Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 244 A Special Place

"SSS? What?" True Void exclaimed in disbelief. "My master received an S only! What's with this preferential treatment?"

After hearing True Void complain, Kyran could not help looking at him incredulously. Once again, he was revealing things about his master. Was he not afraid of getting reprimanded once Kyran went to Chaos Palace and summoned his predecessor in his sea of consciousness?

Nevertheless, because of what True Void had said, Kyran was now confident that taking advantage of the training's loophole was not a bad idea.

"For this training, you completed three of the main task.

"The first task is to acquire 100% knowledge on one branch of magic within a year. You completed this within a month; thus, your result is SSS.

"The second task is to complete the test within two years. Your result is calculated based on how long it took you to complete the test; thus, your result is S.

"The third task is connected to your second task. Since you have chosen to complete the Puppetry test, the third task is to enter the top 8 of the Puppet competition. You placed second, acquiring an SS result.

"Your initial result is SS. However, you have triggered a hidden task to acquire at least 80% of knowledge from the rest of the available branches of magic. You will gain an additional point depending on the number of branches you have acquired, and the points will be added to your overall result.

"There are fifteen branches of magic available in training, and you have acquired at least 80% of knowledge in five branches, receiving an additional five points to your overall result.

"Do you have any questions?" The overlapping voices asked as soon as they finished explaining Kyran's result.

Kyran shook his head and replied, "No."

He more or less guessed why he got an SSS result. That was why he did not ask for an explanation. Since they provided a brief explanation, he did not mind.

Kyran had expected taking advantage of the training's loophole might be a hidden task, but he did not expect it would give him many additional points.

Unfortunately, he only chose six branches of magic to focus on, while the rest he absorbed at least 30-50% only. If he tried to absorb more than 80% knowledge on all branches, he would have gotten a C-result in his first task because it would take at least a year or even more for him to finish all fifteen branches.

"In that case, please choose your rewards."

Five platinum chests appeared after the overlapping voices finished their words, forming a circle around Kyran.

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'Only five chests,' Kyran thought with a raised brows.

It was not that surprising. It only meant that rewards from platinum chests were rarer items.

Projections of the items inside the platinum chests appeared above the lid. The items were as follows, one black slip, a platinum cauldron, a purple pen, a roll of platinum parchment, and last, a platinum key.

When Kyran saw the key, his brow furrowed at once. He had no idea what the key was used for—err; actually, he did know. What he did not know was where or what this particular key was meant to do.

There was also the black slip. Unlike the purple slips from his first set of rewards, he did not feel any resonance to his Void core. It might mean that whatever information was in the slip might not be connected to Void magic.

The platinum cauldron, purple pen, and a roll of platinum parchment were used for either Array calculation, Puppetry blueprint, Incantation, or Alchemy.

All three would be useful for Kyran.

However, Kyran was a little hesitant to choose them. One big factor of his hesitation was the tower would not include a slip with information not beneficial to him. If he had to guess, the black slip might have advanced knowledge or theory on Puppetry.

As for the key, was it a key to a treasure vault of a Puppet Master? Or if not a Puppet Master, a key to his predecessor's treasure vault? Could it be a key to the Chaos Palace?

Instead of guessing the answer, Kyran decided to ask the voices. Though he did not expect them to reply, at least he would ask for a clue.

"What's the key for?"

"It is the key to enter a special place inside the tower," the overlapping voices answered at once.

"Special place?" Kyran wondered aloud.

He was not the only one who did, though. True Void also said the same thing, which made both of them look at each other.

However, while Kyran had a look of confusion, True Void had a look of horror.

"Are you talking about the place in the tower where $%@*(#)!@&*$!!!!!!!" True Void abruptly stopped when the words he wanted to say had sounded jumbled.

"What in the world—oh, I'm speaking okay again. Anyway, was that place where $%@*(#)!@&*$—!!!!!"

Black lines appeared on Kyran's head. He already guessed that the tower did not want him to know what True Void wanted to say, so his words had been 'filtered.'

"Please choose your reward," the overlapping told Kyran ignoring True Void completely.

"Oi! Oi! Don't brush me off! Or are you trying to get Void Halfling to $%@*(#)!@&*$—! I just want to make sure Void Halfling will not suddenly choose that key because $%@*(#)!@&*$—!"

True Void tried yet again to speak but to no avail.

The black lines on Kyran's head doubled the more True Void tried to speak, yet the tower could filter his words.

He decided to ignore him for now and replied to the overlapping voices.

"I... choose those three."

Still a little hesitant, Kyran finally chose the black slip, the purple pen, and the platinum key.

The moment Kyran pointed at the key, True Void went ballistic.

"NOOOOOO! WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THAT? You have no idea that the $%@*(#)!@&*$— is such a $%@*(#)!@&*$—Oi! Stop filtering what I'm saying!"

True Void shouted to no one in particular.

"You have chosen the Lost Manuscript of the Automata System, the Nihility Pen, and the Key to a Special Place."

True Void's outburst was once again ignored as the overlapping voices continued.

The three platinum chests holding the rewards Kyran had chosen burst open with blinding gold light. The items inside emerged and slowly flew toward Kyran, who immediately placed them inside the storage ring with a wave of his hand.

However, while the black slip and purple pen went into the storage ring, the key remained, hovering midair. It appeared the key could not be taken into the ring.

"Would you like to use the key now?" The overlapping voices asked.

"No!" True Void answered for Kyran again.

Kyran could only look at him with a large sweat on his forehead.

Kidding aside, Kyran looked at the key, then at True Void, who was still complaining in the background, then back at the key.

Thinking about True Void's reaction, the special place the key led to was definitely a dangerous place. If Kyran had to choose wisely, the best decision was to keep the key until he had more clue about the special place.

Right now, the tower was filtering True Void's words, but if Kyran asked the right questions, he was confident he could extract bits and pieces of clues from him.

But if Kyran followed his instincts, it was telling him to use the key. It did not matter whether that special place was dangerous or not because he would have to go there eventually.

Not knowing anything about the place was also not a big deal. Did he not tread through his first training without knowing what was happening and still pass the test?

Besides, Kyran had seen True Void react like this before, and it was exaggerated, to be honest. That place might be dangerous to True Void but not to Kyran.

"Would you like to use the key now?" The overlapping voices repeated when Kyran did not answer for more than five minutes.

Kyran looked at True Void, who was still complaining.

"I'm telling you! If you use that key now, we are strangers! Strangers! You hear?"

Smiling wryly at True Void's attempt to dissuade him, Kyran looked at the key one more time and finally answered, "Yes. Take me—."


"—to that special place."

"Your request has been granted."

As soon as the overlapping voices said this, the platinum key before Kyran lit up, and within three seconds, it shattered to pieces.


True Void's unmanly wail filled the air once more as the whole room distorted.

Kyran looked around and watched as the white room began to change.

Gears that looked like the insides of a clock replaced the indeterminable white walls. Even the white floor turned into a gray metal platform. As for the ceiling, countless round cogwheel-like platforms were hovering above.

Kyran gaped at the cogwheel-like platforms and finally had an idea of what this special place was.

Before he could say anything, though, the overlapping voices had spoken.

"Welcome to the Tower's Battle Arena. You are participant number 7621. A master occupies each platform, and you may challenge them to any form of battle.

"You are allowed to use any techniques and magic items. Killing is also authorized.

"If you reach the 100th platform, you will be given three choices. The first choice is to continue moving up the platforms. The second is to stop and return to the white room. Or third, you can challenge the Special Room's Champion.

"When challenging the Champion and you fail but did not die, you will be transported back to the tower. If you win, you will become the new Champion and have a chance to challenge the Tower's top floors."

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