Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 292 Huh! Only Three ?

By displaying exceptional agility, Liu Yong swiftly took the lead and found himself on the outskirts of the town within moments. The armed personnel there finally caught sight of Liu Yong's presence and unleashed a barrage of gunfire towards him.

The loud sound of machine guns reverberated through the air as bullets rained down upon Liu Yong. Astonishingly, the projectiles seemed to have no effect on him, despite the sheer volume of fire unleashed. Unfazed, Liu Yong pressed forward relentlessly, closing the distance from 700 to 800 meters down to a mere 200 meters.

Horror-stricken, some of the armed men watched in disbelief, unable to comprehend how their bullets failed to impede Liu Yong's advance. "Is he immortal?" they murmured, mouths agape, as they witnessed the seemingly invincible figure drawing nearer.

On a small hill nearby, Giles and his companions wore expressions of bewilderment. They struggled to fathom why Liu Yong remained unscathed while the enemy's machine guns unleashed a torrent of violence.

A black-clad mercenary next to Giles slapped himself twice, his face stinging with a burning sensation. The pain assured him that this was no dream; his vision was clear. Liu Yong continued his relentless approach, firing his weapon as he charged forward. The sound of gunfire reverberated through the air as Liu Yong skillfully wielded his assault rifle.

Employing burst fire, Liu Yong efficiently neutralized one or two militants with each shot, causing the two machine guns stationed on the outskirts of the town to malfunction rapidly.

Before long, Kang Zhenggang and He Qiang joined Liu Yong, their excitement palpable. Evidently, the enhanced version of the genetic medicine they had taken had transformed them into superhuman beings. Their speed and reflexes had skyrocketed, and their hands became remarkably agile. Their shooting accuracy had also improved significantly, akin to that of seasoned sharpshooters.

Leading the charge, Liu Yong was the first to storm into the town, closely followed by Kang Zhenggang and the others. Finally grasping the situation, Giles and his comrades comprehended why the intrepid trio dared to attack the town of Turki in broad daylight. They possessed an absolute strength that rendered investigations and tactics unnecessary. Instead, they could boldly and straightforwardly launch their assault, irrespective of the nearly two hundred armed personnel opposing them.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"This group of people is finished," Giles muttered to himself. "Rhodes Armed Forces truly should not have provoked the Global Shipping Group. The price they will pay for this recklessness shall be heavy."

"Let's go," Giles commanded, observing Liu Yong and the others vanish into the heart of the town. Though the cacophony of gunfire persisted, drowning the air in a symphony of destruction, Giles led his two mercenaries closer, positioning themselves about two to three hundred meters away. They sought cover and waited, keenly aware of the ruthless carnage unfolding inside.

The intensity of gunfire intensified, transforming into an overwhelming massacre as militants within the town fell one after another. Giles' information was accurate; the enigmatic Alfred truly resided in this place. Furthermore, several subordinate leaders harboured plans to hijack a merchant ship through armed force in the Arabian Sea.

While they were discussing these nefarious intentions within a room, the abrupt eruption of ferocious gunfire shattered the air. Startled by the dense and intense sounds of battle, Alfred's heart skipped a beat, suspecting that they were under attack from the special forces of Country M. He immediately voiced his concern in a grave tone, demanding an explanation for the unforeseen turn of events.

"How did this happen?" he questioned anxiously.

Swiftly, a subordinate leader rushed in to report, "Boss, three individuals are assaulting us, but we are eliminating them."

"Only three people?" Alfred queried, his anxiety somewhat assuaged. After all, he commanded a force of nearly two hundred armed men. It seemed clear that victory was inevitable.

However, his assurance wavered as another leader burst into the room in a state of disarray. "Head, we must retreat immediately! We are unable to halt the enemy's advance in any way!"

"What?" Alfred exclaimed incredulously. "Weren't there only three people on their side? We have nearly two hundred!"

Baffled, Alfred's attention was swiftly drawn back to the gunshots resounding perilously close. Realizing the battle had approached their doorstep, he grasped the situation's urgency. "Let's go!" he ordered urgently, understanding the need for an immediate departure.

Without comprehending how their assailants had arrived at their location with such astonishing speed, Alfred and his men hastily rose from their positions, some even abandoning their weapons. However, before they could make their escape, a gunshot echoed at the door, and in an instant, it was kicked open.

With a resounding thud, the fairly sturdy wooden door splintered, sending sawdust flying. Two individuals strode in, assault rifles poised and ready. A burst of gunfire ensued, decimating the room's occupants. What was once a group of a dozen individuals, including Alfred himself, was reduced to less than half within moments.

"Nobody move!" one of the intruders commanded in Chinese. Although the language was unfamiliar to most, the sight of the black gun muzzles made their intentions clear. In unison, the survivors obediently raised their hands, understanding the difficult situation they found themselves in.

Liu Yong and Kang Zhenggang, armed with assault rifles, were the intruders who had breached the room. He Qiang remained outside, standing guard. Amidst the tense silence, one of the subordinate leaders harboured a shred of disbelief and quietly attempted to reach for his gun. Before his hand could even make contact, Kang Zhenggang swiftly fired, and the defiant leader crumpled to the ground instantaneously, a lifeless heap.

Other individuals, including Alfred, dared not make a move. Adopting an air of nonchalance, Liu Yong strolled over and casually sat on one of the chairs. In English, he inquired, "Who is Alfred?"

Summoning his courage, Alfred responded, "I am. And who might you be?"

Liu Yong placed his gun on the table, crossed his legs, and replied, "I am the boss of the Global Shipping Group. You kidnapped two of our crew members and extorted $50 million from us."

Recognition dawned upon Alfred as he realized the young man's identity before him, none other than the influential leader of the Global Shipping Group. Overwhelmed by the swiftness with which the kidnappers had been neutralized, Alfred's countenance soured. With Liu Yong's black muzzle aimed at him and the knowledge that all of his armed personnel outside had been swiftly dispatched, Alfred's heart sank.

"What do you want?" Alfred asked, his voice strained.

Nonchalantly, Liu Yong picked up a teacup from the table and hurled it, striking its intended target—a subordinate leader—square in the head. The resulting impact resembled a watermelon explosion, scattering crimson and white fragments across the ground as the unfortunate man's skull was pulverized.

The casual manner in which Liu Yong dispatched his adversaries left Alfred bewildered. After all, he, too, feared death. Those rare individuals on television who embraced death fearlessly, hailing the glory of their demise, were but a minority. Faced with the spectre of mortality, Alfred could not embody such audacity.

Struggling to find his voice, Alfred proposed, "How about we apologize and compensate you financially?"

Liu Yong retorted, "Compensate us? How much can you afford?"

Quickly formulating a response, Alfred offered, "We can double the original amount and pay $100 million."

Yet another teacup hurtled through the air, and the head of another subordinate leader was blown apart.

Liu Yong stated matter-of-factly, "A mere $100 million will be enough to ensure our departure. I've heard that the Rhodes Armed Forces are quite wealthy and control several significant oil fields."

Caught off guard, Alfred blurted out, "We will pay $200 million, double that amount! We can pay $200 million."

Once again, Liu Yong reached for a teacup on the table, causing Alfred to interject, "No, $500 million hastily! We can pay $500 million!"

The cup left Liu Yong's hand again, resulting in the instant demise of yet another subordinate leader.

Looking sad, Alfred pleaded, "How much do you want us to pay? Name your price."


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