Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 342 Lost Engines ?

In the opulent office of the president, Mordegavin sat on his boss's chair, pondering over the mysterious disappearance of four lithography machines that had fallen into the sea. As the weight of ordering four more machines burdened his mind, Mordegavin couldn't shake off the discomfort that came with their exorbitant price tags. The baffling question lingered: Where had those machines vanished? Could the search efforts have overlooked certain areas?

With furrowed brows, Mordegavin found solace in the flickering flame of his lit cigar. The rhythmic knock on his door interrupted his contemplation, prompting him to call, "Come in."

The door swung open, revealing Ernesta, one of the high-ranking personnel within the company. Ernesta had spearheaded the search operations for Nibik Semiconductor Company two months ago when a transport plane carrying the precious photolithography machines crashed.

Curiosity etched on his face, Mordegavin extinguished his cigar and asked, "What brings you here? Is there something urgent?"

Ernesta, wearing an air of mystery, closed the door gently before delivering his report, "President, I've received news about the establishment of a chip foundry company in Yanguo. It boasts a staggering registered capital of 15 billion yuan."

Mordegavin's interest was piqued as he responded, "Oh, really? Tell me more."

Ernesta continued, "That's not all. This company, known as Global Semiconductor Corporation, is currently constructing two massive factories. What's even more astonishing is that they possess both 5-nanometer and 8-nanometer photolithography machines."

A wave of disbelief washed over Mordegavin as he exclaimed, "Do they really have 5nm and 8nm lithography machines?"

Caught off guard by this revelation, Mordegavin sprang up from his chair, unable to fathom such a possibility. While he could imagine Yanguo potentially achieving independent design and manufacturing capabilities for lithography machines in the realm of 20nm or higher, the idea of them possessing 5nm and 8nm machines seemed implausible due to the sanctions restricting imports of such advanced technology.

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"I find it hard to believe," Mordegavin muttered aloud. "How could they possibly possess such advanced lithography machines?"

Ernesta, however, provided a glimmer of evidence, saying, "President, I initially had my doubts too. So I conducted an extensive investigation, and it appears highly likely that they do possess these lithography machines."

The weight of the information settled upon Mordegavin, making him silent momentarily. After what seemed like an eternity, he finally spoke, "How could they have obtained those lithography machines? Where did they come from?"

Ernesta posited his theory, "President, that's precisely why I suspect the four lithography machines we lost might have ended up in the hands of Universal Semiconductor."

Mordegavin pondered briefly before responding slowly, "That possibility does exist, but without concrete evidence, it remains a mere conjecture."

Ernesta said, "We may lack definitive proof, but considering our missing lithography machines and their possession of 5nm and 8nm machines, the coincidence is too glaring to ignore."

Mordegavin acknowledged the validity of Ernesta's argument but couldn't shake off his reservations. "You make a valid point, but until we have solid evidence, we're treading on thin ice."

Undeterred, Ernesta proposed, "President, what if I personally visit Universal Semiconductor on behalf of our company and request the return of our lithography machines? How about giving it a try?"I think you should take a look at

Mordegavin fell silent once again, contemplating the proposition. After much contemplation, he finally responded, "Let's give it a shot. However, we must remain realistic. Even if they do have our four lithography machines, I doubt they will willingly return them."

Mordegavin tempered his expectations, aware that their chances of reclaiming the lost machines were slim. However, Ernesta exuded confidence, determined to travel to Yan Kingdom and approach Universal Semiconductor Corporation personally, demanding the return of the four lithography machines.

Meanwhile, a formidable presence emerged in the vast expanse of the North Pacific Ocean—Bawang. Its primary objective was to grow, striving to reach a monumental weight of 1000 tons or perhaps even surpass that milestone.

Days were consumed with the ceaseless pursuit of sustenance. The enormous fish weighing hundreds to thousands of pounds, merely served as snacks, barely enough to satiate Bawang's colossal appetite. It devoured hundreds of fish to meet its dietary requirements, a testament to its massive size.

Bawang propelled itself northward through the ocean depths, devouring various prey along its journey. It encountered massive sharks, including the elusive whale sharks and whales themselves. Now in the high latitudes, where the seawater turned noticeably colder, Bawang halted its northward trajectory, content to roam within this realm.

After traversing hundreds of miles, Bawang was drawn to a desolate island on the horizon. The island, composed entirely of bare rocks without a single trace of vegetation, served as an unexpected gathering place for countless walruses—tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

The stench emanating from the island was overpowering, even from a distance. However, Bawang's disappointment overcame its curiosity, driving it back underwater, away from the unpleasant odour. Close to the island's waters, many walruses engaged in playful activities, hunting, and breeding, while great white sharks and killer whales lurked nearby, preying upon the walruses.

Annoyed by the interlopers, Bawang felt a possessive rage bubbling within. Those walruses were rightfully its prey, and no great white shark or killer whale should dare infringe upon them. With its immense size, Bawang could feast on the abundance of walruses, likely surpassing the astonishing count of over 100,000.

Spotting a nearby killer whale, Bawang charged forward, seizing the opportunity for a satisfying meal. As it devoured the massive whale, weighing around six or seven tons, Bawang found the taste to be tolerable, but its appetite yearned for the delectable walruses it had missed.

While Bawang had consumed a few killer whales in the past, the encounters were infrequent. It couldn't help but reminisce about the delectable flavour of the walruses, now a distant memory. Determined to fulfil its desire, Bawang swam onward, eliciting avoidance from the great white sharks, killer whales, and other predators that patrolled the vicinity.

Before it, a group of walruses emerged, the largest among them weighing a remarkable four or five tons. Plump and enticing, they presented an irresistible feast for Bawang. In a swift motion, Bawang lunged forward, capturing the largest walrus in its powerful jaws, savouring each bite.

Meanwhile, at the Global Shipping Group headquarters, Hu Shijun entered Liu Yong's office, bearing news of a foreign visitor named Ernesta claiming to be an executive from Nibik Company. The mention of Nibik Semiconductor Company caught Liu Yong's attention, as he knew the company's prowess in chip manufacturing.

Liu Yong responded calmly, "Allow him to come in. I would like to hear what he has to say."

Recognizing Nibik Semiconductor Company as a formidable competitor, Liu Yong suspected that Ernesta's visit was not for the purpose of cooperation. Hu Shijun concurred, suggesting that their meeting would likely involve a contentious matter rather than a potential partnership.

Liu Yong pondered the possible motives behind Ernesta's visit and began to connect the dots. The sudden appearance of Ernesta and the mention of Nibik Semiconductor Company coincided with the mysterious disappearance of their four lithography machines. A realization dawned on Liu Yong, leading him to believe that Ernesta's intention might be related to the lost equipment.

Contemplating the situation, Liu Yong anticipated Ernesta's arrival and the inevitable discussion that would follow. The fate of the missing lithography machines hung in the balance, and Liu Yong braced himself for the potential revelations that awaited them.

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