Leave Me Alone, Heroines!

190 Chapter 190

Just like that, two days passed in total chaos. Thousands of people died and even more got injured because of them losing consciousness at the same time.

Plains fell, cars crashed, and trains diverted from their original route and smashed into buildings, destroying them in the process and killing tens of people.

Not to mention the mass immigration of monsters and the constant soul-beast stampedes that hit every major city of the world relentlessly.

It was a total disaster that made the Hunter association almost lose their minds trying to salvage the situation as much as they could.

By far, Leislet was the most pressured person during these long 48 hours. She had to deal with the constant news and missions she needed to assign just to keep track of the situation in Lagradon and the close cities. Not only that, but she also had to plan her method of negotiating with the invaders.

Forget about sleeping, she couldn't even have time to eat something throughout these hellish days.

Finally, the day has come. The woman that was lifting the whole hope of humanity on her back was about to do something that will determine the future of a whole world for at least 200 years to come.

The sheer pressure was unimaginable as she left her office and walked out to the main street. There, hundreds of news reporters and cameramen were standing there waiting for her.

She scanned her surroundings for a short second before looking up and sighing.

Her mind was having one single thought at the moment. This thought wasn't about the invaders nor the media that was now looking at her with clear tension.

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'Are you watching me Acht?' She thought as she closed her eyes for a moment. For a split second, a glint of weakness appeared on her rather resolved eyes but it soon disappeared as if it never existed.

Then, she walked down and passed the news reporters that chased after her, asking her all kinds of questions.

"Miss Leislet. Could you please tell us how you feel at the moment? Are you confident in convincing the invaders to not start a war?"

"Miss Leislet. Why did you refuse to make some hunters accompany you? Are you sure you can be fine there alone?"

Many questions like that kept popping off everywhere. However, Leislet turned a blind eye and walked without looking at anyone.

Then, after passing the sea of people, she reached the city plaza where the ship's center was located.

She looked up and waited. Not long after that, a loud voice echoed in the whole capital.

"Did you decide?" The voice asked.

"Let me meet you in person to talk." She responded with a calm tone.

The voice didn't respond immediately. But, a few moments later, it spoke again.

"I have no reason to accept this request. But, since we are not cruel, we shall accept."

After saying that, a bright light shined from the ship. Then, from afar, a small piece of the ship separated from the body and started descending down slowly.

Leislet watched the elevator come down with a serious look. For some reason, her heart didn't beat hard nor did she feel any fear when the time to face these people came.

The elevator finally reached the ground and the door opened. She didn't hesitate to take a step inside before looking back.

The door closed again and the elevator started rising up under the watch of many people.

Then, after reaching the ship, the elevator git integrated again into the ship and Leislet disappeared completely.

Tension rose with each passing moment after she entered the ship. They knew that it would take some time for her to come back…if she came back.

Inside the ship, the elevator's door opened again as she looked at her surroundings.

To call this place technologically was an understatement. It was so advanced that Leislet couldn't even understand what many things were or what they did.

Even the metal that made this whole ship was something she had never seen before.

'What is this?' She thought to herself with squinted eyes.

She expected them to be a technologically advanced country. But this was too much. With each passing moment, her belief that if they entered a war with these people they would definitely lose miserably became even more concrete.

As she thought like that, a voice called for her and woke her up from her deep thoughts.

"Welcome to our Sky Piercer, Lower World citizen."

Leislet examined the man in front of her. He was rather an average-looking man in his 40s with a weird robe.

The robe seemed like that of a scholar or a magician in fiction except weirder and goofier.

It was so long that it basically covered an area twice the man's size.

Leislet didn't answer as she barely nodded her head.

"Now, please come with me. We can't just speak here, can we?" He asked as he turned around.

Leislet looked at his back for a moment as she tried to discern his strength. However, no matter how much she tried she couldn't feel anything coming from him.

So, with a complicated look, she followed him as she kept her senses fully alert.

The two walked inside the corridors of this giant Sky Piercer.

The sound of Leislet's shoes hitting the hard metal was the only sound she could hear there.

The two then reached a room where a big table and two chairs were placed facing each other in each corner of the table.

"Sit down, please." The man said as he walked to the other side and sat down.

"So, what is your decision?" He asked.

He didn't even bother to try and start a normal conversation before asking the one million dollar question.

Leislet's calm look returned and she took a breath before collecting her thoughts.

'For Acht's and my sake…I have to do it.'


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