Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

133 Chapter 133

In a moment, a sea of humans had turned into a desolate place filled with corpses. Or to be more precise, unconscious humans. It was as if they had all lost strength in their bodies and succumbed to fatigue.

"Scarlett, did you see anything?" Leislet asked with a very low tone to keep things calm and also to make sure she wasn't going to trigger another thing.

"No. It all happened in a moment. I couldn't even see if there was actually anything that made them fall unconscious." The red-haired girl answered with a thoughtful look.

She was also confused, but most importantly worried about this situation. They were now only two against whoever was playing these sick jokes on them.

Not only that, but there was also Acht who was someone they needed to protect.

In a nutshell, the situation was really bad and disadvantageous to them.

"First, let's get ou-"


'A sneak attack!' they both thought and jumped as far away as possible.

Instantly, a huge explosion occurred where they stood that made a huge air wave that made their hair and clothes flatter.

"Who's there?!" Leislet shouted.

She was extremely nervous since this was not ideal at all. They were now slightly farther away from the ambulance.

"Tst, tst…We can't let you run, can we?" A voice spoke from behind the screen of smoke. It was the same deep, hoarse and inhuman voice they hear from every Nightingale member.

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"You fucking idiot. Cough, cough, you threw it on me on purpose didn't you?!" Another one said with clear irritation in their voice.

"Now is not the time to argue. Let's get the kid and the sword and leave." The other responded.

"Don't you fucking dare do it again or I will make you hug your own head for sleep."

"I want to see you try. But, not now."

Leislet and Scarlett watched this exchange with wired looks. They didn't know what to do in such a situation where they were treated like air basically.

So, they started searching for loopholes they could exploit to escape.

"Sorry for the waiting. My companion here is a stupid fuc-"


Before the man could even complete the word, a sword moved at the speed of light and stopped a millimeter away from his neck. It was so fast that no human eye could follow it.

"Say that again."

However, the other person didn't seem to be that scared or even distressed. He just continued talking.

"My 'Companion' here is a little bit hot-blooded. Anyway…"

He seemed to gaze at his companion as the other one released his sword and put it back in its hilt.

The two then started approaching Leislet and Scarlett slowly. Their masks seemed to shine ominously as their aura kept pressuring both of them.

"You guys really tried so hard. You even broke our first layer of illusion. That's impressive."

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

The masked person started clapping sarcastically.

Both of the women heard his words and could barely hold their calm faces.

'First layer?! So there are multiple layers!'

They had thought that if they escaped that illusion it would be over but it turned out that they were in an illusion inside an illusion that could also be inside another illusion. It was like an endless illusion domain that they could never escape from.

"Now, let me give you an offer since the boss doesn't like unnecessary deaths."

The person then pointed at the ambulance and said,

"Give us the kid and the sword and we will let you get out of here alive. We won't touch anything else. How about it? Isn't it amazing?"

The person said with a chuckle. They couldn't tell whether they were getting mocked or not. Nevertheless, the answer to his offer was already clear before he could even say it.

Before they could answer, however, the person continued.

"I already know your answer. But, we ain't getting out of here without both of them. Especially that boy, the boss told us to get him no matter what. So, sorry for being rough."

The person then vanished like mist. Leislet didn't even see how he moved at all.

'Dammit! Where did he go?!'

She clicked her tongue as she looked left and right, searching for his traces.

"I'm down here." The person suddenly spoke.

Leislet didn't wait to check if he was really under her or not as she immediately smashed down with her hand.

Physical attacks weren't her strong points but they were still pretty destructive when she used them.


The ground cracked like a biscuit as her hand made contact with it. But, unfortunately, the Nightingale member wasn't there. She was sure he appeared in that place but she wasn't sure how.

'Could this be another illusion?' She thought as she stood up quickly.

"My bad. I made a mistake. I am here not there." The person spoke basically a few inches away from Leislet who turned around with her leg in the air to strike him.

But, again, she didn't hit anything. He was genuinely toying with her as if she was a toddler.

"Fuck." She cursed.

'Don't lose your temper, Leislet. He wants you to do it.'

She took a deep breath and calmed herself. For the sake of Acht and for the sake of this mission, she needed to keep her composure.

"Why don't you fight me head-on? Or are you really that scared of me?" She said with a chuckle.

Scarlett saw how Leislet was doing and then turned her head to the other member.

"Last time, you ran away like a coward. Are you gonna do that again today?" Scarlett scoffed calmly.

Her words were clearly meant to provoke the other and it could've been avoided easily. But…

"What the fuck did you say?!"

"Oh, nothing. Mr. Coward." She replied.

"...I will fucking kill you!"

They then pulled out their katana and dashed toward Scarlett like a lightning bolt intending to slice her to pieces.


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