Legacy Firing

Chapter 63 - Interference

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Charlus came out of his apartment to the balcony and leant at the railing. He enjoyed the fresh air. Unfortunately, he was on a time crunch.

Charlus jumped up with so much strength that the people observing didn't even notice he had jumped. It seemed like he had teleported. 

Charlus reappeared behind a man who was observing Charlus' balcony.

"Like the view?" Charlus whispered in the man's ear. The man knew he fucked up immediately.

"What do you want?" The man was scared. He did not think that he would be caught. 

Charlus laughed. "You do not need to be so scared of me. I'm not a monster, that is if you led a pure life. Anyway, I want to meet up with Mr Ian Boreas. I have something to discuss with him."

"Who is Ian Boreas?" The man feigned ignorance.

"You think anyone other than the Boreas Family would be interested in me? Tell him that the oath thingy didn't work on me. And that I have something that interests me." Charlus said these words and left the place from where the person was eavesdropping on Charlus.

Charlus entered his apartment when he saw a leg trying to hit him in the face. Charlus was able to see the leg move slowly in front of him. Charlus grabbed the leg and lifted the entire body of the person behind the leg. He rotated it and slammed it onto the ground.

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"OUUCHH!" Charlus saw who had tried to hit him. It was Lucie.

"Trying to rebel now eh?"

Charlus spat out a curse and walked away.

"If you try to pull any stunts, you won't be able to get away," Charlus warned Lucie and was about to enter his room but Lucie stopped him.

"I don't care about the apartment anymore. I didn't think you would be a sexual predator. And you must have beaten up her too. I am going to call the cops on you."

Lucie took her phone out but before she could type a number Charlus was already in front of her and grabbed her phone. 

Charlus grabbed Lucie's head, covering her eyes with his hand. Lucie tried to free herself by punching and kicking at Charlus but it didn't affect Charlus at all.

Charlus took his scythe out.


[You are now weighing the heart of Lucie Grahams] 

[Lucie Grahams Lvl 33]

Lucie suddenly saw herself in a huge black room surrounded by darkness. She saw a silhouette of someone who seemed like Charlus but several times larger in front of her. She also saw a scale in front of her.

Lucie felt her heart was ripped away and place on one end of the scale. She saw a feather being placed on the other. She watched in fear as her scale was being weighed with the feather. Even a fool knew what that meant - her sins were being judged.

The scale moved back and forth until it came to a standstill. The scale was tipped only slightly to the side of the heart. Lucie watched in fear as a voice boomed.

"Thou art deemed pure!"

Charlus released his hand over Lucie's head. She opened her eyes to see that everything was just the same as before. She still felt fear but now she wondered if she was hallucinating.

"Don't speak if you don't know the details. Do you think I don't know about you? Illegal fighting ring when you were young? Adopted by your mother? You are an orphan that was adopted but your mother sees you as an investment. Threaten me once more and I will end the lives of those you care about. Not your mother. But those friends you had there."

Lucie was shocked. She did not think that anybody would know that much about her. She had never told anyone this information.

"Did my... my mother send you?" Lucie swallowed her fear.

Charlus laughed. "You are very small-minded Lucie. My dear Lucie, you think you are the hero of the story. You are just the side hero of the side plot. You are missing the big picture. You are just a small insignificant hindrance to me that I have chosen to keep because it serves as a good decoration. Do not think too highly about yourself."

Charlus' words became increasingly venomous. Lucie's face became pale. In the end, she burst into tears.

Charlus let her run past him into her room. He locked the front door and went back to his room. before going, he gave her a warning. "Don't mess with something outside your capacity. Do yourself a favour and don't try to even look my way. You will be involved with something that you cannot handle."

Charlus went back to his room. He just needed to wait. Charlus felt something was wrong with his body like something was impure. He decided to take a shower.

Charlus went into the shower and just stayed there for almost an hour. While it was irresponsible to waste water in California of all places, he did not care. He was deep in thought.

Charlus had cleared his head and he felt something was wrong with him. How was it that he reacted that harshly? He was never that emotionless. Chalrus felt that at times he was becoming someone he did not know. Charlus knew that he had to apologize to Lucie, but a more pressing matter was the reason behind his change in temperament. What made him lash out like that?

Charlus dried himself with a towel and looked in the mirror. He saw that his eyes had more of the red tinge than he thought. Now a fourth of his eyes were red. Charlus admired his eyes for a few minutes until he decided it was time to look away. He dressed and went outside. He saw that his hall was occupied.

Charlus saw Lucie attending to some guests. He recognized who it was.

"Mr Ian! I did not think you would be this fast. Please, just give me a moment."


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