Legendary Soul Art

Chapter 29 Don't Give Up

Number One was only able to curse before the giant slime collapsed at him with its full weight. His back slammed against the wall upon impact and he was drowned in the gel-like substance.


The female students exclaimed in worry and held their breaths as they watched Number One struggle to break free. He was clearly losing the battle and his lack of air only made it worse.

"It's over. He won't be able to get out on his own," Headmaster Blake said with a sigh. "He must have thought he can use his Soul Art from inside but the slime blocks any Soul Energy from getting in. He won't be able to recharge his Soul for another cast."

Headmaster Blake already figured out Number One's Soul Art and calculated how much Soul Energy he needed. Unless he had a Soul Art with a much lower cost, he couldn't escape.

"I will stop the run before it's too late," Darius decided as he rushed towards the Training Room and Headmaster Blake didn't stop him. They didn't even need to discuss it to know how important Number One was to the Academy.

What other student could survive an attack from an Inner World expert after being stabbed ten plus times?

Nami was the only one who wasn't especially worried and still believed in Number One's strength. She heard Darius approach the 50th room and questioned protectively, "Is something the matter?"

"We need to help Number One by stopping his training," Darius explained shortly as he tapped his badge to open the settings panel. "He won't be able to cast his Soul Art inside the slime. He doesn't have enough Soul Energy."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Darius stopped looking at Nami as he found the button to shut down the Soul Training Room but she suddenly approached and grabbed his arm to stop him. "Don't do it yet. He can manage on his own. Just trust him."

Darius looked at Nami's innocent eyes and then at Number One before finally holding back. "I'm giving him twenty seconds. If he can't get out at this time, I'm shutting it down."

Nami brightened and nodded confidently. "That will be enough. Thank you."

The whole ending of Number One's training didn't even cross his mind as he was busy with his dire situation. The lack of new Soul Energy threw him off but he swiftly changed his plan.

Number One started swimming towards the edge of the Slime in hopes of pushing his fingers out, but that also ended in a failure. The Slime reshaped its body each time he made any progress which made him stay in the same position. He was already running out of oxygen so that was his last effort to survive.

'I guess I'm going to sleep,' Number One thought while closing his eyes when a sudden female voice rang in his mind.

'Don't give up!'

The sweet voice of Nami snapped Number One back to life and he looked around in confusion. 'Am I hallucinating because of the slime?'

To his surprise, Nami responded to his question right away, 'You are not. I'm talking to you through the Heavenly Feathers. I have activated one of them with my Wind Element Soul Art so use it now!'

Number One lifted his arm immediately and tried again with nothing to lose. He injected all Soul Energy into his hand and the Heavenly Feathers finally responded to his call. His hand buzzed as one of the feathers lit up before all hell broke loose.

Wind exploded from his hand in all directions and the slime blew up from within. Number One only widened his eyes as he gasped for breath and fell to the ground with a thud.

[Level 1 completed. Time: 00:26.84]

The timer stopped but Number One didn't even glance at his results. He was observing the Heavenly Feathers' tattoo with an amazed expression. The sensation of being able to cast a new Soul Art was truly amazing and that wasn't even the best part. He only needed a thousand units of Soul Energy to cast it which was far cry from his main Soul Art.

'Are you okay?' Nami spoke again and Number One finally looked at her standing behind the glass. Even though he was grateful for saving him, the ability to read his thoughts was a bit excessive to his liking.

'I am fine but you didn't tell me about this feature,' Number One commented as he finally stood up. 'Since when can you hear my thoughts?'

'Since the moment I activated one of the feathers,' Nami replied innocently while her lips didn't move. 'I can tell you are worried but it's not what you think. I can only hear you when you speak in your mind and you can easily block me by cutting the Heavenly Feathers from your Soul Energy. It uses some of it to allow our communication.'

That calmed him down a little and Number One didn't hesitate to check it. The Heavenly Feathers turned out to be like leeches with direct access to his Soul Energy but they stopped draining him as soon as he took it away.

"Number One, everything alright?" Darius called out as he opened the Training Room and praised. "Well done. I almost thought you wouldn't make it but it seems like you were lying to us this whole time. You do have another ace hidden in your sleeve."

Number One glanced at Nami and replied honestly, "I actually learned it while I was trapped inside the Slime. That was the first time I used it."

"Whoa, that makes it even more impressive," Darius commented in awe and followed Number One's gaze. "It was actually Miss Nami who stopped me or else I would have stopped the session much sooner."

"I guess I should thank her then," Number One muttered but Nami shook his head.

"I should be the one apologizing for my sister's behavior. Now that she is gone, I will do whatever it takes to rebuild your trust," Nami acknowledged just before Headmaster Blake showed up to the scene.

"Miss Black has left the Academy so you don't need to worry anymore," Headmaster Blake pointed out as he gazed at the three of them. "I will take responsibility for allowing that to happen and reward you with unlimited access to the Soul Training Rooms. I know you wanted contribution points but you would use it the same way."

Number One couldn't be happier at the reward but that was still too little for the price of his death. "I had to burn two Legendary Rank Pills to save my life earlier. One to heal my heart that was pierced by Miss Black and the other to recover from the rest of the injuries. It was my master who gave them to me and now I have none."

Headmaster Blake paused as his eyes widened but Number One didn't let him ask questions. He walked up to Nami and gestured to follow him as he added, "I hope I can be reimbursed at least ten thousand contribution points for each pill. I will take a break now and wash this slime off before I continue training."

"Do you know how much is twenty thousand contribution points?" Headmaster Blake asked in shock but Number One only shrugged.

"Is it more than my life that the Academy has endangered?" Number One asked casually and finally left the room. Nami swiftly ran after him and they both walked out of the cafeteria under everyone's gaze.

They were silent the whole way back to Number One's room and Nami remained outside when he walked inside the room.

"You can come in. We need to talk," Number One invited as he held the door but Nami had a complicated expression on her face. "What happened?"

Nami smiled gently and replied to the same question he asked when he left her. "Your name is Number One. I know it now and I don't take back my words from before. I still believe you are my fated man and I want you."

Nami closed the door after her confession and walked past him into the room. "Take a shower. I will wait for you."

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