Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 12 - We are being watched.

Chapter 12 - We are being watched.

Chen Feng was stunned.

She had kissed him last time but that time she was drunk and angry. She didn’t even remember that kiss much. And she had kissed him that time without even having a proper look at his face. But now she was aware of this person’s identity and mindful of his godly features!

Her heart jumped out of her throat as she felt his soft lips on her sensitive lips. Behind her, she could listen to the gasps of the crowd due to that public display of affection. Her face burned; she was unable to retract and utterly paralyzed with shock.

But fortunately, it was only a slight peck and finished before Chen Feng could even think about pushing him off. He leaned in closer to her with his lips inches away from her ears as he whispered quietly.

"We are being watched"

"Who?", she looked around.

Li Luxian placed his hand on her face and cupped her cheek. He placed his finger on her soft, cherry red lips to quieten her. Chen Feng could feel the warmth of his hand on her cold face in the chilly winter and it was strangely very soothing. She could also hear her heart beating in her ears due to embarrassment.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"My father, he has sent his men to keep an eye on me", Li Luxian whispered. With his every word, his hot breath hit Chen Feng’s neck and made her shudder.

Up to this close to Chen Feng, her sweet intoxicating sweet strawberry scent wafting to his nostrils and made him smile uncontrollably.

"Your father?", Chen Feng whispered after steadying her heart a bit and getting out of her stupor. Her face was a burning red as she avoided the curious glances of onlookers.

"Yes. And now we must act like true lovers so he won’t get suspicious", he whispered, "I told him that we were in a relationship for a few months and had kept it hidden from the world to avoid trouble. I made it clear to him that I intended to marry you after the scandal so he should annul my engagement with Wang Hualing."

Li Luxian pulled away his face from her neck and looked deeply in her eyes, feigning such profound affection in his eyes that even Chen Feng was almost fooled, "He might have gotten suspicious that I was lying to get rid of Wang Huailing so he sent his men to look if we are really in a relationship or not"

To an outsider, who couldn’t listen to those whispers between those two lovebirds, it seemed like they were saying naughty things to each other. Because when Li Luxian was looking at Chen Feng, a tender smile lit his face and his eyes held passionate intensity. Chen Feng’s pale, white face was also burning red.

"But what now? Would he take action against it?", Chen Feng asked nervously.

She felt Li Luxian finger on her plump, red-sensitive lip pressing down a little. Li Luxian knew they were only acting but that didn’t stop him from taking the advantage of the situation and explore every inch of her pretty face that he terribly wanted to do after the night she had kissed him. after that kiss, he couldn’t deny that he was infatuated by her.

And who wouldn’t be? She was so gorgeous. Her personality was so strong, so attractive and unrestrained.

The kiss with her was not fake for him. Those exhilarating sensations coursing through him were real and deep every time he touched her.

"No, I don’t think he would do anything serious or hurt you in any way.", he said staring at those plump lips and suppressed an urge to kiss her again. He could only bury down his urges for now because he couldn’t give her an excuse for a second kiss.

"And we are not going to register our marriage today. I’ll inform you what to do next"

Now that Li Guang was watching his every move Li Luxian had to act wisely. It would seem suspicious if Li Luxian got married to Chen Feng right after the scandal. So he decided that it would seem more natural if they waited for a few days before getting married.

He kissed her forehead like a lover would do parting from his partner. Li Luxian knew that his father would be watching it and his actions must be impeccable to fool that old man. When Chen Feng felt his soft lips on her forehead and she had a hard time getting a hold over her wavering heart.

"Wait. You don’t have my contact number"

"I can get whoever’s number I want, Ms. Chen"

Of course, he was the Li Luxian. The famous business tycoon. He could have her number easily.

She saw a retreating figure of Li Luxian as he elegantly entered that car that matched his status and power. The car sped away swiftly. Just a distance created between them, she felt like all that had just happened was a mere dream. Just like a touch of breeze; illusionary and momentary.

That day had been too bizarre and unexpected for her. Chen Feng slightly laughed at her situation. No one expects a random ultra-rich CEO showing up at her door with a marriage proposal. Of course, she was happy. That marriage was going to give her a chance to stand on her feet once again.

Things were going to change.

As she turned around to head to her apartment and think about what had been happening with her life, she was shocked to find a big audience standing and staring at her.

A lot of building aunties were standing on the balcony and gazing at her.

Everyone around her had paused his/her task and was staring at her with shock evident on his/her face.

That moment she realized that the night had not died yet.

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