Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 90 What I Need

Vaness looked at Hugh, Malia, and Noir. The three, in turn, nodded their heads.

"This next one, we believed is something we need to understand. However, we will respect your decision not share it with us." Vaness continued.

"Please say it."

"How sure are you that you will succeed in getting used to your magic in two days? Especially your ability to warp. We understand that it is a crucial part of your plan to travel a long distance, in a short period of time."

"I understand your concern. Unfortunately, I can't give you an answer. Not that I don't want to sure but it's because I don't know the answer either. I'm not going to give you false hope," Kyran answered.

Immediately the expression of the council members turned solemn.

"You don't have to worry. I don't plan on failing, but if in case I did, I still have another way to travel. I'm not going to do something without a backup plan," Kyran assured them.

Hearing Kyran's word of assurance, the council members' expressions improved.

"I can't tell you though. It's... a Regis thing." Kyran added. "When the time comes, I will need some materials. Don't worry, the materials I'll need are common and I will pay for it."

Vaness chuckled, "No need to pay for the materials. Just tell us what you need. We are in a partnership after all. The plans you've told us and even the assistance you requested is to provide for the needs of The Conclave. This is the least we can do."

Kyran smiled a little and replied, "Okay. We can discuss it if I failed."

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"That's alright," Vaness said. He paused before adding, "Now, I suppose this is the last one we want you to clarify."

Kyran did not react and let Vaness continue.

"Having you move on your own, has lessened the manpower we will need as well as other resources. But it doesn't mean you will not need it, am I correct?"

Kyran nodded. He replied, "Yes. I will need some items. But I haven't listed it yet. I have some useful items with me so I'll have to check it first before I can give you the list-."

"Please, you don't have to use any of your personal resources. You probably don't know but it would cost us a fortune just to hire people and provide for them with items to get those materials. Not to mention, it will also take them a few months to complete it. You already saved us a lot of resources by cutting down on the manpower, alone. Since you're moving by yourself, let us at least shoulder the items you will need," Vaness immediately interrupted.

Kyran made a mental note of the items he needed. Honestly, he was reluctant to use his resources because he still had many things to do after dealing with the Conclave's matter. But since this was supposed to be a partnership, he knew he had to contribute. He never really thought that him doing the work was enough contribution. After all, it was his fault they needed those materials in the first place. But if they were willing to give him items, then he would not complain.

"Well, if you say so, then I will not be polite," Kyran accepted.

Vaness nodded and looked at Malek, "It should be alright, is it not Head Master?"

"It is a partnership. This is naturally a given," Malek replied with a straight face.

Stella also nodded in agreement and looked at Vaness and Malia, "I'll let you handle the rest of providing the items Kyran would need."

"Yes, Milord." Both of them replied.

Once everyone agreed, Kyran spoke again and said, "Now that we are done discussing how to deal with the Conclave's needs, shall I tell you what I needed from you?"

The moment he said this, the whole conference hall turned silent.

Yes. Kyran had only discussed his plans to help them get what they needed from the start of the discussion, but he had not yet said what he required from them.

Knowing Kyran's current situation, they already knew that whatever he needed had something to do with his clan. And it would indeed affect the Conclave's future.

Seeing the subtle worried expression on everyone's faces, Kyran could guess what they were thinking. He sighed in his heart. Although they were willing to help him out, he knew they still feared that the Conclave's neutral status would be affected.

Today, Kyran planned to clear their doubts.

"Rest assured; I am not going to ask you to fight the Royal Army and help me save my clan. However, I will need your help in providing information. Since the army has control over the information about my family, I'm sure it will be hard to find their current status. In this case, I can only know about the army's movements and get as much information from it. I know you have ways to track their movements, especially those with high ranks."

"We do," Hugh replied.

At this point, they no longer intend to keep things from Kyran as long as the information he needed was within their bottom line.

"Sharing it with you will not be problem. As a matter of fact, we do have new information that came in just this morning," Stella added.

Kyran looked at her and nodded, "Then you can show me those later."

Stella looked at him in confusion. She prepared all the documents because she believed he would ask for them and discuss them during the meeting. But she did not expect him to act indifferent and even told her to show it to him later.

Stella always thought that Kyran would be anxious to hear as much information related to his clan. She even had her theories she wanted to share.

Still, she remained silent and did not inquire. She just let Kyran continue.

"Next, I will also need materials. Loads of it but not right now," Kyran admitted. "I'm not going to ask for it for free. I will work for it. I know having a new identity will help me go around openly. But since I am supposed to be someone affiliated with the Blacksmith Order, the places I can move will be limited. So I will take an assessment test to become a mercenary. This way I can move work outside the Order's jurisdiction using the excuse of 'out-on-a-bounty-mission'. The mission I will take of course will not be simple. I will only take missions from you. And that will be my payment for the materials I will need. If I also find rare materials along the way, I can exchange it for the things I will need."

The rest of the council nodded in agreement. It was not the first time the Conclave had employed exclusive mercenaries. However, the difference between exclusive mercenaries from the ones they usually recruited was that they only took missions from the leaders. However, they were still free to take other bounty missions. When the leaders had issued a summon, these mercenaries also had a choice not to come unless they were given proper remuneration.

"In that case, you do not have to worry about taking an assessment test," Noir said. "My fictional disciple is supposed to be a mercenary out on a mission that is why he is not in the Blacksmith Order. Currently, he is supposed to be out doing a special mission from me."

Kyran could not help but smile uneasily. Just how much did Noir hate getting a disciple to go to such an elaborated identity of his fictional disciple. He even made up a story of why he was not in the Order.

"That is good then," Kyran said.

Then he frowned a little when he thought of something. If Noir had considered this far in creating his disciple's identity, it would mean he also had an image of him.

Why did he only think of that?

Kyran cleared his throat and looked at Noir uneasily, "You didn't happen to... include an image of your 'fictional' disciple when you submitted it, did you?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. Not to worry, though, the image was supposed to be taken a long time ago. And we made it so he will not look similar to anyone. At least anyone famous," Noir replied.

"Yeah, that probably mean I won't look like him either." Kyran commented.

"That can easily be remedied, you just have to use transfiguration magic to look like him," Malia interjected.

Kyran smiled awkwardly and replied, "Yeah... transfiguration magic, huh."

"Oh!" Malia exclaimed after realizing that Kyran had only started using his magic. Aside from this, transfiguration magic was earth magic.

With the nature of Kyran's magic, would he be able to use other magic? Because as far as Malia knew, Stella could not. And both Stella and Kyran had ancient magic.

"Can a potion be made? Or maybe create a mask that can change a person's face using arrays?" Kyran suddenly asked.

His questions instantly made Malia, Avrum, Noir, and Sigma look at him dumbfoundedly.

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