Kiss Me Not

Chapter 302 - For The Best


Kimmy released a loud exhale before she entered the restaurant. It took her almost an hour to convince her mother to facilitate the documents needed for the divorce. She also insisted that she should be the one to bring it to her father this instant. She saw no reason to delay things further.

It would be the first time she asked her father to eat together since she returned home. The waitress opened the door of the private dine-in room her father booked for them.

"This is so sudden, Kimmy. Please have a seat," her father said, who sounded happy. Kimmy gave him a smile as she sat on the chair opposite her. She put the bouquet on the side of the table near her. Her father looked at it with a creased forehead.

"Let's eat dad. I'm starving," Kimmy commented with a smile. Her father nodded and they began eating. Kimmy noticed that he ordered a lot of seafood.

"Ah, the food here is wonderful. I'm so full," Kimmy commented as soon as she finished eating. She did enjoy the food since she loved seafood.

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"I know this is your favorite," her father said. He ordered white wine next.

"I am really glad that you asked me to eat together Kimmy. I know that I disappointed you a lot Kimmy but I hope it's not too late to make up for those times that I…" Edward was unable to continue his words. He knew he was being unfair to Kimmy from the start as her father but he could not help it. He did not want to get attached to her too much for the fear that Leila would use her to trap him in their marriage forever.

Kimmy had a faint smile on her face as she whispered, "hmm, I'm not sure dad. But I am willing to try if you want that. You see, to be honest, I already developed resentment towards you. I hate you because you rather spend more time at work than me. I grew up almost begging for your attention but none is effective. Whenever I try to get closer, you will choose to keep your distance."

"I hate that you keep hurting my mother. Playing around with other women. Showing me that you are not happy with mom and me being your family. Later, I found out the real history between you and mom so I got to understand things but for me… Your reasons are just excused. Your reason to hurt mom and that includes me are not acceptable. I am innocent. Mom too. You always have a choice on everything and you chose to get married to mom instead of fighting for that woman."

"You are solely responsible for your own actions so why do mom and I have to suffer because of the choice you chose on your own accord? But don't worry dad because I'm already working on my resentment towards you because I don't want to be miserable my whole life because of that hate for you. After all you are still my father and I still owe you my life since if not for you then I won't be here in this world."

Ah, finally, she did it! Telling her father what he truly felt like was what Cain advised. She held it all in for years! And she could not believe that she had finally let it all out in front of her father, face to face.

"I… I am sorry," was the only thing Edward could say. He was rendered speechless.

Kimmy grabbed the bouquet and handed it to her father as she said, "This bouquet is from me to congratulate you on your new baby while the envelope is from my mom. Treat it as her last generosity for you and your mistress. I honestly insisted on bringing this envelope since I don't want mom to get swayed seeing you for the last time, dad."

Edward did not see it coming and he had mixed emotions at that moment. He was aware that Kimmy hated him since he was not a good father nor a good husband but still he never thought how much his indifference caused his daughter.

"I am really sorry…" Edward whispered.

Kimmy heaved a long sigh and said, "It's not me who you should say those words, dad. I only hope mom will get free and be happy. I will be a hypocrite if I say the same thing to you because instead of being happy, I believe you deserve to be punished. But mom will definitely scold me if she hears me now. Inside the envelope is the divorce paper. Mom already signed it, and your signature is the one left for the attorney to process. As soon as you're done, you can just call Attorney Smith, and he will get the documents."

"Kimmy… Oh, God. I had been so selfish. I'm sorry I caused you pain," Edward whispered. Tears rolled down his cheek.

Another sigh came from Kimmy as she said, "Mom also said the same thing that I should not harbor any resentment towards you since no matter what happened, you're still my father. I will try to do that, so don't worry, dad. If you want to meet and spend time with me as your daughter, then I'm just a call away, dad. It may take time for me to adjust but I am willing to."

"Thank you, Kimmy," Edward whispered in his cracked voice. He felt too ashamed to even look his daughter in the eyes.

"But for now, I will ask you to stay away from mom. If possible please don't show yourself to her. This is for the best. She already suffered enough so please give her time to adjust and move on to start a new life and not seeing you will help a lot." Kimmy added and Edward could only nod in understanding.

Kimmy stood up and, with a faint smile, said, "I have to leave now, dad…"

She walked out of the door with heavy footsteps.. Her heart was aching for her mother, but she understood that this was for the best.

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