Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 347 What! Grey-Black ?

Overlord stood in utter bewilderment, rooted to the spot. Its confusion lingered for several seconds before he mustered the courage to swim deeper into the depths, descending several hundred meters. The location had already surpassed the depth of 5,800 meters.

But still, no sign of the giant octopus could be found.

Bawang, taken aback, communicated with Liu Yong, "Master, it seems like the giant octopus in this enormous cavity has vanished."

Liu Yong promptly activated the third-party vision, catching sight of Overlord in the massive cave and surveying the situation within.

Previously, there had been several giant octopuses within this vast hole. Overlord had slain a few, yet at least three or four more had now seemingly vanished.

"Overlord, there truly are no giant octopuses in sight. It's likely they have all fled," Liu Yong deduced.

Overlords joined the hunt one by one, causing the remaining giant octopuses to become startled and potentially flee.

Hearing this, Overlord's spirits dampened momentarily.

Liu Yong consoled him, saying, "Don't lose heart. I suspect they can't have gone far. Perhaps they sought refuge in a nearby trench."

These giant octopuses were a mutated species accustomed to depths exceeding 5,000 meters. Once they escaped from this massive cavity, the outside seabed plains only descended to a depth of 3,000 meters, an environment unsuitable for long-term survival.

Liu Yong speculated that they would likely seek refuge in the nearest trench. Furthermore, he entertained that these giant octopuses might have originally inhabited a nearby canal, venturing out temporarily and entering this big cavity.

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After all, octopuses were known to be drawn to crevices and similar formations. Discovering this immense cavity, they likely decided to take temporary shelter there.

Having listened to Liu Yong's analysis and comforting words, Overlord's mood improved slightly. "Master, in that case, I will search the surroundings and hopefully find the nearby trench."

Liu Yong replied, "Yes, but before that, you have another task. I have already examined the bottom of this colossal hole. You should explore it as well."

Following Liu Yong's instructions, Overlord continued his descent and eventually reached the bottom of the immense cavity.

The depth of the hole measured approximately 6,500 meters. However, unlike the unfathomable depths of the three giant cavities in the North Atlantic Ocean, this one ceased descending for reasons unknown.

The bottom of the cavity appeared relatively flat, which Liu Yong could observe clearly through the third-party vision.

There, at the flat bottom, something peculiar caught their attention.

Apart from ordinary stones, there were several grey-black stones of varying sizes. The larger ones reached several meters in length, weighing dozens of tons, while the smaller ones were mere fist-sized.

Liu Yong pondered whether the giant octopuses collected these grey-black stones. After all, certain octopuses were known to gather items they found appealing.

The grey-black stones differed from ordinary rocks in their appearance. Were they a particular kind of ore, or had the giant octopuses merely collected them for their aesthetic appeal?

Liu Yong scrutinized these grey-black stones through the lens of the third-party vision. At the same time, Overlord, holding a giant spear, curiously knocked and prodded the surroundings within the massive cavity.

Liu Yong adjusted the visual angle, zooming in on one specific area, and closely examined one of the gray-black stones. The more he observed it, the more convinced he became that they were no ordinary rocks.

However, as the view was limited to the third-party vision, the stone's clarity was not as precise as it was right before him.

After a brief contemplation, Liu Yong ordered, "Overlord, do you see those gray stones? Retrieve a few small ones and bring them to the seaside for me. I want to examine their composition."

Overlord readily agreed, "Certainly, no problem."I think you should take a look at

Following Liu Yong's instructions, Overlord randomly selected two or three pieces, the smallest of which was still over a meter in size.

Visually estimating the weight, even the smallest stone seemed to weigh several tons. Although Overlord considered it small, Liu Yong considered it rather large.

"You don't need them to be that big, choose smaller ones," Liu Yong reminded.

In the end, Overlord chose two or three stones about the size of a washbasin and one that was half that size.

"Master, how about these?" Overlord inquired.

Liu Yong nodded approvingly, "Yes, those will do. Bring them to me and meet me near Huahai City."

It was crucial not to take them to the seaside warehouse. Firstly, Overlord's size would make navigating the narrow warehouse aisles challenging. Secondly, the warehouse housed several lithography machines, and strict security measures were in place to protect them. Exposing Overlord's existence to the warehouse staff would be unfavourable.

It was best to select a secluded spot along the coast near Huahai City. Overlord took the stones and departed from the massive cave. Once outside the cave, he positioned himself a few hundred meters below the water's surface before rapidly propelling.

When Liu Yong awoke the following morning, he heard Overlord's voice resounding, "Master, I am nearly reaching Huahai City."

Overlord's speed was extraordinary, swiftly covering thousands of nautical miles in just over ten hours.

Liu Yong replied, "Great, I will head to the beach immediately. You can place the stones in the sea, no need to come ashore."

Ideally, the stones should be deposited at a depth of over ten meters near the seashore. Venturing onto the beach in broad daylight risked alarming onlookers if someone were to stumble upon the scene.

Liu Yong called, instructing Chen Hu to drive a large G off-road vehicle. He then proceeded to get ready, washing up and having breakfast before leaving the house.

Chen Hu had already arrived and was waiting by the gate of the grand villa. As Liu Yong stepped outside, Chen Hu promptly opened the car door. Once Liu Yong settled inside, Chen Hu returned to the driver's seat. However, there was no passenger in the co-pilot seat.

This arrangement was at Liu Yong's behest, as the matter involved critical information known only to Chen Hu. Liu Yong preferred that others remain unaware.

After getting into the car, Liu Yong indicated their destination, and Chen Hu began driving.

Although the chosen location was a bit distant, necessitating a longer journey, it offered solitude, devoid of the bustling crowds in closer locales.

After driving for about an hour and a half, the off-road vehicle arrived at the seaside. Liu Yong alighted from the car, removing his outer clothes and donning a pair of swimming shorts in preparation for entering the water.

Observing this, Chen Hu hurriedly said, "Boss, allow me to handle it."

Liu Yong replied, "You wait in the car."

He walked toward the sea and swiftly disappeared beneath the surface. Liu Yong alone knew the precise location of the stones, making it easier for him to retrieve them personally and transport them back quickly.

Within three or four minutes, Liu Yong emerged from the sea, holding two gray-black stones the size of washbasins. He called Chen Hu, "Place the stones in the car."

Chen Hu promptly approached and took a stone in each hand, carefully setting them in the vehicle. Meanwhile, Liu Yong returned to the water to retrieve two more grey rocks, one large and one small.

As Chen Hu placed the stones in the car trunk, he examined them closely and began to sense that they were far from ordinary. Their appearance and texture seemed to distinguish them from regular stones.


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