Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 296 Additional News

Because Kyran was deep in thought, he did not notice Cyneah sleeping on the bed slowly stirring awake.

As soon as her eyes fluttered open, her normally dark world slowly filled with floating lights. These lights were magic energies that were attracted by the small floral-shaped lamp by her bedside table.

This lamp was a magic item was something Anette prepared for Cyneah. There were also similar lamps like this placed on different corners inside the cottage.

The lamp's purpose was simple. It could attract magic energies and absorbed them to emit a faint golden light.

Since Cyneah could see energies in the surroundings as long as they were pact together, the lamp could somehow help her 'see' her surroundings without using her magic sense.

'Hm...?' Cyneah's brow furrowed slightly as something seemed to obstruct the flow of magic energies near her.

Normally, with the help of the lamp, the darkness around her would be filled with countless floating lights, seemingly like fireflies fluttering in the darkness. However, at that moment, something black like an abyss filled the space before her. It was not big. But given its size, she could more or less guess if that space unfurled itself, it was big enough for a human to occupy.

To Cyneah, a human would normally have one-colored light floating inside them, so this particular space was something different.

Nevertheless, instead of being alarmed, her mirror-like eyes seemed to grow wide in anticipation as she reached out a hand toward that dark space.

And as she reached out her hand, she muttered, "Nar... is it you?"

Hearing Cyneah's voice made Kyran snap out of his reverie and he turned his head to look at her.

It was at this moment that her fingers had almost touched his face. Without waiting for them to land on his cheeks, he lifted his right and gently took her hand.

The moment her hands touched his, a gentle smile spread across Cyneah's face.

"It really is you," she said in an almost inaudible whisper.

Seeing her smile, and hearing her voice, Kyran was once again reminded of the little girl he met in the cave.

Back then, she looked skinny and weak, with a thick aura of death around her. But that aura of death had lessened from the moment he decided to take her in.

Now she looked more alive, vibrant even, to the point that he could no longer associate her with that pitiful girl.

As Kyran studied Cyneah's face, a warmth he had long forgotten seemed to fill his soul.

To be precise, as soon as Cyneah had spoken, that warmth had already started to fill him. And Kyran knew she was not doing it intentionally, but that was how potent her magic was. As long as her emotions were carried within her voice, they would affect anyone who heard her.

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"I thought you won't be back for some time," Cyneah continued as if having Kyran hold her hand was enough of a confirmation that he really was the one in front of her. "It is only been a week though."

Hearing her words made Kyran smiled bitterly but did not reply. Instead, he only tightened his hand around hers.

That was right.

To Cyneah, Kyran and Nolan had only left a week ago. But to Kyran, he had been away for years.

And within those years, he had experienced a lot. He met different kinds of people and endured a lot of hardships and tribulations. Most of all, he realized a number of things that he would have had trouble realizing if he had stayed on this plane, only walloping at the misfortune he and his clan was facing.

A lot of things changed in Kyran, and others might not be able to see it, but others who had met him would be able to feel it.

That was the reason why Malek hesitated to tell him off. It was the same with Nolan's essence.

And for a person who could not see, but relied on her other senses to feel, Cyneah also felt it.

Cyneah slowly got up, not letting her hand leave Kyran's as she asked, "What's wrong?"

Because Cyneah had changed her position, Kyran was forced to look up at her.

She could not see where Kyran was, and even though she tried to look at the dark space before her, her line of sight was still way off.

Instead of answering her, Kyran replied with a question.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"No," Cyneah answered, shaking her head slightly. "It is almost time to wake up anyway."

Kyran turned toward the window and looked up at the sky.

True enough, the dark sky was slowly turning into a mixture of bronze and blue.

"Right," Kyran muttered inaudibly.

It was then that he spread out his magic sense to check the whole surroundings.

In an instant, a frown appeared on his face as he realized that neither Anette nor Zephyr were around.

"Where is everybody?" He asked.

"Oh, if you are asking about Master, she usually comes back after the sun rises. Because she had to go to the city and work."

Kyran's frown deepened as he looked back at Cyneah.


Cyneah nodded and smiled proudly while saying, "That's right. Master and I are currently helping out at a pub in the city."

"Pub?" Kyran asked, his voice rising slightly. "Why is she working at a pub?"

Cyneah tilted her head to one side looking a little confused at Kyran's seemingly upset tone.

"What's wrong with working at a pub?"

"You—," Kyran stopped short and sighed inwardly. He felt an incoming headache.

No, actually he was already experiencing a terrible headache. Why would his godmother suddenly decide to work at a pub? Wait, Cyneah did say 'Master and I,' right?

"You're also working there?" Kyran asked.

Cyneah nodded, once again smiling proudly. "Yes! And I did not make any mistake when taking and delivering orders."

Kyran would have burst Cyneah's bubble if not for that sweet innocent smile she had on right now.

Keeping his temper in check, Kyran patiently asked, "Why are the two of you working there? No, why do you even need to work? Are you two short on budget? If you are, why the pub of all places?"

"Oh, no, no," Cyneah shook her head at once. "Actually, it is called a pub but in truth, it is...."

She lowered her head and even cupped the side of her mouth with her other hand as if what she was about to say was top secret. Then she said in a low voice, "... a secret hospice."

Kyran gave her a blank expression. As far as he knew, there were pubs that also offered lodgings. So the pub being a hospice was not exactly a... secret.

"You did not answer my question," Kyran replied with a deadpan tone.

Cyneah slightly frowned.

"I already did. We are not really working at the pub, but a hospice. Master is an alchemist and she had been out of the loop for some time so she thought it is best to understand the changes that has happened in Alchemy and Medicine by working at a hospice. We are not exactly short on budget.

"As for me, since, I have also started learning Alchemy, Master thought its best to bring me along. It also served as another form of training my magic sense."

Kyran stood up.

Apparently, having to look up at Cyneah from sitting on the floor was doing nothing good for his rising temper.

He sat down beside Cyneah and could not help but flicked her forehead with his free hand Whether he noticed it or not, he had yet to let go of the hand that held hers.

"Aw!" Cyneah winced as she touched her forehead.

"Did you forget what I said about going out?" He asked her.

During their time together, Kyran had once told Cyneah if she had to go outside, she had to take Zephyr with her. If Anette was with her then it was also okay, as long as they were disguised.

"Master made sure I drink her potion when we go out," then she made a sour expression and added, "The potion tastes bad."

"That's not the point," Kyran berated her, though his voice no longer sound angry. "The potion will only last a few hours and the more you drink the same potion, its effectiveness will drop."

"I know," Cyneah replied with a slight pout. "Master made sure that I only work for a few hours anyway. Then she would bring me back here."

"And Zephy?" Kyran asked.

Cyneah's brow furrowed in concern as she remembered Zephyr, "He had to leave a few days ago. I don't know the details, but during dinner, he suddenly shouted words I don't understand. Master had told him to calm down. But in the end, he said he had to go. Then he said to tell you when you return, that he will wait in that place."

Kyran's expression turned grim. He knew exactly where Zephyr went, and the only thing that could make him lose his calm had something to do with the Shaiha.

'Too many things are happening at the same time. It's as if there is 'someone' who planned all of these to throw off my plan,' Kyran thought.

He fell silent as he once again adjusted the plan in his head. Initially, he only want to complete the adjustments of three of his puppets. Now, he had to complete all of them.

'I also have to make more face-altering masks,' Kyran told himself as he looked at Cyneah.

Now that he was aware of how much Cyneah looked like the Crown Princess, having her walk around outside with only a potion to change her looks was not enough. He had to make a mask for her too.

As for the materials, Kyran was not that worried. He already understood his Void magic's creation, and would be easy for him to create any materials he lacked.

For the puppets, however, the reason why he could not adjust all of them was because most parts were not available in the human plane.

It was not entirely hopeless, though. He had three ways of acquiring the parts he needed.

One was through Olivia, the other one was through Gustaff, and last, but most likely the one he would use, was his own Void magic.

That was right. There was a loophole he realized in the restriction in the Void magic's creation ability.

True Void had said, that as long as there was magic energy in the surrounding, Kyran could create something out from the void. But, this something must be present in the plane.

For example, he could not create a nuclear reactor in the human plane since it was not available here. That reactor was only available in the Vrien plane.

But, if that nuclear reactor was 'invented' in the human plane, then it would become something Kyran could create. That was the loophole he saw.

Thus, he planned to 'invent' the parts of the puppets he lacked.

To do this, however, he needed resources. These resources would be provided by the Blue Lotus.

At least, that was Kyran's intention.

One of the real reasons why he made a ruckus at the Blacksmith Order and even agreed on creating magic items for everyone was to put his idea to practice. As for the other reasons, that would be kept a secret for now.

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