Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 217 Counter—Attack!

The Overlord had successfully established its temporary residence, where it could enjoy a peaceful slumber. As it awakened from a restful sleep in its new abode, a pang of hunger reminded it of the deep-sea delicacy that had captivated its thoughts.

The deep-sea white strange fish was an exquisite treat, and the Overlord had gone to great lengths to ensure its frequent indulgence in this delicacy. The Overlord had constructed a temporary residence close to the magnificent trench where these fish resided.

Filled with energy and armed with a colossal 50-meter-long spear, the Overlord embarked on its journey towards the vast trench, which lay a mere hundred nautical miles away. Within half an hour, it reached the summit of the trench, ready to plunge into the deep sea.

As the Overlord ventured deeper into the abyss, the surroundings grew progressively darker, and the temperature plummeted. The absence of light rendered the Overlord unable to discern its fingers. 

However, with its exceptional senses, it could perceive everything within a radius of 500 meters, effortlessly detecting any marine life entering its domain.

The Overlord's pace noticeably slowed at a depth of over 2,000 meters. Proceeding cautiously, it descended into the seemingly bottomless trench, where darkness and coldness reigned supreme. Undeterred, the Overlord persisted in its quest for the delectable prey that awaited—a colossal white strange fish.

Suddenly, the Overlord's senses detected a breathtaking sight on the edge of its perception—a massive white strange fish. This creature surpassed the previous one in size, measuring over forty meters in length.

Its enormous head dominated one-third of its body, equipped with many sharp, formidable teeth.

The sight was both fearsome and majestic, leaving no doubt about the creature's formidable combat prowess. It dwarfed the Overlord in size, estimated to weigh around 200 tons. This revelation shattered the Overlord's preconceived notions, as it realized that the previously encountered strange white fish, measuring a mere ten meters in length and weighing twenty to thirty tons, was merely juvenile. 

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The creature before it was a fully-grown adult—an awe-inspiring specimen.

The Overlord hesitated momentarily, contemplating the odds of victory. Should it engage in a confrontation with such a massive adversary? Regrettably, the white fish had already sensed the Overlord's presence.

With a flick of its tail, it swiftly closed the distance, perceiving the Overlord as an intruder—a potential source of sustenance it had never encountered before.

Within the blink of an eye, the massive creature covered a distance of 500 meters, leaving the Overlord with no choice but to evade its initial attack.

Retreating rapidly, the Overlord maintained a safe distance of two to three hundred meters, ever watchful of its colossal adversary.

Undeterred by the initial setback, the white monster fish lunged again, jaws wide open, seeking to crush the Overlord in a single bite. Fueled by determination, the Overlord retaliated, brandishing its mighty 50-meter-long spear. This formidable weapon had proven its effectiveness in the past. Would it deliver the same outcome this time?

With a resounding impact, the giant spear struck its target. However, the Overlord was taken aback when it realized that the spearhead had not fully penetrated the creature's head. The head of the white fish exhibited an extraordinary level of durability. 

Astonished, the Overlord speculated whether the hardness of the white fish's head increased with its size.

The colossal white fish, measuring over 40 meters long and weighing more than 200 tons, challenged the Overlord's preconceptions. 

Enraged by the failed attack, the white monster fish suddenly acted aggressively. It became ferocious, unleashing its fury upon the Overlord.

With a forceful sweep of its tail, it aimed to strike a devastating blow.

Startled, the Overlord swiftly reacted, evading the assault by a hair's breadth. 

The colossal tail of the white monster fish narrowly missed its mark, grazing past the Overlord. Recognizing the formidable nature of its adversary, the Overlord muttered under its breath, acknowledging the challenge it faced.

Leveraging its speed, the Overlord created distance between itself and the white monster fish, adopting a cautious stance. It sought an opportune moment to strike back.

Should it daringly sprint towards the creature's gaping maw or focus its attack on its vulnerable body? Despite the fish's scales being as large as washbasins, the Overlord believed its giant spear could pierce through.

After mere seconds of tense confrontation, the white monster fish moved again. The Overlord skillfully evaded the attack, sidestepping the creature's charge. 

Determined, the Overlord seized the perfect moment to retaliate. Instead of escaping this time, it propelled itself forward, and its spear pointed directly at the fish's massive body.

The Overlord executed the sprint with remarkable speed, akin to a shadow gliding through the depths. The fish attempted to evade the impending strike but underestimated the Overlord's speed and agility. The giant spear forcefully impaled the creature's body, driven by immense strength. The impact resounded with a muffled thud.

[ " Boom! " ]

The giant spear pierced the fish and nearly impaled it entirely. The white monster fish suffered severe injuries, its life rapidly fading. In a final act of desperation, it snapped its jaws in a vicious attempt to attack the Overlord.

Realizing the imminent danger, the Overlord swiftly withdrew its spear, evading the final counterattack. Regrettably, the monster's attempt to retaliate before meeting its demise proved futile. Gradually, its life force waned, and it sank deeper into the trench.

Refusing to let its hard-earned prize slip away, the Overlord chased after the sinking fish. With one mighty front paw, it seized the colossal white creature, exceeding its weight, and began swimming towards the surface.

A sense of satisfaction enveloped the Overlord's thoughts as it swam upstream. It revelled in the triumph of its battle with the formidable white monster fish, recognizing that this substantial catch would provide enough sustenance for several days.

[ " Now, I can sleep soundly and enjoy nearby adventures once I'm satiated. These days have been quite favourable, " ] the Overlord contemplated with contentment. 

With the massive white fish weighing more than itself, the Overlord embarked on a forty to fifty-minute journey, traversing over a hundred nautical miles back to its temporary residence.

Upon reaching its destination, the Overlord carefully placed the immense white strange fish on the flat ground outside the cave. The giant spear remained embedded in the creature's body, a testament to the intense battle unfolding.

Ravenous, the Overlord gazed upon the delectable feast before it. Saliva almost trickled from its mouth as it eagerly opened wide, taking a voracious bite. With each mouthful, it devoured thousands of pounds of fish meat, savouring the exquisite flavour.

Amidst its feast, a familiar voice echoed within the Overlord's mind—Liu Yong's voice. [ " Bawang, you've truly outdone yourself. Where did you acquire such a colossal white strange fish? " ]

Proudly, the Overlord responded, [ " Master, I acquired this colossal white strange fish from the depths of the big trench located more than a hundred miles away. It put up quite a fight, but I managed to prevail and bring it back for our enjoyment. " ]

Liu Yong's voice resonated excitedly as he replied, [ " Well done, Bawang! This is even better than I had anticipated. A strange white fish of this magnitude will surely yield an abundance of valuable resources, including the precious fat within its stomach. " ]

The Overlord, pleased with its accomplishment, couldn't help but bask in the praise. 

[ " Master, what do you have in mind for the resources extracted from this creature? Should I bring them to you directly? " ] the Overlord inquired eagerly.


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