeping princess actually. Well, she was a daughter of a princess so that made her one as well.

He decided to leave Kimmy in the library afterward. They were not leaving the palace yet anyway so she didn't really have anything to do even if she followed him around.

As Cain walked out of the library, he saw Leila walking towards them.

"Cain, have you seen Kimmy?" She asked in wonder.

"She's sleeping inside," he replied.

"Sleeping?" She blinked a few times in wonder. "In the library?"

Cain nodded in confirmation. "Yes. I guess it's because it's the quietest place right now. She wasn't able to get enough sleep last night so a little nap should be fine."

Leila's eyes glistened as she misunderstood his words. "You tire her out, don't you?" She ended up blurting out her thoughts.

Cain blinked his eyes in confusion. "Huh?"

Realizing what she just said, she quickly waved her hand to brush it off. "I mean, I hope that you are not tiring her out at work and making her stay up late.

"Oh… I'll try my best not to make her stay up late then," he replied with a tight-lipped smile.

"It's fine, it's fine as long as it's not every day." She chuckled.. "Anyway, I'm always at ease knowing that my daughter is in good hands, thank you for looking after Kimmy, Cain."

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