Kiss With Mr. CEO

Chapter 2 - All women are eccentric

Chapter 2 - All women are eccentric

"F**k I’ll kill them", Li Luxian said frustrated as he threw the files on the table.

"You can’t. They have a horde of security surrounding them 24 hours", Li Yuhan - his young and cheeky brother said in his typical cheerful voice that never failed to evoke a good impression of him in others heart: "Oh and by the way that sweater still looks nice on you"

Li Luxian was wearing a sweater that was knitted by his grandmother. It was not very nicely knitted and was full of flaws given the clumsiness of his grandmother. Him wearing that sweater resulted after suffering a lot of reprimand from his father. A lot of fights had ended up in making him put it on this morning. So Li Yuhan considered it his obligation to make fun of it.

Li Luxian glared at him.

Li Yuhan chuckled. He was leisurely sitting on the comfy couches with his legs folded on the table and enjoying the misery of his brother while his brother was fretting over the upcoming business deal.

Li Luxian, the next heir to the Li corporations, sighed and raked his hand through his inky, sleek hair. His featured-well-defined and distinct. His complexion-smooth and flawless. He was tall, with broad shoulders, a brawny chest and a sturdy build. His lips, thin and stretched into a straight line.

"Why the ’tragic’ face brother? You just have to get married and the issue disappears", Li Yuhan said and made a ’puff’ sound with the gesture of his hands as if performing a magic trick. A teasing smile never leaving his lips.

"Just have to get married - easier said than done", Li Luxian slouched on the couches beside his brother and rubbed his temples to get rid of his stress.

Li Yuhan turned to a side and faced his brother.

"You already have a fiance. Only you don’t agree to marry her", he said in a playful tone.

"I never acknowledged her as my fiance. Our engagement was practically enforced by the elders"

"I don’t get it?", Li Yuhan said intentionally goading his brother, "Why are you being so picky? She is beautiful. She has a good family background. She has graduated from Howard..."

"And has a zero IQ"

"Zero IQ?", Li Yuhan stated-a a disbelief evident in his tune. She was a Howard graduate. How could she have a zero IQ! Like always, Li Yuhan could never understand his brother’s logic.

"I would give her a straight 10 out of 10 for all her attributes"

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"A straight ten to do her for a night. Not for spending the rest of your life laying handcuffed under her on the bed"

Li Yuhan choked. They were talking about his potential future sister-in-law. Was it necessary to use that evocative words?

Getting over that shock, he quietly said.

"What do you find wrong with her?"

"She is clingy. Can’t keep her hands to herself."

"Umm... Brother Li, It is considered perfectly normal to hold hands of the man you are on a date with and who is also your fiance on top of that", Li Yuhan meekly objected.

"Wouldn’t stop talking. Has to use such a strong, irritating perfume. Is totally fake...", Li Luxian continued and continued to recite a never-ending list of faults. Li Yuhan almost dozed off and woke up when his brother emphasized on the conclusion, "I would simply regard her as an eccentric based on the behavior"

"That’s what you say about every woman", Li Yuhan mumbled and yawned.

"Every woman is eccentric"

Li Yuhan was speechless to find out his brother views. Was he planning to remain a bachelor his whole life?

"Why did they have to add the requirement of the CEO being married to the terms of condition? ", Li Luxian said skimming through the contents of the contract. The contract with that international enterprise was very important to Li corporations. But they had suddenly put the condition of him being married? Was it because of the intervention of the Wang family? So that they could get their daughter married soon? Because Wang family also had many connections so there was a possibility.

"Maturity they say here", Yuhan also picked up a paper and carelessly read through it.

Things like files and office never interested him. He was a carefree soul who lived for the sole purpose of throwing away huge sums of money his brother and Li corporation created. And also to play pranks on his brother and his cousin, of course!

"Maturity? Why one has to be married to be mature. Am I not mature enough by supporting all the business alone? I think the one who gets married in the first place is immature"

Li Yuhan: "..."

His brother was indeed not getting married anytime soon. Not in this lifetime.

He could only pity Wang Hualing.

Then Li Yuhan recalled why he came here in the first place.

"Oh and by the way father had sent me to tell you that Wang family is coming tomorrow to discuss the marriage date with you", Li Yuhan said with a smirk.

And Li Luxian was not happy to get this new piece of information. His handsome face turned to a particularly ugly expression that could scare anyone to death in the vicinity of ten meters.

Li Yuhan grinned.

"And he also said that you must not miss it under any circ.u.mstance. He has already postponed all the meetings for tomorrow", Li Yuhan informed-his voice held a roguish hint.

Damn! Li Yuhan had himself came to tell the news to his brother instead of the servants to witness that priceless look on his brother’s face.

To see that ugly expression unfolding on his brother’s face, a slight chuckle escaped Li Yuhan lips as he took out his cell to take a shot.

Li Luxian glared at him and kicked him out of his office.

Li Luxian took out his cigarette and placed it between his those thin lips. After a while, he puffed out thick white smoke. That white smoke in front of that handsome face made him look like some immortal deity. Because the level of attractiveness and perfection couldn’t belong to something mortal. That bewitching allure in his temperament was invincible.

Now he was sure. It was Wang’s family intervention. But he was not going to be getting forced by any Wang family or his father anymore. He was not a child. But a twenty-seven years old a.d.u.l.t. He could make his own choices. And not in this lifetime was he going to marry that eccentric woman. Nor any other woman they had forced to date him so far.

Grabbing his cell, he opened the door of his office and made his way out to get some fresh air.

"Mr. Li are you going somewhere?", his secretary Zhang Xin asked politely once he stepped out.

"Just going to have a walk down the area"

"Mr. Li let me call for the bodyguards. Media is still around the building so it won’t be safe. There are a lot of paparazzi spreading in the area", Zhang Xin said. Nowadays Li Luxian marriage made quite a headline on media so they always tried to near him to have some comments on his love life.

"No need.", Mr. Li said curtly - not giving his secretary any room to object.

Li Luxian walked down the pavement. There was a famous nightclub around the building under the Li family. Its fame resulted due to its association with the name of Li family. They would hold gatherings of important businessmen every now and then.

"I had explained to you even before that it was not you that I intended to meet", a cold, unwavering and strong voice entered Li Luxian ears and made him uncontrollably look up.

There was a woman in red. Her looks held both elegance and allure at the same time. Her long dark chocolate brown hair was like a cascade-smooth and shining under the moonlight. Her strong character piqued Li Luxian interest.

Meanwhile, he received an email and got distracted by it.

It was when he heard footsteps in his direction.

He looked up.

Huh? Why was that woman walking in his direction?

Before his thoughts could proceed any further, a hand reached and grabbed his collar and pulled him down to a dainty face and those warm juicy lips covered his mouth.

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