Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 204 Departure

Early in the morning the next day, Nolan received a message from Gage. In his message, he detailed the information he got regarding the movements of the other great factions within the empire.

Yesterday morning, before the Crown Princess's birthday celebration, Emperor Euan met with the Conclave of the East, Templar Code and Aureole leaders. The content of their meeting that had been recorded in the Mercenary Hall's network, was that the Royal Family had decided to form an elite team that would consist of veteran mages and combat mages from Royak Knights, Templar Code, and Aureole. In respect to the Conclave's neutral status, instead of providing their own mages or combat mages, they would be the ones responsible for information gathering. Of course, all of these were to find and capture Gray.

Another strange piece of information that made Nolan's brow furrow in contemplation, was Emperor Euan's declaration that he would soon make a trip to the Regis Estate. His purpose was unknown, but it hinted at his desire to reconcile with the Regis.

With this piece of information, Nolan finally confirmed that the Royal Army had been acting alone in pursuing Kyran and taking the whole Regis Clan hostage. Of course, there was a chance that Emperor Euan declared his desire to mask what was really happening behind the scenes. Regardless of the truth, Nolan felt that Kyran needed to know this.

Nolan did not bother to ask Anette to listen to his and Kyran's conversation regarding the matter since she was busy teaching Cyneah. At the moment, their priority was to have Kyran's magic core healed, so the sooner Cyneah learned how to control her magic and magic sense, the better.

After Nolan shared Gage's message, Kyran's reaction remained indifferent. The truth, he already has his assumptions on who was the mastermind of his capture. Anyway, this new piece of information would not affect his plans. They would still proceed as planned.

That afternoon, Kyran disguised as Tyr went to Noser. He visited the Chamber of Commerce and bought some materials he would need in creating the transmission scroll. Then he visited the Alchemist Association to buy some medicinal herbs for Anette. They actually had these herbs planted in the cottage's back garden, however, they had not fully grown yet. As to why Anette needed the herbs now, it was to create a blood spring pill for Kyran.

The Blood Spring Pill was more potent than Blood Replenishing Potion and practically had no side effects. This pill was also not available in the market because it was a pill originally created by Anette.

When Kyran asked why Anette even bothered to create blood-related pills and potions, her answer was simple, it was because she was surrounded by people who seemed to love spilling their blood.

Kyran did not bother to know the bloody details. Besides, he was already grateful that Anette did not nag on him why he needed better blood replenishing medicine.

While Kyran was in Noser, he noticed that the people from the Templar Code had not lifted their security. They were still constantly watching every outsider that entered the city. Even Kyran who already had a record of entering the city a few days ago was still kept under surveillance.

The watchful eyes following Kyran around the city did not come from the Templar Code alone. Since he was using Tyr's face, almost every female and some were even male locals in the city, had been watching his every move. Kyran tried his best to ignore it, but he admitted being watched by these kinds of people, were far exhausting than the ones from the Templar Code.

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For the next couple of days, Kyran was either resting or creating a transmission scroll. Sometimes, he, Nolan, and Zephyr would also talk about his magic.

Zephyr told Kyran everything he knew about the power of nothingness. In turn, Kyran had a better idea of his predecessor's strength.

Kyran found how powerful his predecessor was. He also found that his predecessor was a pure mage and that most of his offensive attacks had a huge area of effect. This made Kyran feel overwhelmed. He already noticed that his Draconic magic's explosive power was better utilized in close combat, while his Void magic was good when he was outnumbered. But even then, he was using his Void magic with his Draconic magic which in turn, made him move around with great speed to deal with all his opponents using his Void weapons.

Now that Kyran thought of it, he had been using his Void magic with the mindset of a combat specialist. Though he could be considered a combat mage because of his physical combat strength, he knew his attack pattern using Void weapons plus the Regis Blessing would not be sufficient in the long run. He already noticed it when he fought the Special Ops.

It was during where one of them planned to capture Zephyr and Cyneah, and Kyran had resorted to using his Draconic magic and the surroundings to stop him. Although at that time he was reluctant to use his Void magic, he believed he could have dealt with it differently if he had a better understanding of his magic.

Kyran made a mental note to observe and study more of a pure mage's offensive attack and attack pattern. Nolan mentioned that the place where they would head for training would help him gain more experience in dealing with different types of mages. Kyran was looking forward to it.

Finally, on the third day after Anette started teaching Cyneah, she finally succeeded in 'seeing' the magic core within a person just by utilizing her magic sense. Aside from this, she had also gotten used to directing her song to a single target. And so that night, she finally attempted to heal Kyran's damaged magic core.

Cyneah admitted that she had once seen Kyran's magic cores. That time, she had no idea those were his magic cores. Since it was the case, it had been easier for her to see his magic cores again.

There was nothing note-worthy when Cyneah healed Kyran's magic core. The whole process was simple. Maybe if she had to share the impression she had while healing his magic core, it was how she felt his cores appeared bigger and their color deeper than the last she saw them. It also gave Cyneah the feeling that the energy within Kyran's magic cores was stronger than before.

After Kyran's damaged core had been healed, he also had a sudden realization that there was a new kind of magic circulating inside him. Whether it was similar to how he combined the Void magic and Draconic magic to form a new form, Kyran was unsure yet. Since Nolan and Anette still forbade him to practice, he had no way of checking it. He was not in a hurry as to check it though. The day before they leave, he planned to rest his body well because he knew once they left for that 'place', he would have less time to rest.

The night before Kyran and Nolan planned to leave, Kyran checked on Cyneah. After healing his magic core, she had been resting due to magic exhaustion.

Inside her room, he found her sitting on the chair by the window, while leaning over the window's sill.

"You should be lying down," Kyran told her as he closed the door behind him.

Cyneah immediately straightened and turned her head toward the direction of Kyran's voice. She smiled and said, "I just got up."

Kyran walked over to her with a newly concocted healing potion in hand. This potion was tailored made for Cyneah. Her body had already gotten used to potions but as Anette said, due to her special body constitution, the potions still worked too well on her.

"Here's a potion, drink this and sleep early," Kyran said while giving her the bottle.

Cyneah wrinkled her nose as he placed the bottle in her hands.

"Master's healing potion taste bad," she complained.

Kyran raised his brows, "If she hears you, she'd feel sad."

"Then don't tell her," she said.

During these past days, the two of them had gotten closer. In turn, Nolan and Zephyr's teasing had evolved where they openly call Cyneah Kyran's first mistress.

However, Cyneah, being her clueless and innocent self, did not understand. Kyran on the other hand had gotten used to their nonsense and learned to fully ignore them.

Anette also gave up scolding the two.

"I won't, just make sure you drink all of it," Kyran replied and sat at the side of the bed while facing Cyneah.

Cyneah pursed her lips, but she obediently drank the potion. Her face distorted a little due to the potion's bitter taste.

"Bleh... Are all potions taste this bad?" She complained yet again.

Kyran only smiled faintly. He already knew her complaints were her way of diverting her feeling of exhaustion.

"You've done well," Kyran started. He volunteered to bring her potion because he wanted to talk to her. Initially, he wanted to thank her for healing him but soon realized saying thank you was not enough. After all, he knew how much her body suffered whenever she uses her magic to heal. "What reward do you want?"

Cyneah's eyes immediately glistened after hearing him say 'reward.' Who did not want to receive a reward? Someone like her who was practically deprived of such things was doubly excited by it.

"Can I ask for anything?" She asked eagerly.

"Ah... as long as I can give it," Kyran replied. The look in Cyneah's eyes made him remember a time he told his younger sister he would give her a reward. When she asked if she can request anything, and he answered yes, Kyra's requests were too bizarre that he regretted agreeing too soon.

"Then..." Cyneah bit her lower lip and fell silent. She pondered for a little before replying, "I'll ask for it when you return."

Kyran looked at her for a few seconds, before asking, "Why? It may take a while before we return."

Cyneah smiled and replied, "That's good then. I'll have more time to think of a better reward."

"Right," Kyran replied after a short pause. "Nolan and I will leave early tomorrow, and Zephy will be staying with you and Anette."

Cyneah nodded. She might not be privy to what they were doing, but she was able to pick up some bits and pieces from their random conversations during meals. She already knew that Kyran and Nolan would be leaving and that Zephyr would stay to keep her and Anette company.

"Also," Kyran took out his jade disc and reached for Cyneah's hand. He handed her the disc and said, "I'll leave this with you, just in case."

The jade disc was the same one he gave her back in Hanaan. However, he had added an array on it and also imprinted a spell that only he could utilize.

Cyneah held the disc, and immediately recognized it after feeling it for a bit, "I thought I'd lost it!"

"You didn't. You know how it works. But I added another feature. If you mention my name, the disc will transmit it back to me," he explained.

Cyneah nodded, "I understand."

"Go to sleep early," Kyran told her before standing up and leaving the room.

As soon as he left, Cyneah gripped the jade disc in her hands. It was not considered a gift, but to her, it was. And she would treasure it because it was something that Kyran gave her.

The next day, Kyran and Nolan left.

Before going to that 'place', they first had to go back to Starhorn.

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