Legacy Firing

Chapter 68 - Class Ascension

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"Thy have been deemed worthy!"

[You have started Class Ascension]

Charlus felt his body burning. His physique was burning. It was getting more angelic and stronger. He was slowly transitioning away from being a human.

After an hour of excruciating pain, Charlus opened his eyes. He checked his status. His class had changed. He was now a Tier 2.


Name - Charlus Black

Age - 17

Lvl 100

Exp - 0%

Class - Archangel of Death Tier 2

Sub Class - None

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Title(s) - Trouble Maker, Interrogator

Active Skills - Observe, Soul Shock, Death Field, Soul Reaper, Sword of Death

Passive Skills - Shadow Walk, Scythe Mastery, Wings of Death, Strong Body I, Agile Body I, Immortal Body I, Wise Mind I, Smart Mind I, Balanced Body I

HP - 2000/2000

MP - 2000/2000

EP - 2000/2000

Str - 200

Vit - 200

Int - 200

Wis - 200

Agi - 200

Lck - 100


Charlus noted the change in his class. He was no longer an angel. He was an Archangel. This meant his class was probably stronger than before.

[Archangel of Death]

[Grade SSS]

[+4 to all stats per Lvl]

[+20 to Lck per 10 Lvls]

Charlus saw the change. He was now stronger and would be growing stronger quicker than before. His skills all levelled up once. They didn't change though. 

[You can change your sub class]

Charlus found himself back in the dungeon. He felt stronger. He looked ahead and saw the skeletons. For some reason, he felt more disgusted by them than normal. The stench was now unbearable to him. Charlus unleashed his wings which were a little bigger than before.

He then went towards the Skeletons. He took his scythe out. He noticed his scythe had changed. It looked almost the same, but the ruby part adorning the centre was now brighter.

Charlus rushed through the skeletons. He did not have a win condition for this floor but Charlus was sure where the boss was. There was a fucking castle in front of him. Where else would the boss be?

Charlus increased his speed. Instead of slowly clearing a way, he flew directly towards the castle. Not everybody had the advantage Charlus had. Charlus went through the huge gate into the castle.

Once Charlus entered the castle, he saw that there were no Skeletons around him. There was just a straight pathway to what Charlus guessed was the throne room. Charlus walked along the red carpet that was leading straight to a huge door.

Charlus opened the door and entered the throne room. He saw a human sitting on the throne.

"Welcome! Welcome to my dungeon! I am so happy to finally see someone reach this spot. You must be really powerful. I can't wait to turn you into one of my lovely undead!" 

Charlus observed the person speaking.

[Ewa Hairston (Necromancer) Tier 2 Lvl 121]

Charlus saw the Lvl of Ewa Hairston. He knew it wouldn't be easy. Could he defeat someone who was 20 levels higher than him? Charlus didn't know, but he would find out.

Charlus unleashed his wings completely and pointed his scythe at the enemy. He threw his scythe towards the necromancer but the necromancer just evaded it.

Ewa was a lot faster than Charlus. She also had a lot of MP, Charlus guessed. Since she was a necromancer, she probably focussed everything on Int and Agi for escaping ability and MP. So Charlus wouldn't be able to defeat her.

Charlus tried to hit her for the next hour but the Necromancer kept dodging. Charlus knew that he wouldn't be able to beat Ewa like this. He was just tiring himself out and the Necromancer knew it too.

Charlus suddenly got an idea. He stored his Scythe back in his inventory. Then he took out an item he forgot he even had.

[Angel of Death Scythe]

Charlus took out the scythe that was pure black in colour. This scythe also had a chain at the end, which made Charlus happy. He charged towards Ewa. He cornered her towards a corner and he swung the scythe with his full force towards her. 

Ewa jumped and the scythe missed her. She quickly jumped towards Charlus and went past him. Charlus turned back and chased after her again to another corner. He once again missed her once he attacked.

"Why are you not attacking me?"

  Charlus asked Ewa.

"Well, for the perfect undead, you would need someone with no will left. It will be easier if you are exhausted."

Charlus smiled at the answer. He threw his scythe at a corner that he hadn't gone to yet. He then jumped back.

The entire ceiling that was being held up by pillars came crashing down. Charlus hadn't been missing Ewa. He wasn't even aiming for her in the first place. He was trying to make the entire throne room collapse. 

This meant that it would fall on him too, but he had a better chance of surviving the crash than Ewa. Since his Vit was so high, and his Str was high too, he could survive and get himself out of this. Charlus had calculated everything before committing to his Hail Mary.

The ceiling crashed down onto the two of them. 


After a few minutes, a cackle was heard.

"HAHA! You thought you would be able to defeat me with this but you can't! I am immortal! I am-"

Ewa looked down and saw a scythe pass through her body, and she watched her body slowly fall to the ground. She saw herself moving away from her body. Her final thoughts were - how?

Charlus was on the other end of the hall, out of reach from the ceiling. The ceiling hadn't even fallen on him. Charlus saw that he wasn't that far from getting away from the fall zone so he jumped away with all his power, and that got him away from it. It gave him the opportunity to catch Ewa off guard.

[Ewa Hairston (Necromancer) Tier 2 Lvl 121 defeated]

[3500 Exp Awarded]


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