Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 117 Pierced Through The Sky

Bawang had long harbored the desire to reclaim some space before being taken aback by the submarine. Still, unfortunately, his master Liu Yong had not given permission to take any action.

However, upon questioning whether he could poke holes in the submarine, Liu Yong replied affirmatively, and Bawang couldn't resist the urge any longer.

Swimming to the side of the submarine, he brandished his giant spear and plunged it toward the hull.


The impact was immense, creating a powerful muffled sound at the bottom of the water, with sparks flying in all directions.

Unfortunately, despite the force behind the strike, the spear failed to pierce the submarine's hardened hull.

Overlord was surprised by this development, as he had never before encountered a situation where his spear did not penetrate a ship's hull. Liu Yong was also taken aback, having expected the spear to succeed as it had been.

After recovering from the surprise, Liu Yong suggested,

"Overlord, the shell of the submarine is hard. You should first remove a few pieces of the sound-absorbing tiles on the outside of the submarine, and then you should be able to pierce through it."

Following Liu Yong's advice, Overlord targeted the sound-absorbing tiles on the hull instead of directly stabbing the hull with his spear.

Removing the protection provided by the tiles, the spear could pierce through the hull with ease due to its enormous force and sharp spearhead.

Deep inside the submarine, a loud noise suddenly jolted the vessel, causing Captain O'Farrell to shout in a frenzy,

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"What's going on? What was that sound?"

"I don't know yet, sir," came the reply.

Another deafening noise followed, and the submarine shook as if in distress. Everyone on board looked around nervously, wondering what was happening.

"Quick, we need to figure out what's going on," urged O'Farrell, clearly anxious.

The submarine immediately went into a state of emergency, with rapid alarms blaring and crew members rushing to their stations.

But as they scrambled to determine the cause of the commotion, they were met with yet another unsettling movement outside the vessel, accompanied by a loud noise.

Armed with its giant spear, the Overlord was already at work, removing the sound-absorbing tiles from the submarine's hull.

Bawang told his master, "Master, I think we've removed enough of the tiles."

Liu Yong nodded and gave the go-ahead for the Overlord to strike the hull with its giant spear. With a tremendous effort, the Overlord plunged the spear into the submarine, its sheer power penetrating the hull.

The sound of the impact was deafening, as the 20-meter-long spear went at least 5 meters deep into the hull. Without waiting for orders, the Overlord struck again, this time sinking the spear 8 or 9 meters deep.

Panic spread through the submarine as the crew realized the severity of the damage.

"Our submarine is broken, and seawater is pouring in. We're finished!" someone reported in horror.

Some soldiers began to cry as the seawater rushed in, and O'Farrell shouted frantically, "Close the airtight hatch! Float up! Float up!" But it was too late.

The giant spear had caused irreparable damage, poking several holes in the hull at a depth of over 200 meters.

The pressure from the seawater was too great, and the submarine was overwhelmed.

The crew could only listen to the blaring sirens and the rush of water as their vessel sank. It was over.

As the strategic-class nuclear submarine slowly sank toward the seabed, its speed accelerated with the infusion of seawater. Despite the increasing depth, Liu Yong, observing from a third-party perspective, felt an inexplicable sense of relief upon seeing the submarine's descent.

"Friends come with wine, enemies come with shotguns!" Liu Yong muttered to himself. "Who told you to loiter around our territory? Well, now you've sunk straight to the bottom of the sea."

The situation was chaos, and the sinking of the submarine only added to it. One of their Oh-class strategic nuclear submarines had sunk near Yan Kingdom's territorial waters. Was it possible that Yan Kingdom was behind this?

"Damn it, why did this happen?" exclaimed one of the commanders. "Report this to the General Staff and find out immediately what's going on."

As the tension mounted, the Overlord pierced the sky, signaling the start of a new phase in the conflict.

The sinking of an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine was a significant blow to the military capabilities of country M.

With only 14 submarines of this kind in the entire country, the loss was substantial and had ramifications that would be felt for years to come.

As news of the sinking spread, military officials quickly gathered to discuss the situation. This was considered the most important event in decades, and there was a sense of urgency and anxiety in the air.

"Sir, an Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine has sunk!" one of the officials exclaimed.

The news quickly reached the president of country M, who ordered an emergency meeting with top military officials.

"What happened? Was it an attack by the enemy?" the president asked.

"We are not sure yet, but we suspect it might have been Yan Kingdom," replied another official.

The thought of an attack by their enemy was alarming. The Yan Kingdom was known for its aggression and desire to expand its power.

The possibility of them targeting one of country M's most potent weapons was deeply concerning.

A group of crews was dispatched to investigate the situation.

"Go to the bottom of the sea to see the situation of that submarine," ordered the president.

"No problem, sir," One of the military officers responded.

The tension in the meeting room was palpable as everyone waited for news.

They knew that the outcome of this investigation could have far-reaching consequences for the safety and security of their country.

Upon reaching the bottom of the sea, the crew saw the submarine in a sorry state. The hull was riddled with holes, and the inside was filled with seawater. Dozens of soldiers from country M had lost their lives in the tragedy.

"My God, it's a disaster!" exclaimed one of the officials in the meeting. The sinking of such a powerful weapon significantly lost the country's military capabilities.

Liu Yong, however, saw an opportunity to profit from the situation.

"If we can get this submarine back, we will be rewarded handsomely," he thought to himself.

However, the reality was that their crew needed help moving the massive submarine. "What a pity!" lamented Liu Yong.

The missed opportunity was a harsh reminder of the limitations of their military capabilities.

Despite their disappointment, the sinking of the Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine represented a significant loss for country M's military capabilities.

"The country would have to adapt and find new ways to maintain its power in the ongoing conflict."

The official said in a sad tone with a feeling of great sorrow and pain.


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