Law of Space and Time

Chapter 4-1: Redbud Pavilion (1)

Chapter 4-1: Redbud Pavilion (1)

The black sword was like a pouncing black dragon, and it clashed directly with Larwood's golden boxing gloves. Larwood was instantly forced back several steps in succession by the young man's sword energy, but he was able to remain in control of his own body. Meanwhile, the young man was able to hold his ground as he ducked down in an agile manner to avoid Chase's slashing rapier. He then blocked the handle of Kaiba's ax with his forearm, and in the blink of an eye, he had managed to knock back Larwood while dealing with both Chase and Kaiba's attacks.

The young man was occupied by the trio, thereby leaving his back wide open, and Erwin immediately took advantage of this opportunity, unleashing a flurry of instant-release spells toward the young man's back with his newly purchased staff.

Some people had emerged from the pub to watch the fight, and they were all rather disdainful toward Erwin and his friends for ganging up on the young man and employing such unscrupulous tactics, but Erwin and his friends were renowned for their shamelessness, and they certainly didn't care what other people thought.

However, before Erwin's spell had a chance to strike its target, a magic shield flew out of the tavern to protect the young man's back.

Erwin immediately cast his gaze toward the tavern to see who had thwarted his sneak attack from the back.

As a result, he was greeted by the sight of a woman with flowing red locks, a seductive figure, and eyes that looked as if they belonged in a painting. Her flowing hair resembled waves of luscious red fire that spilled down like a waterfall while giving off a brilliant luster. Her eyes were of the exact same blue color as the young man, and there was a frosty look within them, much like the glaciers in the north that hadn't melted in thousands of years, but at the same time, they were brimming with fury like the turbulent waves of a raging sea. Her luscious lips were curved up slightly at the corners in a derisive sneer, but even so, she was still downright breathtaking to behold.

For one as enamored with the opposite sex as Erwin was, he was still carefully savoring the sight of the woman's voluptuous figure. Her white sheep wool cape was loosely tied around her waist, complementing her tight-fitting red dress. There was a silken sash around her slender waist that accentuated her alluring figure to perfection, particularly highlighting her voluptuous chest. The deep v neck collar of her dress revealed a deep cleavage that looked as if it were crafted from the most premium of mutton fat jade, or like the twin Reynold Mountains after a bout of heavy snowfall.

Erwin couldn't help but admire the way that the woman's dress was tailored. They loosely concealed her chest, waist, and backside, but that was all. Her gorgeous long legs were completely exposed, and Erwin found himself completely unable to look away.

Right as Erwin was gawking at the woman with lust-filled eyes, she cast a sharp gaze toward him, immediately followed by a barrage of spells. However, these weren't instant-release spells. Instead, they were all advanced spells. This woman was such an adept magician that she was able to cast advanced spells so quickly that they were made to appear like instant-release spells.

Erwin had no time to react, and the mirage necklace was instantly triggered, unleashing the enclosed mirage spell to shield him from this first wave of attacks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The woman's eyes were full of disdain, as if she were sneering at Erwin's cowardice, and she pulled out a long staff from behind her. The tip of the staff was glowing with faint blue light, and the hint of blue radiance was giving off an incredibly frosty aura in the night. Only now did Erwin realize that the barrage of advanced spells that she had just released had been unleashed by her bare hands alone.

A chill immediately ran down Erwin's spine. This woman was way too powerful! Her powers were already on par with those of a magic mentor, and it seemed like she was going to be focusing solely on Erwin!

Indeed, there was no need for her participation in the battle on the other side. Even though it was a three on one battle with Larwood, Kaiba, and Chase ganging up on the young man together, they were unable to gain even the slightest upper hand.

Larwood had already thrown away all of his dignity, going for his opponent's vitals with every attack, even stooping as low as to attack the young man's eyes and groin region. These techniques had all been honed over the course of countless street fights and pub brawls, and they certainly weren't taught by any academies. As a result, the opinion that all of the bystanders had of Larwood, which was quite low to begin with, plummeted even further.

However, Erwin had no spare capacity to worry about Larwood and his friends because he was struggling immensely against his fearsome female opponent.

As soon as the woman emerged from the tavern, she immediately unleashed a levitation spell, showing off both her superior power and battle experience as she seized the aerial advantage, then unleashed a firestorm upon Erwin, who was still standing on Haven Street. Thankfully, Haven Street was quite wide and spacious. Otherwise, the houses and shops on either side of the street would've already been set alight.

Erwin certainly didn't dare to treat this battle halfheartedly, and he was unleashing all types of instant-release spells up toward his opponent while struggling to withstand her firestorm. All of his spells were of a dark purple color, and due to his spell tracing ring, he was able to easily lock onto his opponent even though she was high up in the sky.

At this point, Erwin had already been struck many times by his opponent's firestorm, sustaining burns to a large section of his cheek and ears. His black robe had also been set alight in many spots, and it was clear that he had suffered burns over various parts of his body as well.

Under normal circumstances, the woman would've been able to easily evade Erwin's instant-release spells, but due to the tracing effect of his ring, she was forced to conjure up a magic shield to protect herself. She looked on as several dark purple spells exploded against her magic shield. Some of them erupted into scorching fire, and some of them gave off paralyzing lightning. The spells appeared to all be of the darkness attribute, but they were imbued with negative status conditions of different attributes.

An intrigued look appeared in her eyes as she took a closer look at the struggling Erwin. She then took a glance at the staff in his hand, then murmured to herself, "He sure has quite a few pieces of interesting equipment."

After the firestorm finally subsided, Erwin looked down at his own body to find that there were many charred sections on his suit of leather armor, and the entire left side of his face was in burning pain. He could also smell the scent of his own burnt hair, and he looked up into the sky with a resentful expression, taking the liberty to look under his female opponent's dress as he did so.

However, the woman naturally wasn't going to give him a chance to catch his breath, and an icestorm was sent raining down from above.

Larwood and the others had been locked in battle against the young man outside the firestorm, and they had made an effort to divert their battlefield away from Erwin. Just as Erwin had no spare capacity to worry about them, they didn't have any attention to spare for Erwin, either. Around a dozen gashes had already been inflicted on Larwood and Chase's bodies by their opponent's sword. In contrast, Kaiba was faring slightly better, which made sense, considering defense was his forte. Initially, it was only Larwood resorting to dirty tricks, but as the battle wore on, all three of them cast aside their dignity and began to strike at the young man's vitals with every single attack. However, the young man remained completely unfazed and didn't allow a single attack to strike him.

As the trio caught sight of the icestorm descending upon Erwin from above, they couldn't help but shudder and pray for Erwin's safety. Erwin felt as if he could sense the prayers of his friends.

Erwin looked on as the glowing azure storm of ice and snow reached him in the blink of an eye, and he suddenly unleashed a space split technique, breaking through space to arrive before his opponent. He then cast a levitation spell upon himself before unleashing a torrential barrage of instant-release spells toward the woman.

The woman could hardly believe her own eyes. She had never seen any magician with this type of instantaneous teleportation ability, and a bewildered look instantly appeared on his face.

From there, Erwin was able to observe her blue eyes up close. Her delicate eyelashes were curled to just the right degree, and there was a hint of anger in her clear eyes, as well as a cold and derisive look on her face.

It was clear that she possessed a wealth of battle experience, and after a brief stupor from shock, she unleashed several instant-release spells with her left hand in rapid succession to oppose Erwin's darkness-attribute magic. As she did so, she rushed back in retreat while chanting an incantation and holding her staff in her right hand. Soon, a burst of dazzling light began to appear behind her.

Erwin was very alarmed to see this. He hadn't ever faced this type of magic before, but he knew that it was definitely extremely destructive. The bursts of dazzling radiance behind his opponent was a series of magic longswords, and they quickly converged to form the shape of a lotus flower. Upon closer inspection, Erwin could see that the lotus flower was formed by countless longswords.

Erwin had taken advantage of the window of opportunity during which the woman was casting her icestorm spell to apply an agility technique onto himself. Thus, he was able to move as quickly as a practitioner of martial techniques. He didn't give his opponent the time to finish chanting her incantation as he charged directly toward her to ensure that she couldn't open up any distance between them. At the same time, he unleashed a series of intermediate incantation spells toward her chest. Due to the special properties of his darkness-attribute staff, all of these intermediate spells were unleashed very smoothly. In contrast, his opponent was only unleashing instant-release spells with one hand, so she was at a clear disadvantage.

Erwin held onto his staff with both hands, and he could clearly sense that the magic power in his entire body was converging as quickly as possible. Balls of purple fire were conjured up on top of the staff, then hurtled directly toward his opponent's chest.

All of the darkness-attribute spells exploded on her chest with a dull thump, yet upon closer inspection, it seemed that she hadn't been harmed at all.

At this point, Erwin was still situated very close to her, and his eyes immediately widened in alarm. It turned out that the thump that he had just heard was the sound of something breaking. The item in question was presumably a defensive magic necklace that the woman was carrying, and she had used it to protect herself from what would've been a decisive blow from Erwin.

"What? You're the only one allowed to carry equipment?" A cold smile appeared on the woman's face, and the sword array behind her had already completely taken shape.

"Scatter!" the woman yelled, and the lotus flower sword array behind her immediately split up into countless swords that were sent flying in all directions.

"Holy crap, she's actually trying to kill me!" Erwin immediately unleashed a space split technique with a horrified look on his face to open up some distance between himself and his opponent, yet all of those magic longswords were imbued with powerful tracing properties. In the blink of an eye, several of them were already upon him.

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