Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

180 Chapter 180

Before leaving the place, Acht stopped for a moment and pulled something out of his storage ring. It was a device he had bought a long time ago and actually forgot about it until this time.

It was a face-shaped device made out of some kind of metal and had weird glowing veins covering it.

Even though the device looked shady and dangerous, Acht was sure of its functionality and also of its safety.

'I should've used this for some time now. Glad I didn't completely forget about it.' He thought as he closed the distance between him and the mask and eventually put it on him.

Almost immediately, the mask stuck to his face like some kind of sticky substance and started morphing and changing shape at a rapid pace.

After a few seconds, it stopped and Acht could finally open his eyes.

He then pulled out a small mirror from his storage ring and looked at his reflection in it.

There was no trace left of his distinct midnight black hair and mesmerizing sky blue eyes. (A//N: made a few mistakes concerning the color of his eyes. It's actually blue.)

What was in front of him now was a silver-haired, silver-eyed boy with sharp yet also tame features.

He was very handsome but not to the level that Acht was at previously.

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All in all, he looked so different from Acht that he almost didn't recognize himself.

'This is amazing no matter how many times I see it happen. I would've liked my features to be average but I guess that's impossible to do with a device like this one.' He thought.

The one he bought does indeed change his features, but it doesn't really do some groundbreaking work in terms of the level of handsomeness. It doesn't really reduce the level of beauty of the user by much.

Of course, there were other options with that function in them but the price alone made Acht ignore them. He does indeed like to spend money without care but he knows very well what to spend his money on and what not to.

They were simply not worth it compared to the price.

'This will be more than enough to hide myself in the masses. I should also change my normal demeanor just in case.'

After that, he left the building and went to the nearest hotel he could find.

Evernight, being this entertainment city, obviously had many hotels, love hotels to be exact.

Many brothel customers don't like having sex inside a cramped place like that so they pay extra for the hooker and they change the place to a love hotel.

It was a stupid yet also smart idea from the owners to suck even more money out of their horny customers.

So, with barely any attempt of searching, people could find 2 or 3 love hotels basically next to each other.

As awkward as it might sound, Acht couldn't care any less about that. If the place was good and the walls were thick enough to stop the sounds from traveling to his room then they could do whatever they want.

With that in mind, Acht entered the hotel and booked a room. He already heard some good rumors about this place so he thought about trying it now.

The receptionist didn't question why a kid was booking a room. Hell, gambling was allowed for minors here so why not booking hotel rooms too?

Acht then used the elevator. But, as he was about to click on the floor he was going to, a person entered the elevator.

Even though this person used a cloak to cover their faces, he could easily discern that it was a woman.

The woman also eyed him for a moment and then looked ahead of her before tapping on another floor.

The door finally closed and Acht leaned on the wall. His face was calm but also had a hint of innocence to it. He made sure to emphasize that part to make anyone who is suspicious about his identity be sure that he was nothing but a normal kid.

He then pulled out his phone and started fiddling with it casually.

However, the woman suddenly looked back at him and said,

"Hey, you."

Acht looked up and asked with the most innocent and naive voice he could muster.

"Hm? What is it? Sir…Miss?" He said as he squinted his eyes as if he wanted to discern whether she was a man or a woman.

His response seemed to work wonders as the woman shook her head and said.

"Never mind. I thought you were someone I know."

Acht secretly was also having his own suspicions. Her voice, her height, her demeanor. He knew very well who it was.

'Sigh, amazing. The moment I leave the building, I find myself in the same fucking elevator with Leislet. I should've actually predicted this outcome at this point. Now, how should I deal with this stupid problem? I must not let her find out it's me.' He thought to himself with a sigh.

The elevator was still closed and for some reason, it was taking way longer than expected to reach the top.

Yet, as if to make things even worse for him, the elevator suddenly halted and made a loud screeching sound. It got stuck.

"Did it break or something?" Leislet muttered as she tapped on the floor buttons a few more times. But, there was no response.

So, with a calm look, she said.

"Don't worry, little boy. It's just a small problem. We will get out of here after I call the-"

But, before she could even complete her sentence, the light inside the elevator was cut off, leaving both of them in the darkness.

Acht could barely hold himself from shouting.

'Are you actually serious? You think this is a fucking joke?'

But, he kept calm and collected. He was sure Leislet still didn't discover his identity and he was thankful for that fact.


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